Knowledge Graphs
Center of Excellence for Geospatial Information Science (CEGIS)
Knowledge graphs are infrastructure technology to link and translate information using data and by forming logical relations among them to handle complex relationships and queries.
A graph can represent semantic information that enables linking to other networks, making computations about complex relationships and responding to queries more interoperable.
Knowledge networks
Knowledge graphs are networks of data, patterns, and rules that represent the relationships between real-world entities and can respond to queries.
An open knowledge network is information infrastructure for use cases connected by data fabric.
Query use cases
Computing graph-based queries involve multiple relations across hierarchies of data. Queries are closely associated with questions using language.
This project develops query use case approach using a grammar ontology. Queries focus on topographic information of diverse thematic types.
Semantic graphs
Semantic graphs automatically establish meaningful links between independent resources to find similar properties, incorporate metadata, or integrate a range of database formats.
Typical semantic modules include ontology, glossary, taxonomy, and data schema.