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These publications are written or co-authored by Central Midwest Water Science Center personnel in conjuction with their work at the USGS and other government agencies.  They include USGS reports, journal articles, conference proceedings, and published abstracts that  are available in the USGS Publications  Warehouse.

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A summary of water-resources activities of the U.S. Geological Survey in Iowa, fiscal year 1992

Water-resources activities of the U.S. Geological Survey in Iowa consist of collecting hydrologic data and conducting interpretive studies. Hydrologic investigations in Iowa are made through three basic types of projects: (1) hydrologic data-collection programs; (2) local or areal studies; and (3) statewide or regional investigations. These projects are funded through cooperative joint-funding agr

A reconnaissance study of herbicides and their metabolites in surface water of the midwestern united states using immunoassay and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry

Preemergent herbicides and their metabolites, particularly atrazine, deethylatrazine, and metolachlor, persisted from 1989 to 1990 in the majority of rivers and streams in the midwestern United States. In spring, after the application of herbicides, the concentrations of atrazine, alachlor, and simazine were frequently 3-10 times greater than the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency maximum contam
E. Michael Thurman, D. A. Goolsby, M. T. Meyer, M. S. Mills, M.L. Pomes, Dana W. Kolpin

Hydrologic data for the Big Spring basin, Clayton County, Iowa, water year 1990

Hydrologic data were collected in the Big Spring basin located in Clayton County, Iowa, during the 1990 water year. The data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey Bureau, to provide information on variation and movement of agricultural chemicals in the hydrologic cycle in the basin. Precipitation, surface-water,
Stephen J. Kalkhoff, R.L. Kuzniar, D. Kolpin, C.A. Harvey

Evaluation of selected methods for determining streamflow during periods of ice effect

Seventeen methods for estimating ice-affected streamflow are evaluated for potential use with the U.S. Geological Survey streamflow-gaging station network. The methods evaluated were identified by written responses from U.S. Geological Survey field offices and by a comprehensive literature search. The methods selected and techniques used for applying the methods are described in this report. The m
Norwood B. Melcher, J.F. Walker

Herbicide transport in rivers: Importance of hydrology and geochemistry in nonpoint-source contamination

Alachlor, atrazine, cyanazine, metolachlor, and metribuzin were measured at six sites during 1984 and 1985 in large subbasins within the Cedar River, IA. A computer model separated the Cedar River discharge hydrograph into groundwater and overland-flow components. The concentration of herbicides in the river when groundwater was the major flow component was less than 1.0 μg/L and averaged 0.2 μg/L
P. J. Squillace, E.M. Thurman

Work plan for regional reconnaissance for selected herbicides and nitrate in ground water of the mid-continent United States, 1991

An approach was developed to obtain a consistent, regional distribution of herbicide and nitrate data from near-surface aquifers in the corn and soybean producing region of the mid-continent. Near-surface aquifers are defined as those with the top of aquifer material within 50 feet of land surface, regardless of whether the material is saturated or unsaturated. Three hundred wells will be selected
D.W. Kolpin, M. R. Burkart

Hydrologic data for the Big Spring basin, Clayton County, Iowa; water year 1989

Hydrologic data were collected in the Big Spring Basin located in Clayton County, Iowa, during the 1989 water year. The data were collected in cooperation with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey Bureau, to provide information on variation and movement of agricultural chemicals in the hydrologic cycle in the Big Spring Basin. Precipitation, stream, and ground-water data wer
S. J. Kalkhoff, R.L. Kuzniar

Analysis of the ground-water flow system, geochemistry, and underseepage in the vicinity of the Red Rock Dam near Pella, Iowa

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers operates the Red Rock Dam on the Des Moines River in Marion County, Iowa. The dam consists of a gravity concrete control structure between two earthen embankments and has an impoundment storage capacity of 1,700,000 acre-feet. Since the impoundment of Lake Red Rock commenced during 1969, water seepage beneath the dam has been significant enough to cause continuing
K.J. Lucey
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