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Earth Observing 1: Image Previews

All EO-1 data product images should be previewed prior to download to examine the level of cloud cover and the extent of the coverage area.

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Browse images of all available scenes may be viewed by searching Earth Explorer or GloVis.

Each Advanced Land Imager (ALI) browse image is generated from Level 1 data and is displayed as an 4,3,1 (RGB) band combination, where each band is linearly stretched between the 1% and 97% histogram values. The data are also reduced by a factor of 8 in each direction and the jpeg image is compressed to a 75% quality.

Each Hyperion browse image is created from the Level 0 (raw) data and is displayed as an RGB (40:31:13) band combination. Hyperion browse images have had the dark calibration subtracted and the gains have been applied. Each band is linearly stretched between the 1% and 97% histogram values. The data are also scaled from 12 bits to 8 bits. Finally, the data are reduced by a factor of 4 in each direction and jpeg compressed to a 75% quality.

**A few single band browse images for Hyperion were created from the Level 0 (raw) data. These browse images may contain vertical lines and have zero data values from sensor artifacts. Note: Level 1 processing corrects this anomaly. Hyperion browse images are the monochromatic from VNIR band 40. Each band is linearly stretched between the 1% and 97% histogram values. The data is also reduced by a factor of 4 in each direction and jpeg compressed to a 75% quality.

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