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Eyes on Earth Episode 24 – Wildfire Risk to Communities

Eyes on Earth is a podcast on remote sensing, Earth observation, land change and science, brought to you by the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center. In this episode, we hear about a national wildfire risk tool built using satellite-derived mapping data produced at EROS.

Color photo of a fire and Frank Fay with the Eyes on Earth podcast logo
Frank Fay

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Summary: The U.S. has plenty of data on wildfire risk. There are local and regional risk assessments, complex datasets like LANDFIRE and tracking tools like the EROS Fire Danger Monitor, as well as a host of resources and research projects devoted to the subject. But much of that information is steeped in the language of fire science and difficult to comprehend for those outside it. In this episode, we hear from Frank Fay of the USDA Forest Service, who describes a new website that represents the first national tool on wildfire risk designed with communities and the general public in mind. The tool was built with data from the LANDFIRE program and numerous other sources, and offers a window into fire risk for every community in the U.S.

Guests: Frank Fay, USDA Forest Service

Host: John Hult

Producer: John Hult

Release date: May 4, 2020

More on wildfire risk

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