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Eyes on Earth Episode 25 - Rising Seas

Eyes on Earth is a podcast on remote sensing, Earth observation, land change and science, brought to you by the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center. In this episode, we hear about how EROS scientists map coastal elevation.

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Dean Gesch with graphic for Eyes on Earth podcast
Dean Gesch

Summary: Sea levels are rising globally. In some places, it is rising more than others, threatening communities and people as storm surges reach further inland and inundate more land. Landsat satellites used with other Earth-observing platforms enable EROS scientists to model the elevation of coastal shores, giving decision makers valuable information to use in preparing for the rising seas. In this episode of Eyes on Earth, we talk to one of the scientists about the utility of EROS’ elevation models.

Guests: Dean Gesch, USGS

Host: Steve Young

Producer: Brian Hauge

Release date: May 18, 2020

More on coastal elevation and remote sensing

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