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Eyes on Earth Episode 34 – Open Training Data

Eyes on Earth is a podcast on remote sensing, Earth observation, land change and science, brought to you by the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center. In this episode, we learn about an organization working to make remote sensing data easier to find and use.

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Color photo of Anne Hale Miglarese with the graphic for the USGS EROS podcast Eyes on Earth
Anne Hale Miglarese

Summary: Today, the world is awash in remotely sensed data. Satellites launched by countries and commercial companies circle the planet collecting data every day. Accessing data from multiple agencies and platforms and turning it into useful analysis can be a daunting and complex endeavor, however. On today’s episode of Eyes on Earth, we hear from the founder of the non-profit Radiant Earth Foundation, which works to connect the global development community with the remote sensing data and machine learning tools it needs to tackle social, economic and environmental issues. One major initiative involves opening access to satellite-based training data, such as crop classifications, land cover and the like, and connecting users to cloud computing resources that help users search for trends and changes across space and time.

Guest: Anne Hale Miglarese, Founding CEO of Radiant Earth Foundation

Host: Steve Young

Producer: John Hult

Release date: September 21, 2020

More on Radiant Earth

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