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Eyes on Earth Episode 40 – Landsat Collection 2

Eyes on Earth is a podcast on remote sensing, Earth observation, land change and science, brought to you by the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center. In this episode, we learn how a Collections strategy boosts the value of the Landsat archive.

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Color satellite image, with photos of Chris Barnes and Chris Barber and the Eyes on Earth podcast logo
Dr. Chris Barnes (upper left) and Dr. Chris Barber.

Summary: Landsat data is more useful today than at any other point in its nearly 50-year history. The USGS Collections strategy is a major reason why. Landsat Collections align and correct satellite acquisitions from 1972 through the present to make the data easier to work with through time. The USGS has now released Collection 2, an upgrade that improves geometric accuracy, improves interoperability with other satellite data sources, eases access to Landsat Level-2 science products, and makes Landsat data available in a cloud-friendly format for the first time. On this episode, we hear about what life was like for Landsat users before Collections, what it’s like now, and how Collection 2 will open doors for more innovative, expansive research.

Guest:  Dr. Chris Barnes, USGS contractor for the Landsat International Cooperator Network; Dr. Chris Barber, USGS research physical scientist with Land Change Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection (LCMAP)

Host: John Hult

Producer: John Hult

Release date: December 14, 2020

More on Landsat Collection 2

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