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Microfaunal recording of recent environmental changes in the Herschel Basin, western Arctic Ocean

Microfaunal assemblages of benthic foraminifera, ostracods, and tintinnids from two marine sediment cores retrieved from the Herschel Basin of the Canadian Beaufort Sea shelf document relationships with environmental parameters such as salinity, sea-ice cover, and turbulence. Cores YC18-HB-GC01 and PG2303-1 were collected at 18 and 32 m water depth, respectively. At these sites, sediment accumulat
Jade Falardeau, Anne de Vernal, Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz, Thomas M. Cronin, Laura Gemery, Léo Chassiot, Michael Fritz, Vladislav Carnero-Bravo, Claude Hillaire-Marcel, Philippe Archambault

Tectonics, geochronology, and petrology of the Walker Top Granite, Appalachian Inner Piedmont, North Carolina (USA): Implications for Acadian and Neoacadian orogenesis

The Walker Top Granite (here formally named) is a peraluminous megacrystic granite that occurs in the Cat Square terrane, Inner Piedmont, part of the southern Appalachian Acadian-Neoacadian deformational and metamorphic core. The granite occurs as disconnected concordant to semi-concordant plutons in migmatitic, sillimanite zone rocks of the Brindle Creek thrust sheet. Locally garnet-bearing, the
Arthur J. Merschat, Robert D. Hatcher, Scott D. Giorgis, Heather E. Byars, Russell Mapes, Crystal G. Wilson, Matthew P. Gatewood

The Sukari gold deposit, Egypt: Geochemical and geochronological constraints on the ore genesis and implications for regional exploration

The Sukari gold deposit (>15 Moz Au) in the Eastern Desert of Egypt is hosted by a deformed granitoid stock (Sukari tonalite-trondhjemite intrusion) and mainly occurs as a network of crosscutting sulfide-bearing quartz (± carbonate) veins and intensely sulfidized-silicified-sericitized wall rock. Emplacement of the Sukari intrusion into a tectonized Neoproterozoic accretionary complex was controll
Basem Zoheir, Astrid Holzheid, Armin Zeh, Ryan J. McAleer, Mohamed El-Behairy, Ulrich Schwarz-Schampera, Torsten Graupner, David Lentz, Fahui Xiong

A channel sampling strategy for measurement of mineral modal and chemical composition of drill cores: Application to lower oceanic crustal rocks from IODP Expedition 345 to the Hess Deep rift

We report a new sampling strategy for collecting representative samples of drill core. By splitting the core with a diamond saw into working and archive halves, the saw cuttings constitute a “channel” sample, the best subsample from which to obtain an average mineralogical and geochemical composition of a core. We apply this procedure to sampling core of the lower oceanic crust in the Hess Deep ob
Robert P. Wintsch, Romain Meyer, David Bish, Ryan Thomas Deasy, Toshio Nozaka, Carley Johnson

Ratification of Neogene subseries as formal units in international chronostratigraphy

The International Union of Geological Sciences Executive Committee (IUGS EC) voted on 13 October 2021 to ratify a proposal for the Neogene subseries/subepochs to have formal status. They are now incorporated into a sixtiered chronostratigraphic hierarchy within the International Chronostratigraphic Chart (ICC). The Lower/Early Miocene Subseries/Subepoch comprises the Aquitanian and Burdigalian sta
Marie-Pierre Aubry, Kenneth Miller, Elena Turco, Jose Flores Villajero, Andrey Yu. Gladenkov, Patrick Grunert, Frits Hilgen, Hiroshi Nishi, Ann Holbourn, Wout Krijgsman, Fabrizio Lirer, Werner Piller, Frederic Quillevere, Isabella Raffi, Marci M. Robinson, Lorenzo Rook, Jun Tian, Maria Triantaphyllou, Felipe Vallejo

A 1.8 million year history of Amazon vegetation

During the Pleistocene, long-term trends in global climate were controlled by orbital cycles leading to high amplitude glacial-interglacial variability. The history of Amazonian vegetation during this period is largely unknown since no continuous record from the lowland basin extends significantly beyond the last glacial stage. Here we present a paleoenvironmental record spanning the last 1800 kyr
Andrea K. Kern, Thomas K. Akabane, Jaqueline Q. Ferreira, Cristiano M. Chiessi, Debra A. Willard, Fabricio Ferreira, Allan O. Sanders, Cleverson G. Silva, Catherine Rigsby, Francisco W. Cruz, Gary S. Dwyer, Sherilyn C. Fritz, Paul A. Baker

Vein-type gold formation during late extensional collapse of the Eastern Desert, Egypt: the Gidami deposit

Orogenic gold deposits, though construed to focused fluid flow during orogenesis, commonly post-date the main accretionary events. Several lines of evidence indicate that orogenic gold formation in the Arabian–Nubian Shield continued through the orogen collapse stage and associated rapid exhumation and thermal re-equilibration. The Gidami gold deposit in the Eastern Desert of Egypt is associated w
Basem Zoheir, Ryan J. McAleer, Matthew Steele-MacInnis, Armin Zeh, Wyatt M. Bain, Spencer Poulette

A multiscale approach for monitoring groundwater discharge to headwater streams by the U.S. Geological Survey Next Generation Water Observing System Program—An example from the Neversink Reservoir watershed, New York

Groundwater-stream connectivity across mountain watersheds is critical for supporting streamflow during dry times and keeping streams cool during warm times, yet U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) stream measurements are often sparse in headwaters. Starting in 2019, the USGS Next Generation Water Observing System Program developed a multiscale methods and technology testbed approach to monitoring groun
Martin A. Briggs, Christopher L. Gazoorian, Daniel H. Doctor, Douglas A. Burns

Permafrost and climate change: Carbon cycle feedbacks from the warming Arctic

Rapid Arctic environmental change affects the entire Earth system as thawing permafrost ecosystems release greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Understanding how much permafrost carbon will be released, over what time frame, and what the relative emissions of carbon dioxide and methane will be is key for understanding the impact on global climate. In addition, the response of vegetation in a warmin
Edward A. Schuur, Benjamin Abbott, Roisin Commane, Jessica Ernakovich, Eugenie S. Euskirchen, Gustaf Hugelius, Guido Grosse, Miriam C. Jones, Charlie Koven, Victor Leyshk, David J Lawrence, Michael M Loranty, Marguerite Mauritz, David Olefeldt, Susan M Natali, Heidi Rodenhizer, Verity Salmon, Christina Schädel, Jens Strauss, Claire C. Treat, Merritt Turetsky

Shelf ecosystems along the U.S. Atlantic Coastal Plain prior to and during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: Insights into the stratigraphic architecture

The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) is the most pronounced global warming event of the early Paleogene related to atmospheric CO2 increases. It is characterized by negative δ18O and δ13C excursions recorded in sedimentary archives and a transient disruption of the marine biosphere. Sites from the U.S. Atlantic Coastal Plain show an additional small, but distinct δ13C excursion below the on
Monika Doubrawa, Peter Stassen, Marci M. Robinson, Tali Babila, James Zachos, Robert P. Speijer

Lateral moraines, ice-dammed lakes, and meltwater-carved channels in the Pelham, Shutesbury, Leverett area of west-central Massachusetts: A record of Connecticut Valley ice lobe retreat

Temporary ice-dammed glacial lakes formed high in the landscape in several westward sloping valleys on the east side of the Connecticut Valley lowland during late Wisconsinan deglaciation. These lakes were impounded by a lengthy lobe of ice that extended farther south in the lowland than at upland retreatal ice-margin positions (fig. 1). The formation, lowering, and drainage of these ice-dammed la
Janet R. Stone, Mary L. DiGiacomo-Cohen

Very high Middle Miocene surface productivity on the U.S. mid-Atlantic shelf amid glacioeustatic sea level variability

The Miocene Climatic Optimum (MCO) provides important insights into how the climate system operates under elevated temperatures and atmospheric CO2 levels. Few western North Atlantic paleotemperature or paleoecological records exist from the MCO, despite their importance for understanding both regional and global climate dynamics. Here we present quantitative MCO paleoecological data from the west
Marci M. Robinson, Harry J. Dowsett, Timothy D. Herbert
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