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The New England Water Science Center operates over 500 real-time data collection sites throughout the six New England states. The sites collect surface-water, groundwater, water-quality, and precipitation data. Much of our real-time data is publicly available through NWIS. Additional data releases are also available on the page below.

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Nitrogen Loads, Yields, and Associated Field Data Collected During Baseflow Conditions and Site Attributes for Small Basins Draining to Long Island Sound

During the spring and summer of 2022, the U.S. Geological Survey collected water-quality samples for nutrient analysis at 45 stations across the state of Connecticut and adjacent areas of New York and Rhode Island to better understand the groundwater discharge component of nitrogen loading to the Long Island Sound. The targeted stations were located in small drainage basins (less than 50 square ki

Thermoelectric-power water use reanalysis for the 2008-2020 period by power plant, month, and year for the conterminous United States

Previous work by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) developed models to estimate the amount of water that is withdrawn and consumed by thermoelectric power plants (Diehl and others, 2013; Diehl and Harris, 2014; Harris and Diehl, 2019 [full citations listed in srcinfo of the metadata file]). This data release presents a historical reanalysis of thermoelectric water use from 2008 to 2020 and include

Data Supporting Analysis of Relations Between Nutrient Concentrations in the Herring River on the Ebb Tde, Near Wellfleet, Massachusetts and Environmental Conditions, 2015- 2022.

This data release supports analyses of the relations between monthly average nutrient concentrations in the Herring River on the ebb tide near Wellfleet Massachusetts and monthly average precipitation, temperature, runoff, solar radiation, ocean water temperature, mean sea level, nutrient concentrations in Wellfleet Harbor, and atmospheric deposition of nitrogen 2015-2021. The Environmental_Variab

MODFLOW-NWT Upgrade and Preliminary-Assessment of a Groundwater-Flow Model of the Seacoast Bedrock Aquifer, New Hampshire

Improvements to an existing regional groundwater-flow model of a 160-square mile area of coastal New Hampshire (, incorporating MODFLOW-NWT and by more accurately representing stream characteristics, were presented at the MODFLOW and More 2017 conference in an example simulating approximate changes in water use. The groundwater-flow model developed for the previ

Nitrogen Concentrations and Loads and Seasonal Nitrogen Loads in Selected Long Island Sound Tributaries, Water Years 1995-2021 (ver. 1.1, February 2024)

This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release presents tabular data on nitrogen concentrations and loads for multiple nitrogen species, and river discharge data used in the analysis of data collected from October 1994 to September 2021. Data on flow and nitrogen concentrations were analyzed using the USGS Exploration and Graphics for RivEr Trends (EGRET) R package, and the method of Weighted Reg

Water-Quality Data for Discrete Samples and Continuous Monitoring on the Merrimack River, Massachusetts, June to September 2020

This data release includes water-quality data collected at up to thirteen locations along the Merrimack River and Merrimack River Estuary in Massachusetts. In this study, conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, discrete samples were collected, and continuous monitoring was completed from June to September 2020. Th

Data on Models to Describe Groundwater Levels and Stream Stage near the Herring River, Wellfleet, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2017-2022

Groundwater and estuary water levels near Mill Creek and the Herring River in Wellfleet, Massachusetts, were measured from June 2017 to August 2022. The data contained in these datasets consist of tables of updated statistics provided in the original work by Mullaney and others (2020, Appendix 2) and associated data release by Mullaney and Barclay (2020). The data include summary tables of water-l

Data for Characterizing Changes in the 1-percent Annual Exceedance Probability Streamflows for Climate Change Scenarios in the Housatonic River Watershed, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New York

The U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Federal Emergency Management Agency has conducted a study to evaluate potential changes to1-percent annual exceedance probability (AEP) streamflows. The study was conducted using the Precipitation Runoff Modeling System (PRMS). Climate inputs to the model of temperature and precipitation were scaled to anticipated changes that could occur in 2030,

Hydroacoustic Data to Support Embayment Monitoring in Long Island Sound, Mystic and Norwalk Embayments, Connecticut, 2021-2022

This data release includes hydroacoustic data for the 2021 to 2022 water years at four stations. These stations are part of a discrete and continuous monitoring project in embayments on Long Island Sound to support nutrient management activities in Connecticut. The data were collected by the U.S Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Pro

MODFLOW-2000 and Management-Optimization Models Used to Evaluate Alternative Groundwater-Withdrawal Scenarios on Water Levels in Kingsbury Pond, Upper Charles River Basin, Eastern Massachusetts

An existing, three-dimensional, transient groundwater-flow model of the Upper Charles River Basin, eastern Massachusetts, was modified to evaluate alternative groundwater-withdrawal scenarios on water levels in Kingsbury Pond. The pond is hydraulically connected to the groundwater-flow system, and water levels in the pond fluctuate in response to recharge to the aquifer from precipitation and wast

Water-Quality Data in and near Groundwater Flow-Through Kettle-Hole Lakes, Western Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2003 - 2018

This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release provides a comprehensive dataset of water-quality results, physical-parameter measurements, hydrologic measurements, and site information collected to study the nature and extent of water quality along groundwater flow paths adjacent to glacial-kettle lakes on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Water-quality samples were collected in 2003, 2005, and 2012 thro

Lakebed Groundwater and Surface-Water Temperatures on September 18, 2020, at Shubael Pond, Marstons Mills, Massachusetts

This data release contains lakebed groundwater and surface-water temperatures collected during a survey on September 18, 2020, by using a handheld thermocouple probe at Shubael Pond, a groundwater flow-through kettle-hole pond, located in Marstons Mills, Massachusetts. The dataset includes a comma separated values (.csv) file, a geospatial dataset (shapefile), and FGDC-compliant metadata.
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