Groundwater and Streamflow Monitoring
Groundwater and Streamflow Monitoring
The South Atlantic WSC monitors streamflow in GA, SC, and NC
The South Atlantic WSC monitors groundwater in GA, SC, and NC
The South Atlantic WSC monitors water quality in GA, SC and NC
Portal to the SAWSC Long-Term Monitoring Networks
“USGS long-term streamgages and groundwater wells are like a fine wine…they get better with age!”
“USGS long-term streamgages and groundwater wells are like a fine wine…they get better with age!”
Real-Time Water Data:
Filter Total Items: 28
Atlanta Urban Hydrology Unit
In the Atlanta metropolitan area, a hydrologic data-collection network has been established to collect real-time streamflow, precipitation, continuous and discrete water-quality data. The USGS South Atlantic Water Science Center (SAWSC) Urban Hydrology Unit (UHU), located in Norcross, Georgia, has been working in cooperation with local municipal and county agencies in and around the Atlanta...
Groundwater Monitoring Program for the Brunswick-Glynn County Area, Georgia
In the Brunswick, Georgia area, saltwater has contaminated the Upper Floridan aquifer for nearly 50 years. Saltwater contamination has constrained further development of the Upper Floridan aquifer in the Brunswick area, which has stimulated interest in the development of alternative sources of water supply, primarily from the shallower surficial and Brunswick aquifer systems. USGS is working...
Groundwater Monitoring - Albany-Dougherty County Area, Georgia
Groundwater Monitoring Program for the Albany-Dougherty County Area, Georgia South Atlantic Water Science Center Long-term heavy pumping from the Claiborne, Clayton, and Upper Cretaceous aquifers, which underlie the Upper Floridan aquifer, has resulted in significant water-level declines in these deep aquifers in the Albany, Georgia area. These declines have raised concern over the ability of the...
Real-Time Precipitation at Sites in Georgia, North and South Carolina
We now have a map and data table-based system to allow you to view real-time precipitation at Georgia, North and South Carolina water-monitoring sites. The rainfall maps and tables are updated continuously and display data from the last 1-3,6,12,24 hours and 2 and 7 days.
Pilot-scale phytoremediation of pesticide-contaminated groundwater near Columbia, SC airport (CAE)
A pilot-scale phytoremediation system is being implemented to address shallow groundwater contaminated by residual pesticides from a landfill near West Columbia, South Carolina. The pilot-scale phytoremediation system will test the idea that fast growing hybrid poplar trees will take up shallow groundwater that contains organochlorine pesticides, such as β-BHC compounds and toxaphene, at higher...
Developing Regional Curves for Estimating Bankfull Geometry for Streams in Georgia
Stream channels often are disturbed by human activities such as construction or agriculture. In recent years, scientists and engineers have begun to apply the principles of natural channel design to the construction and restoration of stream channels. Natural channel design, or “stream restoration” involves rebuilding a channel with the appropriate dimensions, slope, and plan view pattern so that...
Computation of low-flow statistics at continuous-record streamgages and regionalization of selected low-flow characteristics for streams in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina
This ongoing USGS study for Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina aims to (1) compute low-flow statistics at selected continuous-record streamgages in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina and to (2) develop regional regression equations for a subset of those low-flow characteristics for streams that are not substantially affected by tides, regulation, diversions, or other...
EPA Superfund Site, Fort Valley, Georgia
USGS Technical Assistance to Support U.S. EPA Feasibility Studies, Remedial Designs, and Remedial Actions at Woolfolk Chemical Works Superfund Site, Fort Valley, GA
EPA Superfund Site, Columbus, Mississippi
USGS Technical Assistance to Support U.S. EPA Feasibility Studies, Remedial Designs, and Remedial Actions at Kerr-McGee Chemical Corporation Superfund Site, Columbus, MS
Groundwater Modeling of the Edisto River Basin, South Carolina
The USGS SAWSC in cooperation with the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) will use an existing, published groundwater-flow model of the South Carolina Coastal Plain aquifers and confining units to simulate current groundwater conditions and future water-use scenarios developed by SCDNR. The published groundwater-flow model was constructed using existing hydrogeologic and...
Wake County Groundwater Assessment
The objective of this study is to develop a county-wide assessment of groundwater availability within the fractured-rock aquifer system in Wake County that will prepare the County for planning into the future. The goal is to develop a comprehensive groundwater budget for the county, including sources and distribution of water into the system and out of the system. Since fractured rock aquifers...
Brazilian Agencies Partner With USGS On Water Programs
The USGS International Programs Office has intermittently collaborated with Brazil's Geological Survey (CPRM) since the early 1970's. With the creation of the Brazilian National Water Agency (ANA), Brazil's hydrologic monitoring network has taken on a higher socioeconomic importance. The collaboration agreements between USGS and ANA/CPRM have strengthened the Brazilian streamgaging network as well...