St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center scientists give interviews about Hurricane Dorian’s coastal impacts
Oceanographer Kara Doran was interviewed by Spectrum Bay News 9 about Hurricane Dorian’s impact on Florida beaches and the use of the USGS Coastal Change Hazards Portal and Total Water Level (TWL) viewer. Research Graduate Assistant Legna Torres-Garcia gave an interview with CNNE (CNN Español) about potential beach erosion and the USGS Coastal Change Hazards forecast.
Following the Sept. 2, 2019 USGS news story about Hurricane Dorian’s potential impacts on beach erosion, Spectrum Bay News 9 contacted USGS Oceanographer Kara Doran to learn more about the USGS Coastal Change Hazards forecasts for Hurricane Dorian, the utility of the USGS Coastal Change Hazards Portal and Total Water Level Viewer, and how those computer models are used to understand and predict how coastal communities would be impacted by Hurricane Dorian.
CNNE (CNN Español) conducted a live interview with USGS Research Graduate Assistant Legna Torres Garcia in Spanish to learn more about potential beach erosion and the USGS Coastal Change Hazards forecast. Watch the interview here:
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