USGS showcased three Coastal Change Hazards tools to natural hazards resilience specialists at the Southeast and Caribbean Disaster Resilience Partnership (SCDRP) Annual Meeting
Dr. Donya Frank-Gilchrist of the St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center attended the SCDRP annual meeting to engage with community leaders, emergency managers, and disaster resilience stakeholders to showcase USGS coastal change hazards tools at the Data Tools and Technology Exhibition.
The Southeast and Caribbean Disaster Resilience Partnership (SCDRP) is a coalition of public and private organizations that collectively seeks to strengthen community resilience and support rapid disaster recovery from storms and disasters. The Partnership is the only regional collaboration network for professionals in emergency management; climate adaptation; and disaster preparedness, recovery, and resilience specifically focused on the U.S. Southeast and Caribbean. The 2024 meeting, held in Savannah, Georgia, January 22-24, focused on the theme “Moving the Needle Toward Equitable Community Resilience to Natural Hazards.”
Dr. Donya Frank-Gilchrist of SPCMSC served on the steering committee and presented on three USGS coastal change hazards tools at the Data Tools and Technology Exhibition at the SCDRP meeting: the Coastal Science Navigator, the Coastal Change Hazards Portal, and the Total Water Level viewer. Over 100 stakeholders from a range of sectors attended the meeting including community leaders, emergency managers, natural resource managers, and disaster resilience professionals from across the Southeast U.S. and U.S. Caribbean. The Data Tools and Technology Exhibition featured user-friendly tools and resources from federal agencies, academic institutions, and private industry that are available to help communities bolster resilience to natural hazards.
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