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This list of Upper Midwest Water Science Center publications spans from 1899 to present. It includes both official USGS publications and journal articles authored by our scientists. To access the full, searchable catalog of USGS publications, please visit the USGS Publications Warehouse.

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Data and knowledge gaps of a water bottling facility inventory and select water-use dataset, United States

In 2023, the U.S. Geological Survey developed a national inventory of water bottling facilities for the United States, including information about locations, water sources, water use, and a collection of other attributes. The purpose of the inventory was to provide information about water bottling facilities needed to assess and improve understanding of local-, regional-, and national-scale hydrol
Carol L. Luukkonen, Cheryl A. Buchwald, Gary R. Martin, Allegra E. Johnson Mckee

Increased mercury concentrations in walleye and yellow perch in lakes invaded by zebra mussels

Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) are invasive species that alter ecosystems and food webs with the potential to affect aquatic mercury cycling and bioaccumulation in fishes, although the effect of zebra mussels on fish tissue mercury has not been tested in inland lakes. We assessed differences in fish tissue mercury concentrations and food webs in Minnesota lakes with and without zebra mussels
Naomi S. Blinick, Denver Link, Tyler D. Ahrenstoroff, Bethany J. Bethke, Abram B. Fleishman, Sarah E. Janssen, David P. Krabbenhoft, Jenna K.R. Nelson, Heidi M. Rantala, Claire L. Rude, Gretchen J.A. Hansen

Inset groundwater-flow models for the Cache and Grand Prairie Critical Groundwater Areas, northeastern Arkansas

The water resources in the Mississippi alluvial plain, located in parts of Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas, supports a multibillion-dollar agricultural industry that relies heavily on pumping of groundwater for irrigation of crops and aquaculture. The primary source of groundwater for agricultural-related pumping is the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer,
Jonathan P. Traylor, Leslie L. Duncan, Andrew T. Leaf, Alec Rolland Weisser, Benjamin J. Dietsch, Moussa Guira

Riparian methylmercury production increases riverine mercury flux and food web concentrations

The production and uptake of toxic methylmercury (MeHg) impacts aquatic ecosystems globally. Rivers can be dynamic and difficult systems to study for MeHg production and bioaccumulation, hence identifying sources of MeHg to these systems is both challenging and important for resource management within rivers and main-stem reservoirs. Riparian zones, which are known biogeochemical hotspots for MeHg
Virginia Krause, Austin K. Baldwin, Benjamin D. Peterson, David P. Krabbenhoft, Sarah E. Janssen, James Willacker, Collin A. Eagles-Smith, Brett A. Poulin

Upper Mississippi River System hydrogeomorphic change conceptual model and hierarchical classification

Understanding the geomorphic processes and causes for long-term hydrogeomorphic changes along the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS) is necessary for scientific studies ranging from habitat needs assessments, sediment transport, and nutrient processing, and making sound management decisions and prioritizing ecological restoration activities. From 2018 through 2020 the U.S. Geological Survey and
Faith A. Fitzpatrick, James T. Rogala, Jon S. Hendrickson, Lucie Sawyer, Jayme Stone, Susannah Erwin, Edward J. Brauer, Angus A. Vaughan

Adaptable plasmonic membrane sensors for fast and reliable detection of trace low micrometer microplastics in lake water

In freshwater environments, low-micrometer microplastics (LMMPs) have captured significant attention due to their prevalence and toxicity. Yet, rapid detection of LMMPs (1–10 μm) at the single-particle level within complex freshwater matrices remains a hurdle. We developed an adaptable plasmonic membrane sensor for fast detection of individual LMMPs in eutrophic lake waters. The plasmonic membrane
Ziyan Wu, Sarah E. Janssen, Michael T. Tate, Hoaran Wei, Mohan Qin

Analysis of factors affecting plume remediation in a sole-source aquifer system, southeastern Nassau County, New York

Several plumes of dissolved, chlorinated solvents, including trichloroethylene, have been identified in a sole-source aquifer near the former Northrop Grumman Bethpage Facility and Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant sites in southeastern Nassau County, New York. Past investigations have documented that the groundwater contamination originated from this industrial area and now extends to the so
Michael N. Fienen, Nicholas Corson-Dosch, Frederick Stumm, Paul E. Misut, Kalle Jahn, Jillian Troyer, Christopher E. Schubert, Donald A. Walter, Jason S. Finkelstein, Jack Monti, Daniel J. St. Germain, John H. Williams, Joshua C. Woda

Seasonally varying contributions of contemporaneous and lagged sources of instream total nitrogen and phosphorus load across the Illinois River basin

Quantifying nutrient sources in streams, their temporal and spatial variability, and drivers of that variability can support effective water resources management. Yet a lack of data and modeling capabilities has previously prevented comprehensive quantification across both space and time. Here a dynamic SPARROW (Spatially Referenced Regressions on Watershed attributes) model that accounts for a la
Noah Schmadel, Olivia L. Miller, Scott Ator, Matthew P. Miller, Gregory E. Schwarz, Dale M. Robertson, Andrew Sekellick, Kenneth Skinner, David A. Saad

Trace organic contaminants in U.S. national park surface waters: Prevalence and ecological context☆

Surface water samples were collected from 264 sites across 46 U.S national parks during the period of 2009–2019. The number of sites within each park ranged from 1 to 31 and the number of samples collected within each park ranged from 1 to 201. Samples were analyzed for up to 340 trace organic contaminants (TrOCs), including pharmaceuticals, personal care products, pesticides, and various contamin
Sarah M. Elliott, Kerensa A. King, Aliesha L. Krall, David D. VanderMeulen

Influences of meteorological conditions, runoff, and bathymetry on summer thermal regime of a Great Lakes estuary

To better understand the primary drivers of the thermal regime in a Great Lakes estuary, and their implications for local biota, water temperature variations in the Milwaukee Estuary of Lake Michigan were studied between July and October of 2019 using a network of 25 sensors at 18 locations. Like Lake Michigan, the estuary was thermally stratified July to October, and historically dredged channels
Owen M. Stefaniak, Faith Fitzpatrick, Brennan A. Dow, James Blount, Daniel J. Sullivan, Paul Reneau

Using a time-of-travel sampling approach to quantify per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) stream loading and source inputs in a mixed-source, urban catchment

Understanding per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) mass distribution in surface and groundwater systems can support source prioritization, load reduction, and water management. Thirteen sites within an urban catchment were sampled utilizing a time-of-travel sampling approach to minimize the influence of subdaily fluctuations in mass from PFAS point sources and to quantify PFAS and ancillary
Emily Woodward, Lisa A. Senior, Jacob Fleck, Larry B. Barber, Angela Hansen, Joseph W. Duris

Hair mercury isotopes, a noninvasive biomarker for dietary methylmercury exposure and biological uptake

Background. Fish and rice are the main dietary sources of methylmercury (MeHg); however, rice does not contain the same beneficial nutrients as fish, and these differences can impact the observed health effects of MeHg. Hence, it is important to validate a biomarker, which can distinguish among dietary MeHg sources. Methods. Mercury (Hg) stable isotopes were analyzed in hair samples from peripartu
Sarah E Rothenburg, Susan A Korrick, Donald Harrington, Sally W Thurston, Sarah E. Janssen, Michael T. Tate, YanFen Nong, Hua Nong, Jihong Liu, Chuan Hong, Fengxiu Ouyang
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