Infograph describing the effects of North Pacific marine heatwave on ocean food webs.
Latest science findings from Ocean Ecology Research to be presented at Conferences in February 2024
USGS scientists will present findings from their ocean and coastal research at three scientific conferences this February. USGS research in ocean ecology focuses on improving our understanding of our world’s interconnected oceanic system, from the sea’s surface to its depths.
USGS scientists leverage and develop cutting-edge technology and methods to produce novel findings that decision-makers need to sustainably manage ocean resources.
Talks and posters will showcase how USGS ecologists produce cutting edge findings by using advanced technologies to answer important questions about managing and conserving ocean resources such as: seabirds, renewable energy, and marine wildlife which includes fishes, sea turtles, corals, and deep-sea systems species.
Below is a list of talks by USGS scientists who will be presenting at the Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024, Gulf of Mexico Conference (GOMCON) 2024, and Pacific Seabird Group annual meeting. If you are attending, stop by say hello and ask questions!
For more on the breadth of USGS Oceans science visit: Ocean | U.S. Geological Survey (
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024 | American Geophysical Union
Monday, February 19, 2024
Poster: Fine-scale Dive and Activity Patterns for Imperiled Sea Turtles in the Gulf of Mexico
Time: 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Presenter: Kristen Hart, Research Ecologist, USGS Wetland and Aquatic Research Center
Poster: Pb and Fe isotopes measured on different aerosol size fractions from the subarctic NE Pacific reveal the lithogenic isotopic signatures for Alaskan glacial dust, and an additional fossil fuel source of Pb
Time: 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Presenter: John Crusius, Research Chemist, USGS Alaska Science Center
Poster: Assessment of Long-Term Impacts to Seabed Environments of the Blake Plateau from Historic Manganese Nodule Extraction Equipment Testing
Time: 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Presenter: Jason Chaytor, Research Geologist, USGS Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Talk: Developing an online gateway to coastal science through a human-centered design approach
Time: 8:30am - 8:41am
Presenter: Erika Lentz, Research Geologist, USGS Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center
Talk: Trophic connectivity of mesophotic coral habitats in the Gulf of Mexico
Time: 8:30am - 8:42am
Presenter: Amanda Demopoulos, Research Ecologist, USGS Wetland and Aquatic Research Center
Talk: Evaluating Microarrays for Determining Antibiotic Resistance Gene Baselines in Deep-Sea Sediments
Time: 8:54am - 9:06am
Presenters: Christina Kellogg, Research Microbiologist, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center
Talk: A systems approach to predicting future estuarine-marsh barrier island landscape evolution
Time: 2:42pm - 2:52pm
Presenter: Davina Passeri, Research Oceanographer, USGS St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center
Talk: Genomic differentiation among Desmophyllum pertusum populations from Continental margins of the United States
Time: 2:44pm - 2:55pm
Presenter: Alexis Weinnig, Research Biologist, USGS Eastern Ecological Science Center
Poster: Environmental DNA Biodiversity Assessment at Mesophotic Reefs in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Time: 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Presenter: Cheryl Morrison, Research Geneticist, USGS Eastern Ecological Science Center
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Talk: Automating the detection and classification of marine wildlife in aerial imagery with machine learning methods
Time: 9:00am - 9:10am
Presenter: Kyle Landolt, Geographer, USGS Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
GOMCON 2024 | Gulf of Mexico Alliance
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Session 12.2: Ecosystem Health Assessments: Indicators, Approaches, and Examples Linking Science to Action
Talk: Avian Health Metrics in Practice: Blood Biochemistry and Contaminants in Brown Pelicans
Time: 2:00pm - 2:15pm
Presenter: Patrick Jodice, Research Wildlife Biologist, USGS South Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Session 4.2: Building Science into Offshore Wind Energy Planning in the Gulf of Mexico
Talk: Trans-Gulf Migration: Understanding Spatiotemporal Patterns and Wind Energy Development
Time: 10:30am
Presenter: T.J. Zenzal, Research Ecologist, USGS Wetland and Aquatic Research Center
Session 13.2: Wildlife, Fisheries, and Protected Species: Meeting Conservation and Restoration Challenges
Talk: Distribution of a Globally Endangered Seabird in the Northern Gulf: A Range Revision for the Black-capped Petrel
Time: 2:30pm - 2:45pm
Presenter: Patrick Jodice, Research Wildlife Biologist, USGS South Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
51st Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group | Pacific Seabird Group
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Title: Advancing decision-inspired science to inform seabird conservation
Time: 9:00am
Speaker: Sarah Converse, Research Ecologist, USGS Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Symposium: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
Title: Highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses affecting Alaska seabirds and other wildlife exhibit evidence of interspecies transmission and globally diverse recent common ancestry
Time: 2:00pm
Speaker: Christina Ahlstrom, Geneticist, USGS Alaska Science Center
Thursday, February 22, 2024
Symposium: Contaminants, Diseases, and Toxins
Title: Paralytic shellfish toxin (saxitoxin) in marine food webs across Alaska and association with seabird die-offs
Time: 11:45am
Speaker: Sarah Schoen, Biologist, USGS Alaska Science Center
Special Paper Session: Offshore Wind Energy and Seabirds
Title: Updated Marine Bird Vulnerability Index to Inform Risks of Offshore Wind Energy Projects Within the Pacific Outer Continental Shelf Region
Time: 2:00pm
Speaker: Emma Kelsey, Wildlife Biologist, USGS Western Ecological Research Center
Session: Population Dynamics
Title: History and significance of albatross banding efforts at midway atoll, 1936-2023
Time: 4:15pm
Speaker: Jennifer McKay, Biologist, USGS Bird Banding Laboratory, Eastern Ecological Science Center
Workshop: Myths and Misconceptions and the Bird Banding Lab
Host: Jennifer McKay, Biologist, USGS Bird Banding Laboratory, Eastern Ecological Science Center
Time: 4:30pm
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