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Web Tools

The USGS developed select Web-based decision tools to help users understand the information available to address complex Chesapeake Issues. The tools are used by stakeholders to inform restoration and conservation decisions in the Chesapeake Watershed. Many of the tools are developed in cooperation with the Chesapeake Bay Program and are hosted on their website.

Using Continuous Water Quality to Guide Conservation Efforts

This geonarrative describes USGS data collection and analysis efforts to assess water-quality conditions and measure the effects of conservation practices in the Chiques and Swatara Creek watersheds in central Pennsylvania, both within the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

Geonarrative: How and why are conditions changing in Fairfax streams?

This interactive narrative summarizes a new U.S. Geological Survey report wherein monitoring data collected between 2007 and 2018 are used to provide insights into the changing water quality of urban streams in Fairfax County and the potential role of water-quality management practices.

Geonarrative: Nontidal Network Mapper

The Nontidal Network Mapper geonarrative is a data-driven, interactive narrative that shares the short-term water-year nutrient and suspended-sediment load and trend results for the Chesapeake Bay Program’s non-tidal network (NTN). The mapper provides the primary findings for nitrogen, phosphorus and suspended-sediment trends, and gives the user tools to further examine results.

USGS Chesapeake Bay Studies - Data Catalog

The Chesapeake Data Catalog Application is designed to allow users to identify and interact with datasets used in and across efforts related to the USGS Chesapeake Bay Watershed studies. Metadata gathered for items included in the Catalog for which this app was developed are intended to inform users of dataset details, indicate best practice

Habitat Vulnerability Assessment for Wintering American Black Ducks

We estimated food availability among five main wetland cover types used by overwintering American Black Ducks: subtidal, fresh water, high marsh, low marsh, and mudflat. Bioenergetics models used to inform North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP) can be simplified into two major components: energetic demand and energetic supply.

Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in the Chesapeake

Findings from US Geological Survey studies on sources, occurrence, effects and risk of contaminants throughout the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.

Mercury in Freshwater Fish of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed—Story Map

The US Geological Survey (USGS), working with the partners in the watershed, compiled mercury data for freshwater fishes to understand how mercury concentrations, and risk to consumers, varies across the watershed.
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