Upper Midwest Water Science Center Products Published Quarter Four, Fiscal Year 2023
By Upper Midwest Water Science Center
October 1, 2023
Below are all products released by the Upper Midwest Water Science Center in the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2023 (July 1, 2023 - September 31, 2023)
Application amount and total phosphorus content for ice control products applied at Mitchell International Airport in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from 2015 - 2021
A record of aircraft and pavement ice control products applied at Mitchell International Airport in Milwaukee, WI during water years 2015 - 2021, with an accompanying chemical analysis of the phosphorus content and chemical oxygen demand of those products.
Mercury Stable Isotope Measurements in Water and Suspended Particulate Matter from Snake River Tributaries in Idaho and Oregon, USA
This study was designed to examine mercury (Hg) stable isotope values in filtered water and suspended particulate matter from tributaries to the Snake River located in Oregon and Idaho. Water samples were collected from 21 tributary sites representing a range of watershed land use types (e.g., agriculture, forest, etc.) within the Snake River Basin. In 2018, water samples were collected...
Inventory of water bottling facilities in the United States, 2023, and select water-use data, 1955-2022
An inventory of facilities that bottle water or other beverages containing water (including soft drinks, beer, wine, or spirits) or that manufacture ice was compiled by combining available datasets from multiple sources. This water bottling inventory dataset includes facilities within all 50 states of the United States, one federal district (Washington, District of Columbia), and three...
Phosphorus, nitrogen, and suspended-sediment loads measured at the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative tributary monitoring network: Water years 2011–2020
Phosphorus, nitrogen, and suspended-sediment loads, in 24 U.S. tributaries of the Great Lakes, were calculated using U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data from the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) monitoring program for the period Oct 2010 through Sept 2020 (USGS water years 2011–2020). Total phosphorus, orthophosphate, particulate phosphorus, total nitrogen, nitrate plus nitrite...
Mercury stable isotopes in biota, sediment, groundwater, and waste piles, Clear Lake area, Lake County, California, 2019-2022
Samples were collected from Clear Lake, California from 2019-2022 by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) California Water Science Center, the USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center (FRESC), the US Environmental Protection Agency, and EA Engineering Science and Technology Inc. to assess the extent and cycling of legacy mercury (Hg) contamination from Sulphur Bank Mine. Samples...
Antibiotic and Antibiotic Resistance Signatures in Iowa Streams, 2019
Chemical and microbiological results, quality assurance and quality control, site location, and method information for surface water, bed sediment, and wastewater effluent collected from 34 stream locations across Iowa (United States). Environmental samples were analyzed for a suite of 29 antibiotics, plated on selective media for 15 types of bacteria growth, and DNA was extracted from...
Mercury Stable Isotope Assessment of Global Food Webs
This dataset describes mercury (Hg) stable isotope values in fish dorsal muscle from different freshwater environments across the globe. Fish were collected at numerous field sites in North America, South and Central America, Africa, and Asia from 2006-2020. Sub-samples were provided by cooperators to the U.S. Geological Survey Mercury Research Laboratory and the University of Wisconsin...
Assessment of Mercury and Mercury Stable Isotopes in Sediments and Biota from Reservoirs and Remedial Zones within the Saint Louis River, Minnesota
This data release includes mercury concentrations and mercury stable isotope measurements measured in sediments and biological tissues collected from the Saint Louis River located in Minnesota. Sediments and biota were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and federal contractors (Battelle) from 2017-2021. Collection...
Kinnickinnic River Geochemistry and Rapid Geomorphic Assessments, Waukesha County, Wisconsin
From September 2019 to October 2020 a stream sediment budget and sediment fingerprinting integrated study was conducted to quantify upland and stream corridor sources of suspended sediment and sediment-bound phosphorus using the Sediment Source Assessment Tool (SedSAT) methods with a suite of trace elements. Upland source samples were collected at 45 randomly selected sites in the...
Filter Total Items: 14
Mercury sources and budget for the Snake River above a hydroelectric reservoir complex
Understanding sources of mercury (Hg) and methylmercury (MeHg) to a water body is critical for management but is often complicated by poorly characterized Hg inputs and in situ processes, such as inorganic Hg methylation. In this study, we determined inorganic Hg and MeHg concentrations and loads (filter-passing and particulate fractions) for a semi-arid 164-kilometer stretch of the...
Austin K. Baldwin, Sarah E. Janssen, Michael T. Tate, Brett Poulin, Alysa Muir Yoder, Jesse Naymik, Christopher F. Larsen, Charles Hoovestol, David P. Krabbenhoft
Mercury isotope values in shoreline spiders reveal transfer of aquatic mercury sources to terrestrial food webs
The transfer of aquatic contaminants, including mercury (Hg), to terrestrial food webs is an often-overlooked exposure pathway to terrestrial animals. While research has implemented the use of shoreline spiders to assess aquatic to terrestrial Hg transfer, it is unclear whether Hg sources, estimated from isotope ratios, can be successfully resolved to inform site assessments and remedy...
Sarah E. Janssen, Christopher James Kotalik, Collin A. Eagles-Smith, Gale B. Beaubien, Joel C. Hoffman, Greg Peterson, Marc A. Mills, David Walters
Contrasting mercury contamination scenarios and site susceptibilities confound fish mercury burdens in Suriname, South America
In Suriname, mercury (Hg) use has recently increased because of gold mining, which has put fish-reliant communities (e.g., Indigenous and Tribal) at risk of enhanced Hg exposure through the riverine fish these communities consume. To quantify how the magnitude of these risks change according to location and time, we measured total mercury (HgT) in fish at sites downstream and upstream of...
Arioené Vreedzaam, Paul Ouboter, Ashna D. Hindori-Mohangoo, Ryan F. Lepak, Samantha L. Rumschlag, Sarah E. Janssen, Gwen Landburg, Arti Shankar, Wilco Zijlmans, Maureen Y. Lichtveld, Jeffrey K. Wickliffe
Simultaneous stream assessment of antibiotics, bacteria, antibiotic resistant bacteria, and antibiotic resistant genes in an agricultural region of the United States
Antimicrobial resistance is now recognized as a leading global threat to human health. Nevertheless, there currently is a limited understanding of the environment's role in the spread of AMR and antibiotic resistant genes (ARG). In 2019, the U.S. Geological Survey conducted the first statewide assessment of antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) and ARGs in surface water and bed sediment...
Carrie E Givens, Dana W. Kolpin, Laura E. Hubbard, Shannon M. Meppelink, David M. Cwiertny, Darrin A. Thompson, Rachael F. Lane, Michaelah C. Wilson
Modeling the water-quality effects to the Klamath River from recirculation in drains and canals, Oregon and California, 2006–15
The potential recirculation of Klamath Strait Drain (hereafter called by its local name, “Klamath Straits Drain”) water into Ady Canal to reduce the drain discharge of high nutrient loads into the Klamath River was assessed by the U.S. Geological Survey for the Bureau of Reclamation. To study the feasibility of recirculation, this investigation evaluated three recirculation scenarios...
Erik A. Smith, Annett B. Sullivan
Global methane emissions from rivers and streams
Methane (CH4) is a potent greenhouse gas and its concentrations have tripled in the atmosphere since the industrial revolution. There is evidence that global warming has increased CH4 emissions from freshwater ecosystems1,2, providing positive feedback to the global climate. Yet for rivers and streams, the controls and the magnitude of CH4 emissions remain highly uncertain3,4. Here we...
Gerard Rocher-Ros, Emily H. Stanley, Luke C. Loken, Nora J. Casson, Peter A. Raymond, Shaoda Liu, Giuseppe Amatulli, Ryan A. Sponseller
Fall contributions of phosphorus and nitrogen in stormwater runoff through weekly street cleaning
This report describes a study that characterized reductions in total and dissolved forms of phosphorus and nitrogen in stormwater runoff through implementation of a municipal leaf collection and street cleaning program in two medium-density residential catchments in Madison, Wisconsin. One catchment was established as a control in which no effort was made to remove leaf litter and other...
William R. Selbig, Katherine J. Stenehjem
Response in the water quality of Delavan Lake, Wisconsin, to changes in phosphorus loading—Setting new goals for loading from its drainage basin
During 1989–92, an extensive rehabilitation project was completed in and around Delavan Lake, Wisconsin, to improve the lake’s water quality. However, in 2016, the lake was listed by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources as impaired for excessive algal growth (high chlorophyll a concentrations), and high phosphorus input was listed as its likely cause. In addition, the recent...
Dale M. Robertson, Benjamin J. Siebers, Reed A. Fredrick
Toxic algae in inland waters of the conterminous United States—A review and synthesis
Cyanobacteria are the most common toxigenic algae in inland waters. Their toxins can affect the health of aquatic and terrestrial organisms, including humans. Other algal groups, such as haptophytes (e.g., Prymnesium parvum) and euglenoids (e.g., Euglena sanguinea), can also form harmful algal blooms (HABs) whose toxins cause injury to aquatic biota but currently have no known effects on...
Reynaldo Patiño, Victoria Christensen, Jennifer L. Graham, Jane Rogosch, Barry H. Rosen
Metabolically diverse microorganisms mediate methylmercury formation under nitrate-reducing conditions in a dynamic hydroelectric reservoir
Brownlee Reservoir is a mercury (Hg)-impaired hydroelectric reservoir that exhibits dynamic hydrological and geochemical conditions and is located within the Hells Canyon Complex in Idaho, USA. Methylmercury (MeHg) contamination in fish is a concern in the reservoir. While MeHg production has historically been attributed to sulfate-reducing bacteria and methanogenic archaea...
Benjamin D. Peterson, Brett A. Poulin, David P. Krabbenhoft, Michael T. Tate, Austin K. Baldwin, Jesse Naymik, Nick Gastelecutto, Katherine D. McMahon
Techniques for estimating the magnitude and frequency of peak flows on small streams in Minnesota, excluding the Rainy River Basin, based on data through water year 2019
Annual peak-flow data collected at U.S. Geological Survey streamgages in Minnesota and adjacent areas of neighboring states of Iowa and South Dakota were analyzed to develop and update regional regression equations that can be used to estimate the magnitude and frequency of peak streamflow for ungaged streams in Minnesota, excluding the Lake of the Woods-Rainy River Basin upstream from...
Christopher A. Sanocki, Sara B. Levin
PCB source assessment in the lower Clinton River, Clinton River Area of Concern, Mount Clemens, Michigan
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), some of the earliest “forever chemicals,” were used for decades in the United States before 1979 when PCB manufacturing was banned. High PCB concentrations were found recently in the lower Clinton River in the Great Lakes drainage. To determine the possible existence, location, and significance of a current source of PCBs, the U.S. Geological Survey...
Barbara C. Scudder Eikenberry, Hayley Olds, Owen M. Stefaniak, David A. Alvarez
Application amount and total phosphorus content for ice control products applied at Mitchell International Airport in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from 2015 - 2021
A record of aircraft and pavement ice control products applied at Mitchell International Airport in Milwaukee, WI during water years 2015 - 2021, with an accompanying chemical analysis of the phosphorus content and chemical oxygen demand of those products.
Mercury Stable Isotope Measurements in Water and Suspended Particulate Matter from Snake River Tributaries in Idaho and Oregon, USA
This study was designed to examine mercury (Hg) stable isotope values in filtered water and suspended particulate matter from tributaries to the Snake River located in Oregon and Idaho. Water samples were collected from 21 tributary sites representing a range of watershed land use types (e.g., agriculture, forest, etc.) within the Snake River Basin. In 2018, water samples were collected...
Inventory of water bottling facilities in the United States, 2023, and select water-use data, 1955-2022
An inventory of facilities that bottle water or other beverages containing water (including soft drinks, beer, wine, or spirits) or that manufacture ice was compiled by combining available datasets from multiple sources. This water bottling inventory dataset includes facilities within all 50 states of the United States, one federal district (Washington, District of Columbia), and three...
Phosphorus, nitrogen, and suspended-sediment loads measured at the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative tributary monitoring network: Water years 2011–2020
Phosphorus, nitrogen, and suspended-sediment loads, in 24 U.S. tributaries of the Great Lakes, were calculated using U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data from the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) monitoring program for the period Oct 2010 through Sept 2020 (USGS water years 2011–2020). Total phosphorus, orthophosphate, particulate phosphorus, total nitrogen, nitrate plus nitrite...
Mercury stable isotopes in biota, sediment, groundwater, and waste piles, Clear Lake area, Lake County, California, 2019-2022
Samples were collected from Clear Lake, California from 2019-2022 by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) California Water Science Center, the USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center (FRESC), the US Environmental Protection Agency, and EA Engineering Science and Technology Inc. to assess the extent and cycling of legacy mercury (Hg) contamination from Sulphur Bank Mine. Samples...
Antibiotic and Antibiotic Resistance Signatures in Iowa Streams, 2019
Chemical and microbiological results, quality assurance and quality control, site location, and method information for surface water, bed sediment, and wastewater effluent collected from 34 stream locations across Iowa (United States). Environmental samples were analyzed for a suite of 29 antibiotics, plated on selective media for 15 types of bacteria growth, and DNA was extracted from...
Mercury Stable Isotope Assessment of Global Food Webs
This dataset describes mercury (Hg) stable isotope values in fish dorsal muscle from different freshwater environments across the globe. Fish were collected at numerous field sites in North America, South and Central America, Africa, and Asia from 2006-2020. Sub-samples were provided by cooperators to the U.S. Geological Survey Mercury Research Laboratory and the University of Wisconsin...
Assessment of Mercury and Mercury Stable Isotopes in Sediments and Biota from Reservoirs and Remedial Zones within the Saint Louis River, Minnesota
This data release includes mercury concentrations and mercury stable isotope measurements measured in sediments and biological tissues collected from the Saint Louis River located in Minnesota. Sediments and biota were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and federal contractors (Battelle) from 2017-2021. Collection...
Kinnickinnic River Geochemistry and Rapid Geomorphic Assessments, Waukesha County, Wisconsin
From September 2019 to October 2020 a stream sediment budget and sediment fingerprinting integrated study was conducted to quantify upland and stream corridor sources of suspended sediment and sediment-bound phosphorus using the Sediment Source Assessment Tool (SedSAT) methods with a suite of trace elements. Upland source samples were collected at 45 randomly selected sites in the...
Filter Total Items: 14
Mercury sources and budget for the Snake River above a hydroelectric reservoir complex
Understanding sources of mercury (Hg) and methylmercury (MeHg) to a water body is critical for management but is often complicated by poorly characterized Hg inputs and in situ processes, such as inorganic Hg methylation. In this study, we determined inorganic Hg and MeHg concentrations and loads (filter-passing and particulate fractions) for a semi-arid 164-kilometer stretch of the...
Austin K. Baldwin, Sarah E. Janssen, Michael T. Tate, Brett Poulin, Alysa Muir Yoder, Jesse Naymik, Christopher F. Larsen, Charles Hoovestol, David P. Krabbenhoft
Mercury isotope values in shoreline spiders reveal transfer of aquatic mercury sources to terrestrial food webs
The transfer of aquatic contaminants, including mercury (Hg), to terrestrial food webs is an often-overlooked exposure pathway to terrestrial animals. While research has implemented the use of shoreline spiders to assess aquatic to terrestrial Hg transfer, it is unclear whether Hg sources, estimated from isotope ratios, can be successfully resolved to inform site assessments and remedy...
Sarah E. Janssen, Christopher James Kotalik, Collin A. Eagles-Smith, Gale B. Beaubien, Joel C. Hoffman, Greg Peterson, Marc A. Mills, David Walters
Contrasting mercury contamination scenarios and site susceptibilities confound fish mercury burdens in Suriname, South America
In Suriname, mercury (Hg) use has recently increased because of gold mining, which has put fish-reliant communities (e.g., Indigenous and Tribal) at risk of enhanced Hg exposure through the riverine fish these communities consume. To quantify how the magnitude of these risks change according to location and time, we measured total mercury (HgT) in fish at sites downstream and upstream of...
Arioené Vreedzaam, Paul Ouboter, Ashna D. Hindori-Mohangoo, Ryan F. Lepak, Samantha L. Rumschlag, Sarah E. Janssen, Gwen Landburg, Arti Shankar, Wilco Zijlmans, Maureen Y. Lichtveld, Jeffrey K. Wickliffe
Simultaneous stream assessment of antibiotics, bacteria, antibiotic resistant bacteria, and antibiotic resistant genes in an agricultural region of the United States
Antimicrobial resistance is now recognized as a leading global threat to human health. Nevertheless, there currently is a limited understanding of the environment's role in the spread of AMR and antibiotic resistant genes (ARG). In 2019, the U.S. Geological Survey conducted the first statewide assessment of antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) and ARGs in surface water and bed sediment...
Carrie E Givens, Dana W. Kolpin, Laura E. Hubbard, Shannon M. Meppelink, David M. Cwiertny, Darrin A. Thompson, Rachael F. Lane, Michaelah C. Wilson
Modeling the water-quality effects to the Klamath River from recirculation in drains and canals, Oregon and California, 2006–15
The potential recirculation of Klamath Strait Drain (hereafter called by its local name, “Klamath Straits Drain”) water into Ady Canal to reduce the drain discharge of high nutrient loads into the Klamath River was assessed by the U.S. Geological Survey for the Bureau of Reclamation. To study the feasibility of recirculation, this investigation evaluated three recirculation scenarios...
Erik A. Smith, Annett B. Sullivan
Global methane emissions from rivers and streams
Methane (CH4) is a potent greenhouse gas and its concentrations have tripled in the atmosphere since the industrial revolution. There is evidence that global warming has increased CH4 emissions from freshwater ecosystems1,2, providing positive feedback to the global climate. Yet for rivers and streams, the controls and the magnitude of CH4 emissions remain highly uncertain3,4. Here we...
Gerard Rocher-Ros, Emily H. Stanley, Luke C. Loken, Nora J. Casson, Peter A. Raymond, Shaoda Liu, Giuseppe Amatulli, Ryan A. Sponseller
Fall contributions of phosphorus and nitrogen in stormwater runoff through weekly street cleaning
This report describes a study that characterized reductions in total and dissolved forms of phosphorus and nitrogen in stormwater runoff through implementation of a municipal leaf collection and street cleaning program in two medium-density residential catchments in Madison, Wisconsin. One catchment was established as a control in which no effort was made to remove leaf litter and other...
William R. Selbig, Katherine J. Stenehjem
Response in the water quality of Delavan Lake, Wisconsin, to changes in phosphorus loading—Setting new goals for loading from its drainage basin
During 1989–92, an extensive rehabilitation project was completed in and around Delavan Lake, Wisconsin, to improve the lake’s water quality. However, in 2016, the lake was listed by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources as impaired for excessive algal growth (high chlorophyll a concentrations), and high phosphorus input was listed as its likely cause. In addition, the recent...
Dale M. Robertson, Benjamin J. Siebers, Reed A. Fredrick
Toxic algae in inland waters of the conterminous United States—A review and synthesis
Cyanobacteria are the most common toxigenic algae in inland waters. Their toxins can affect the health of aquatic and terrestrial organisms, including humans. Other algal groups, such as haptophytes (e.g., Prymnesium parvum) and euglenoids (e.g., Euglena sanguinea), can also form harmful algal blooms (HABs) whose toxins cause injury to aquatic biota but currently have no known effects on...
Reynaldo Patiño, Victoria Christensen, Jennifer L. Graham, Jane Rogosch, Barry H. Rosen
Metabolically diverse microorganisms mediate methylmercury formation under nitrate-reducing conditions in a dynamic hydroelectric reservoir
Brownlee Reservoir is a mercury (Hg)-impaired hydroelectric reservoir that exhibits dynamic hydrological and geochemical conditions and is located within the Hells Canyon Complex in Idaho, USA. Methylmercury (MeHg) contamination in fish is a concern in the reservoir. While MeHg production has historically been attributed to sulfate-reducing bacteria and methanogenic archaea...
Benjamin D. Peterson, Brett A. Poulin, David P. Krabbenhoft, Michael T. Tate, Austin K. Baldwin, Jesse Naymik, Nick Gastelecutto, Katherine D. McMahon
Techniques for estimating the magnitude and frequency of peak flows on small streams in Minnesota, excluding the Rainy River Basin, based on data through water year 2019
Annual peak-flow data collected at U.S. Geological Survey streamgages in Minnesota and adjacent areas of neighboring states of Iowa and South Dakota were analyzed to develop and update regional regression equations that can be used to estimate the magnitude and frequency of peak streamflow for ungaged streams in Minnesota, excluding the Lake of the Woods-Rainy River Basin upstream from...
Christopher A. Sanocki, Sara B. Levin
PCB source assessment in the lower Clinton River, Clinton River Area of Concern, Mount Clemens, Michigan
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), some of the earliest “forever chemicals,” were used for decades in the United States before 1979 when PCB manufacturing was banned. High PCB concentrations were found recently in the lower Clinton River in the Great Lakes drainage. To determine the possible existence, location, and significance of a current source of PCBs, the U.S. Geological Survey...
Barbara C. Scudder Eikenberry, Hayley Olds, Owen M. Stefaniak, David A. Alvarez
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