Danielle Cleveland, PhD
Dr. Danielle Cleveland is a Supervisory Research Chemist at the Columbia Environmental Research Center.
Danielle leads the Toxic Elements team within the Environmental Chemistry Branch at the Columbia Environmental Research Center. Toxic Elements and its partners use innovative methods to link concentrations of inorganic contaminants in complex environmental matrices and from multi-stressor events to biological effects. Our expertise includes analyses of low-weight mammal, fish, avian, invertebrate, vegetation, and herpetofauna tissues, as well as surface and pore waters, produced waters, and sediments and soils. Capabilities include inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, microwave digestion, ion chromatography, total mercury analysis, carbon analyses, lyophilization, cryogrinding, and passive and active pore water sampling methods for metals and dissolved organic carbon.
Professional Experience
2014-present: Supervisory Research Chemist, U.S. Geological Survey, Columbia Environmental Research Center
Education and Certifications
Ph.D. Chemistry, University of Connecticut (Storrs, CT), 2007
Science and Products
Validation of Zinc and Nickel Biotic Ligand Models Based on Toxicity Testing in Natural Waters with Ceriodaphina dubia
An Evaluation the Chronic Toxicity of Metals in Water and Sediment to the Unionid Mussel, Fatmucket (Lampsilis siliquoidea), in Exposures Representing Conditions in the Tri-States Mining District
Chronic toxicity of metals in two water hardness to three sizes of the crayfish Faxonius quadruncus Missouri, USA 2017-2018
Effects of metals from historical mining on crayfish in Madison County Missouri USA, 2015
Results of elemental analyses of desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) burrow spoil and undisturbed surficial soils in California, 2023
Laboratory analyses for fish tissue from Lake Koocanusa and Kootenai River Basin, Montana, 2022
Chemistry data for assessment of the containment pond at Pinyon Plain Mine, 2022
Geochemistry and microbiology data collected to study the effects of oil and gas wastewater dumping on arid lands in New Mexico
Breeding songbird tissue analysis and metal concentrations in tissues, soil and invertebrates collected near nesting sites within the Southeast Missouri Lead Mining District, 2016-19
Chemistry data for assessment of the containment pond at Pinyon Plain Mine, 2021
Metal concentrations in sediment and amphibian tissues from wetlands sampled across the United States
Chemistry data for assessment of the containment sediment at Pinyon Plains Mine, 2020
Elements in elk tissues harvested in pre-uranium mining and non-mining areas, 2019
Elements in Kemp's ridley turtle egg contents collected from failed eggs laid by radio-tagged females along the Texas Gulf coast in 2010-2013
Evaluation of short-term mussel test for estimating toxicity
Responses of juvenile mussels to metals in sediment and water of the Tri-State Mining District
Effects of lead exposure on birds breeding in the Southeast Missouri Lead Mining District
Influences of water hardness on chronic toxicity of potassium chloride to a unionid mussel (Lampsilis siliquoidea)
The sensitivity of a unionid mussel (Lampsilis siliquoidea) to a permitted effluent and elevated potassium in the effluent
Modeling the bioavailability of nickel and zinc to Ceriodaphnia dubia and Neocloeon triangulifer in toxicity tests with Natural Waters
Direct and delayed mortality of Ceriodaphnia dubia and rainbow trout following time-varying acute exposures to zinc
Metal accumulation varies with life history, size, and development of larval amphibians
Terrestrial ecological risk analysis via dietary exposure at uranium mine sites in the Grand Canyon watershed (Arizona, USA)
Elemental and radionuclide exposures and uptakes by small rodents, invertebrates, and vegetation at active and post-production uranium mines in the Grand Canyon watershed
Evaluation of acute and chronic toxicity of nickel and zinc to 2 sensitive freshwater benthic invertebrates using refined testing methods
Sensitivity of warm water fishes and rainbow trout to selected contaminants
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Science and Products
Validation of Zinc and Nickel Biotic Ligand Models Based on Toxicity Testing in Natural Waters with Ceriodaphina dubia
An Evaluation the Chronic Toxicity of Metals in Water and Sediment to the Unionid Mussel, Fatmucket (Lampsilis siliquoidea), in Exposures Representing Conditions in the Tri-States Mining District
Chronic toxicity of metals in two water hardness to three sizes of the crayfish Faxonius quadruncus Missouri, USA 2017-2018
Effects of metals from historical mining on crayfish in Madison County Missouri USA, 2015
Results of elemental analyses of desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) burrow spoil and undisturbed surficial soils in California, 2023
Laboratory analyses for fish tissue from Lake Koocanusa and Kootenai River Basin, Montana, 2022
Chemistry data for assessment of the containment pond at Pinyon Plain Mine, 2022
Geochemistry and microbiology data collected to study the effects of oil and gas wastewater dumping on arid lands in New Mexico
Breeding songbird tissue analysis and metal concentrations in tissues, soil and invertebrates collected near nesting sites within the Southeast Missouri Lead Mining District, 2016-19
Chemistry data for assessment of the containment pond at Pinyon Plain Mine, 2021
Metal concentrations in sediment and amphibian tissues from wetlands sampled across the United States
Chemistry data for assessment of the containment sediment at Pinyon Plains Mine, 2020
Elements in elk tissues harvested in pre-uranium mining and non-mining areas, 2019
Elements in Kemp's ridley turtle egg contents collected from failed eggs laid by radio-tagged females along the Texas Gulf coast in 2010-2013
Evaluation of short-term mussel test for estimating toxicity
Responses of juvenile mussels to metals in sediment and water of the Tri-State Mining District
Effects of lead exposure on birds breeding in the Southeast Missouri Lead Mining District
Influences of water hardness on chronic toxicity of potassium chloride to a unionid mussel (Lampsilis siliquoidea)
The sensitivity of a unionid mussel (Lampsilis siliquoidea) to a permitted effluent and elevated potassium in the effluent
Modeling the bioavailability of nickel and zinc to Ceriodaphnia dubia and Neocloeon triangulifer in toxicity tests with Natural Waters
Direct and delayed mortality of Ceriodaphnia dubia and rainbow trout following time-varying acute exposures to zinc
Metal accumulation varies with life history, size, and development of larval amphibians
Terrestrial ecological risk analysis via dietary exposure at uranium mine sites in the Grand Canyon watershed (Arizona, USA)
Elemental and radionuclide exposures and uptakes by small rodents, invertebrates, and vegetation at active and post-production uranium mines in the Grand Canyon watershed
Evaluation of acute and chronic toxicity of nickel and zinc to 2 sensitive freshwater benthic invertebrates using refined testing methods
Sensitivity of warm water fishes and rainbow trout to selected contaminants
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.