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Orthomosaic of Semisopochnoi Island, Alaska from Historical Aerial Photographs

This data release provides a single 8-bit grayscale GeoTIFF orthomosaic of Semisopochnoi Island, in Aleutian Archipelago of Alaska (georeferenced in NAD 1983 UTM Zone 60N; EPSG:3373). The orthomosaic was derived from 31 black and white single frame aerial photographs taken in 1952. Also included are the non-georeferenced scans of the original aerial photographs.

Sensor data from debris-flow experiments conducted in June, 2016, at the USGS Debris-flow Flume, HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, Blue River, Oregon

These data were collected as part of a long-term program of large-scale experimentation at the USGS debris-flow flume. The chief focus of the six experiments performed in 2016 and represented in this data set was twofold: (1) measurement of evolving basal stresses as the flume headgate opened, and (2) measurement of broadband seismic energy radiated by the moving debris flows. The...

SO2 emission rates from Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii (2014-2017)

This report documents the SO2 emission rates for the period 2014-2017, from the summit and East Rift Zone eruptions of Kīlauea, along with the wind or plume speed and direction data used to calculate the emission rates.

Relative seismic velocity variations correlate with deformation at Kilauea volcano, Hawaii

The dataset includes tiltmeter data at a sample rate of 1 sample per minute from a downhole tiltmeter at Uwekahuna Vault (UWE). Location is -155.291162, 19.420972 (NAD83), elevation 1257 m. Data has two orientations for each time sample (north and east). Each file contains a year of data. The original datasource removes the mean, so the ends of subsequent files will not align. The...

Alaska Tephra Data

This USGS Data Release presents major-oxide glass geochemical results from tephras erupted form Alaska volcanoes. This data set is in support of volcano hazard studies by the Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) where tephra (volcanic ash) deposits are used to assess eruption frequency, magnitude, and character of eruption. These data are part of a larger effort to identify and characterize...

Water-Chemistry and Isotope Data for Selected Springs, Geysers, Streams, and Rivers in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

There are over 10,000 hydrothermal features in Yellowstone National Park (YNP), where waters have pH values ranging from about 1 to 10 and surface temperatures up to 95 °C. Active geothermal areas in YNP provide insight into a variety of processes occurring at depth, such as water-rock and oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions, the formation of alteration minerals, and microbial...

Water-level data for the crater lake at the summit of Kilauea Volcano, Island of Hawai'i, 2019-2020

During 2018, Kilauea Volcano, on the Island of Hawaiii, had a large effusive eruption (~1 cubic kilometer of lava) on the lower East Rift Zone that caused widespread destruction (Neal and others, 2019; Dietterich and others, 2021). This lower flank eruption was accompanied by one of the largest collapses of the summit caldera in two hundred years, with portions of the caldera floor...

Long-term gas and heat emissions measurements, Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park

We installed an eddy covariance station on July 10, 2018 at Bison Flat, an acid-sulfate, vapor-dominated area (0.04-km2) in Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park, WY to monitor variations in hydrothermal gas and heat emissions. Since then, this station has measured CO2, H2O and sensible and latent heat fluxes, air temperature and pressure, and wind speed and direction on a half...

Three-dimensional grid of properties used to analyze induced seismicity recorded from 1991 to 2012 at Paradox Valley, Colorado

Large numerical grid used for finite element and finite volume analysis of induced seismicity in Paradox Basin. The grid construction used the boundaries of three sub-horizontal surfaces; the topography, and the top and bottom of the production formation is determined from drilling and seismic reflection profiling, yielding the surface topography and thickness variations in these data...

Data used to develop a probabilistic assessment of tephra-fall hazards at Hanford, Washington

Data in this data release contain Model input and output for simulations used to estimate the amount of tephra that could fall on the Hanford nuclear waste repository. The results of that study were written up in the report: Mastin, L.G., Van Eaton, A.E., and Schwaiger, H.F., 2020 A Probabilistic Assessment of Tephra-Fall Hazards at Hanford, Washington, from a Future Eruption of Mount St...

Observations and model simulations of umbrella-cloud growth during eruptions of Mount Pinatubo (Philippines, June 15, 1991), Kelud Volcano (Indonesia, February 14, 2014), and Calbuco Volcano (Chile, April 22-23, 2015)

Model output to accompany the paper "Comparing Simulations of Umbrella-Cloud Growth and Ash Transport with Observations from Pinatubo, Kelud, and Calbuco Volcanoes", by L.G. Mastin and Alexa Van Eaton, published by the journal Atmosphere. The data release includes model input and output used to generate figures in the paper. Reference: Mastin, L.G., and Van Eaton, A.R., 2020, Comparing...

Unoccupied Aircraft Systems (UAS) video of the 2018 lower East Rift Zone eruption of K'lauea Volcano, Hawaii

This dataset contains Unoccupied Aircraft Systems (UAS) footage from the 2018 eruption of K'lauea Volcano's lower East Rift Zone (LERZ), Island of Hawai'i. The four-month-long eruption, from May 3 to September 5, produced lava flows that destroyed 723 structures, inundated 35.5 km2 of land, and added 3.5 km2 of new land to the Island of Hawai'i. There are 1178 UAS videos in this...
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