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Rocky Mountain Region

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Region 7: Upper Colorado Basin includes the States of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. USGS Science Centers conduct interdisciplinary research and monitoring related to natural resources, ecology, climate, and natural hazards. Data, analyses, and tools developed by USGS staff help stakeholders to make sustainable management decisions.


USGS Earth MRI invests in Colorado critical mineral mapping

USGS Earth MRI invests in Colorado critical mineral mapping

Estimating traffic volume and road age in Wyoming to inform resource management planning: An application with wildlife-vehicle collisions

Estimating traffic volume and road age in Wyoming to inform resource management planning: An application with wildlife-vehicle collisions

Drought-Related Studies in the Colorado River Basin Funded by the USGS Colorado River Basin Actionable and Strategic Integrated Science and Technology (ASIST) Initiative

Drought-Related Studies in the Colorado River Basin Funded by the USGS Colorado River Basin Actionable and Strategic Integrated Science and Technology (ASIST) Initiative


Trees have similar growth responses to first-entry fires and reburns following long-term fire exclusion

Managing fire ignitions for resource benefit decreases fuel loads and reduces the risk of high-severity fire in fire-suppressed dry conifer forests. However, the reintroduction of low-severity wildfire can injure trees, which may decrease their growth after fire. Post-fire growth responses could change from first-entry fires to reburns, as first-entry fires reduce fuel loads and the vulnerability
Kevin G. Willson, Ellis Margolis, Mathew D. Hurteau

Postfire sediment mobilization and its downstream implications across California, 1984 – 2021

Fire facilitates erosion through changes in vegetation and soil, with major postfire erosion commonly occurring even with moderate rainfall. As climate warms, the western United States (U.S.) is experiencing an intensifying fire regime and increasing frequency of extreme rain. We evaluated whether these hydroclimatic changes are evident in patterns of postfire erosion by modeling hillslope erosion
Helen Willemien Dow, Amy E. East, Joel B. Sankey, Jonathan Warrick, Jaime Kostelnik, Donald N. Lindsay, Jason W. Kean

Structured science syntheses to inform decision making on Federal public lands

The U.S. Geological Survey, Bureau of Land Management, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service partnered to develop a new type of science product: the structured science synthesis. Structured science syntheses are peer-reviewed reports that synthesize science information about a priority resource management issue on public lands. Structured science syntheses are developed explicitly to facilitate the a
Emma I. Dietrich, Sarah K. Carter, Tait K. Rutherford, Megan A. Gilbert, Travis S. Haby, Aaron N. Johnston, Samuel E. Jordan, Nathan J. Kleist, Richard J. Lehrter, Elroy H. Masters, Claudia Mengelt, Alexandra L. Stoneburner, Elisabeth C. Teige, John C. Tull, Sarah E. Whipple, David J. A. Wood


Identifying Chains of Consequences and Interventions for Post-fire Hazards and Impacts to Resources and Ecosystems

As part of a broader USGS project on Post-fire Hazards and Impacts to Resources and Ecosystems (PHIRE): Support for Response, Recovery, and Mitigation, the PHIRE social science team convenes stakeholders involved in post-fire hazard science and decision-making to identify potential consequences resulting from post-fire hazard scenarios along with strategies to reduce the likelihood or severity of...

Identifying Chains of Consequences and Interventions for Post-fire Hazards and Impacts to Resources and Ecosystems

As part of a broader USGS project on Post-fire Hazards and Impacts to Resources and Ecosystems (PHIRE): Support for Response, Recovery, and Mitigation, the PHIRE social science team convenes stakeholders involved in post-fire hazard science and decision-making to identify potential consequences resulting from post-fire hazard scenarios along with strategies to reduce the likelihood or severity of...
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United States Assessments of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources

USGS Energy Resources Program provides periodic assessments of the oil and natural gas endowment of the United States and the World. This website provides access to new, prioritized, assessment results and supporting data for the United States, as part of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA).

United States Assessments of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources

USGS Energy Resources Program provides periodic assessments of the oil and natural gas endowment of the United States and the World. This website provides access to new, prioritized, assessment results and supporting data for the United States, as part of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA).
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Characterizing greater sage-grouse climate-driven maladaptation

Climate change will expose many species to novel extreme environmental conditions, that may test organisms’ ability to respond to environmental change. Local adaptation, when a species evolves to be more suited for its local environment, can be an indicator of whether a species is likely to persist in the rapidly changing environment. Habitat specialists, like the greater sage-grouse, have evolved...

Characterizing greater sage-grouse climate-driven maladaptation

Climate change will expose many species to novel extreme environmental conditions, that may test organisms’ ability to respond to environmental change. Local adaptation, when a species evolves to be more suited for its local environment, can be an indicator of whether a species is likely to persist in the rapidly changing environment. Habitat specialists, like the greater sage-grouse, have evolved...
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