In an effort spanning the Natural Hazards and Ecosystems Mission Areas, pilots from the Saint Petersburg and Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Centers collect imagery data using Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) while personnel from the Wetlands and Aquatic Research Center (WARC) conduct ground-based site surveys of Pelican Island, Alabama.
Patricia (Soupy) Dalyander (Former Employee)
Science and Products
Sea Floor Stress and Sediment Mobility Database
Mississippi Coastal Improvements Program (MsCIP)
Alabama Barrier Island Restoration Assessment
Integrating Mapping and Modeling to Support the Restoration of Bird Nesting Habitat at Breton Island National Wildlife Refuge
Enhancing Coastal Adaptation Planning at Gulf Islands National Seashore
Alabama Barrier Island Restoration Study
Evaluating a new open-source, standards-based framework for web portal development in the geosciences
Structured Decision-Making as a Tool for Coastal Restoration: A Case Study on Ship Island, Mississippi
Developing bare-earth digital elevation models from structure-from-motion data on barrier islands, Dauphin Island, AL, 2018-2019
Assessing habitat change and migration of barrier islands
Idealized Antecedent Topography Sensitivity Study: Initial Baseline and Modified Profiles Modeled with XBeach
Landscape position-based habitat modeling for the Alabama Barrier Island feasibility assessment at Dauphin Island
Seagrass habitat suitability modeling for the Alabama Barrier Island restoration assessment at Dauphin Island
Oyster habitat suitability modeling for the Alabama Barrier Island restoration assessment at Dauphin Island
Wave Scenario Results of Proposed Sediment Borrow Pit 3 on the Nearshore Wave Climate of Breton Island, LA
Data for Gulf Coast Vulnerability Assessment
Laboratory Observations of Artificial Sand and Oil Agglomerates Video and Velocity Data
Storm-Impact Scenario XBeach Model Inputs and Results
In an effort spanning the Natural Hazards and Ecosystems Mission Areas, pilots from the Saint Petersburg and Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Centers collect imagery data using Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) while personnel from the Wetlands and Aquatic Research Center (WARC) conduct ground-based site surveys of Pelican Island, Alabama.
Multi-criteria decision approach for climate adaptation of cultural resources along the Atlantic coast of the southeastern United States: Application of AHP method
Fusing geophysical and remotely sensed data for observing overwash occurrence, frequency, and impact
Long-term strategic plan for the Capital Area Ground Water Conservation Commission: Phase 2A final report
Developing bare-earth digital elevation models from structure-from-motion data on barrier islands
Assessing habitat change and migration of barrier islands
Development and application of an empirical dune growth model for evaluating barrier island recovery from storms
Sensitivity of storm response to antecedent topography in the XBeach model
The roles of storminess and sea level rise in decadal barrier island evolution
Predicting barrier island habitats and oyster and seagrass habitat suitability for various restoration measures and future conditions for Dauphin Island, Alabama
Application of decadal modeling approach to forecast barrier island evolution, Dauphin Island, Alabama
Development of a modeling framework for predicting decadal barrier island evolution
Development of a process-based littoral sediment transport model for Dauphin Island, Alabama
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Science and Products
Sea Floor Stress and Sediment Mobility Database
Mississippi Coastal Improvements Program (MsCIP)
Alabama Barrier Island Restoration Assessment
Integrating Mapping and Modeling to Support the Restoration of Bird Nesting Habitat at Breton Island National Wildlife Refuge
Enhancing Coastal Adaptation Planning at Gulf Islands National Seashore
Alabama Barrier Island Restoration Study
Evaluating a new open-source, standards-based framework for web portal development in the geosciences
Structured Decision-Making as a Tool for Coastal Restoration: A Case Study on Ship Island, Mississippi
Developing bare-earth digital elevation models from structure-from-motion data on barrier islands, Dauphin Island, AL, 2018-2019
Assessing habitat change and migration of barrier islands
Idealized Antecedent Topography Sensitivity Study: Initial Baseline and Modified Profiles Modeled with XBeach
Landscape position-based habitat modeling for the Alabama Barrier Island feasibility assessment at Dauphin Island
Seagrass habitat suitability modeling for the Alabama Barrier Island restoration assessment at Dauphin Island
Oyster habitat suitability modeling for the Alabama Barrier Island restoration assessment at Dauphin Island
Wave Scenario Results of Proposed Sediment Borrow Pit 3 on the Nearshore Wave Climate of Breton Island, LA
Data for Gulf Coast Vulnerability Assessment
Laboratory Observations of Artificial Sand and Oil Agglomerates Video and Velocity Data
Storm-Impact Scenario XBeach Model Inputs and Results
In an effort spanning the Natural Hazards and Ecosystems Mission Areas, pilots from the Saint Petersburg and Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Centers collect imagery data using Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) while personnel from the Wetlands and Aquatic Research Center (WARC) conduct ground-based site surveys of Pelican Island, Alabama.
In an effort spanning the Natural Hazards and Ecosystems Mission Areas, pilots from the Saint Petersburg and Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Centers collect imagery data using Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) while personnel from the Wetlands and Aquatic Research Center (WARC) conduct ground-based site surveys of Pelican Island, Alabama.
Multi-criteria decision approach for climate adaptation of cultural resources along the Atlantic coast of the southeastern United States: Application of AHP method
Fusing geophysical and remotely sensed data for observing overwash occurrence, frequency, and impact
Long-term strategic plan for the Capital Area Ground Water Conservation Commission: Phase 2A final report
Developing bare-earth digital elevation models from structure-from-motion data on barrier islands
Assessing habitat change and migration of barrier islands
Development and application of an empirical dune growth model for evaluating barrier island recovery from storms
Sensitivity of storm response to antecedent topography in the XBeach model
The roles of storminess and sea level rise in decadal barrier island evolution
Predicting barrier island habitats and oyster and seagrass habitat suitability for various restoration measures and future conditions for Dauphin Island, Alabama
Application of decadal modeling approach to forecast barrier island evolution, Dauphin Island, Alabama
Development of a modeling framework for predicting decadal barrier island evolution
Development of a process-based littoral sediment transport model for Dauphin Island, Alabama
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.