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Here you will find data releases, published in ScienceBase, that serve as the backbone data for the various States/Regions found in StreamStats.

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Region Layers for USGS South Carolina Bohman Method Hydrograph in StreamStats

In cooperation with the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT), the U.S. Geological Survey prepared geospatial layers illustrating the boundaries of the regions used in the South Carolina (SC) Stream Hydrograph Methods presented in Bohman (1990,1992). The region limits were described in written text and depicted in figures in Bohman (1990, 1992), but have not been provided...

Impervious Land Cover Raster Derived from the National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) 2019 for South Carolina StreamStats

In cooperation with the South Carolina Department of Transportation, the U.S. Geological Survey prepared a geospatial raster dataset describing impervious surface in the SC StreamStats study area derived from the 30m resolution National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) 2019. This layer, which covers the SC StreamStats study area, has been resampled from the source resolution to a scale of 30ft...

Gridded South Carolina StreamStats Runoff Curve Numbers by NLCD Landcover and SSURGO Soils Class

This dataset was produced by the US Geological Survey as a supporting dataset to be used for the purpose of calculating stream gage basin characteristics in preparation for the South Carolina StreamStats application. This integer raster dataset represents runoff curve numbers for the combinations of hydrological soils groupings and land cover types within the South Carolina StreamStats...

Flood-Frequency Data for Select Sites in the Esopus Creek Watershed, New York

This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release contains batch formatted annual peak streamflow data (PkFlows_AllSites.txt) for the respective periods of record (through the 2020 or 2021 water year) for seven USGS streamgages in the upper Esopus Creek watershed in upstate New York. This data release also contains batch formatted specification (PkFlows_AllSites.psf) and output (PEAKFLOWS...

Precomputed Percent Forested-Area Rasters Derived from NLCD 2016 in Support of the StreamStats Fire-Hydrology Application, Conterminous United States

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) computed rasters of pre-solved values for the watersheds draining to the pixel delineation point representing the watershed's percent forested land cover from the National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) 2016 data (land cover values 41-43). These values, which cover the conterminous United States at a scale of 30m pixel size, will be served in the National...

Basin Characteristics Rasters for Delaware StreamStats 2020

This dataset was produced in by the Delaware Geological survey in cooperation with the US Geological Survey and Delaware Department of Transportation for the purpose of calculating stream gage basin characteristics in preparation for the Delaware 2020 StreamStats application. These datasets are raster representations of various environmental, geological, and land use attributes within...

Fundamental Dataset Rasters for Delaware StreamStats 2020

This dataset was produced in by the Delaware Geological survey in cooperation with the US Geological Survey and Delaware Department of Transportation for the purpose of delineating gage basins and performing hydrologic analysis in the Delaware 2020 StreamStats application. These datasets are raster representations of the fundamental dataset layers necessary for the functionality of...

Locations of Dams and Basins in South Carolina, derived from U.S. Army Corps Engineers National Inventory of Dams

Reliable peak-streamflow information is critical for proper design of stream-related infrastructure, such as bridges, and StreamStats is a Web-based Geographic Information Systems (GIS) application that provides a user-friendly interface to estimate peak flows ( StreamStats develops these peak-flow estimates using basin characteristics for the entire...

Digital Elevation, Flow Direction, and Flow Accumulation GIS data for West Virginia StreamStats

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), prepared geographic information systems (GIS) layers for use in the West Virginia StreamStats application. The Digital Elevation Model and associated data were hydrologically conditioned, which is the process of burning in single line streams at the 1:24,000 scale into a digital elevation model to produce flow direction and flow accumulation grids. This...

Pre-computed mean January maximum and minimum temperature rasters from PRISM 1981-2010 from the conterminous United States, for the StreamStats Fire-Hydrology application 2021

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) computed rasters of pre-solved values for the watersheds draining to the pixel delineation point representing the watershed's mean maximum and minimum January temperature from PRISM 1981-2010 4km data (resampled to 30m resolution). These values, which cover the conterminous United States, will be served in the National StreamStats Fire-Hydrology...

Pre-computed mean maximum 30-minute 2-year precipitation rasters from the 43 available conterminous states, for use in the StreamStats Fire-Hydrology application 2021

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) computed rasters of pre-solved values for the watersheds draining to the pixel delineation point representing the watershed's mean maximum 30-minute precipitation occurring on average once in 2 years from NOAA Atlas 14. These values will be served in the National StreamStats Fire-Hydrology application to describe delineated watersheds ( https:/...

Drainage-basin characteristics associated with road and stream intersections in Montana

This data release presents drainage-basin characteristics for 12,639 road and stream intersections in Montana. The drainage-basin characteristics presented include those computed by the Montana StreamStats application (McCarthy and others, 2016). Statistical analysis of the road and stream intersections was included in the report "Peak-Flow Variability, Peak-Flow Informational Needs, and...
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