The StreamStats Team has developed applications that can be used alongside or in addition to StreamStats. A list of these applications can be found below.
StreamStats Application
StreamStats provides access to spatial analytical tools that are useful for water-resources planning and management, and for engineering and design purposes. The map-based user interface can be used to delineate drainage areas, get basin characteristics and estimates of flow statistics, and more. Available information varies from state to state.
ByWater Resources Mission Area, Idaho Water Science Center, New England Water Science Center, New Jersey Water Science Center, New Mexico Water Science Center, New York Water Science Center, Oregon Water Science Center, Pacific Islands Water Science Center, Pennsylvania Water Science Center, South Atlantic Water Science Center (SAWSC), Upper Midwest Water Science Center, Wyoming-Montana Water Science CenterStreamStats Batch Processing Tool
This tool produces shapefiles that contain the delineated basins, basin characteristics, and flow statistics for multiple sites requested at once by users. Before this tool can be used, the the points of interest will likely need to be edited in GIS so that they are coincident with the stream grid used by StreamStats for delineations and saved to a shapefile.
National StreamStats Beta Application
The National StreamStats Beta Application includes a Fire-Hydrology tool to help users identify streams and streamgages affected by wildfires.
ByNational Streamflow Statistics (NSS) Application
The National Streamflow Statistics (NSS) Application is an online computer application that provides a simple method for applying regional flood-peak streamflow estimates and low flow frequency/duration streamflow estimates.Time of Travel Beta Application
The Time of Travel Beta Application was built in cooperation with the Inland Oil Spill Preparedness Program. The primary goal of the application is to provide rapid estimates for instream travel times for emergency spill response scenarios. The application also provided mean reach velocities and general travel time estimates that also can be used by other water resource managers.
The PeakFQ application performs peak-flow frequency analysis to evaluate flood frequency on rivers and streams.