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Most StreamStats publications are published by individual Water Science Centers across the nation as StreamStats for each State/Center/Region is developed. Available publications are listed on this page. For a newly published, comprehensive summary of the history of StreamStats click the button below.

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June 2022 floods in the Upper Yellowstone River Basin

Extraordinary floods surged down the Yellowstone River and its tributaries in northwestern Wyoming and south-central Montana on June 13–15, 2022. During the flood, U.S. Geological Survey staff worked to maintain real-time data from streamgages by making field measurements of streamflow and repairing damaged equipment while communicating the latest streamflow information with the public...
Katherine J. Chase, DeAnn Dutton, William B. Hamilton, Seth A. Siefken, Cassidy Vander Voort, Aroscott Whiteman

StreamStats—A quarter century of delivering web-based geospatial and hydrologic information to the public, and lessons learned

StreamStats is a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) web application that provides streamflow statistics, such as the 1-percent annual exceedance probability peak flow, the mean flow, and the 7-day, 10-year low flow, to the public through a map-based user interface. These statistics are used in many ways, such as in the design of roads, bridges, and other structures; in delineation of...
Kernell G. Ries, Peter A. Steeves, Peter M. McCarthy

Estimating peak-flow quantiles for selected annual exceedance probabilities in Illinois

This report presents the methods, results, and applications of an updated flood-frequency study for the State of Illinois. This study, which uses data through September 2017, updates two previous studies that used data through 1999 and 2009, respectively. Flood-frequency estimates are used for a variety of land-use planning and infrastructure design purposes, including for the hydraulic...
Thomas M. Over, Mackenzie K. Marti, Padraic S. O'Shea, Jennifer B. Sharpe

Effects of impoundments on selected flood-frequency and daily mean streamflow characteristics in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has a long history of working cooperatively with the South Carolina Department of Transportation to develop methods for estimating the magnitude and frequency of floods for rural and urban streams that have minimal to no regulation or tidal influence. As part of those previous investigations, flood-frequency estimates also have been generated for...
Toby D. Feaster, Jonathan W. Musser

Techniques for estimating the magnitude and frequency of peak flows on small streams in Minnesota, excluding the Rainy River Basin, based on data through water year 2019

Annual peak-flow data collected at U.S. Geological Survey streamgages in Minnesota and adjacent areas of neighboring states of Iowa and South Dakota were analyzed to develop and update regional regression equations that can be used to estimate the magnitude and frequency of peak streamflow for ungaged streams in Minnesota, excluding the Lake of the Woods-Rainy River Basin upstream from...
Christopher A. Sanocki, Sara B. Levin

Magnitude and frequency of floods on Kauaʻi, Oʻahu, Molokaʻi, Maui, and Hawaiʻi, State of Hawaiʻi, based on data through water year 2020

Accurate estimates of flood magnitude and frequency are needed to (1) optimize the design and location of infrastructure, including dams, culverts, bridges, industrial buildings, and highways, and (2) inform flood-zoning and flood-insurance studies. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the State of Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation, estimated flood magnitudes for the...
Jackson N. Mitchell, Daniel M. Wagner, Andrea G. Veilleux

Magnitude and frequency of floods for rural streams in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, 2017—Results

Reliable estimates of the magnitude and frequency of floods are an important part of the framework for hydraulic-structure design and flood-plain management in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. Annual peak flows measured at U.S. Geological Survey streamgages are used to compute flood‑frequency estimates at those streamgages. However, flood‑frequency estimates also are needed...
Toby D. Feaster, Anthony J. Gotvald, Jonathan W. Musser, J. Curtis Weaver, Katharine Kolb, Andrea G. Veilleux, Daniel M. Wagner

Estimating flood magnitude and frequency for unregulated streams in Wisconsin

Flood frequency characteristics and estimated flood discharges for the 50-, 20-, 10-, 4-, 2-, 1-, 0.5-, and 0.2-percent annual exceedance probabilities were computed at 299 streamgaged locations in Wisconsin. The State was divided into four flood frequency regions using a cluster analysis to produce regions which are homogeneous with respect to physical basin characteristics. Regression...
Sara B. Levin, Christopher A. Sanocki

Peak-flow and low-flow magnitude estimates at defined frequencies and durations for nontidal streams in Delaware

Reliable estimates of the magnitude of peak flows in streams are required for the economical and safe design of transportation and water conveyance structures. In addition, reliable estimates of the magnitude of low flows at defined frequencies and durations are needed for meeting regulatory requirements, quantifying base flows in streams and rivers, and evaluating time of travel and...
John C. Hammond, Edward J. Doheny, Jonathan J.A. Dillow, Mark R. Nardi, Peter A. Steeves, Daniel L. Warner

Methods for estimating low-flow frequency statistics, mean monthly and annual flow, and flow-duration curves for ungaged locations in Kansas

Knowledge of the magnitude, frequency, and duration of low flows is critical for water-supply management; reservoir design; waste-load allocation; and the preservation of water quality and quantity for irrigation, recreation, and ecological conservation purposes. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Kansas Water Office, completed a statewide study to develop...
Bradley S. Lukasz

Development of regression equations for the estimation of the magnitude and frequency of floods at rural, unregulated gaged and ungaged streams in Puerto Rico through water year 2017

The methods of computation and estimates of the magnitude of flood flows were updated for the 50-, 20-, 10-, 4-, 2-, 1-, 0.5-, and 0.2-percent chance exceedance levels for 91 streamgages on the main island of Puerto Rico by using annual peak-flow data through 2017. Since the previous flood frequency study in 1994, the U.S. Geological Survey has collected additional peak flows at...
Patrick J. Ryan, Anthony J. Gotvald, Cody L. Hazelbaker, Andrea G. Veilleux, Daniel M. Wagner

Model estimated baseflow for streams with endangered Atlantic Salmon in Maine, USA

We present a regression model for estimating mean August baseflow per square kilometer of drainage area to help resource managers assess relative amounts of baseflow in Maine streams with Atlantic Salmon habitat. The model was derived from mean August baseflows computed at 31 USGS streamflow gages in Maine. We use an ordinary least squares regression model to estimate mean August...
Pamela J. Lombard, Robert W. Dudley, Matthias J. Collins, Rory Saunders, Ernie Atkinson
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