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Eyes on Earth Episode 58 - Satellites and Cloud Computing

Eyes on Earth is a podcast on remote sensing, Earth observation, land change and science, brought to you by the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center. In this episode, we learn how cloud computing expands the value of satellite data.

color photo of Stefanie Kagone and Aaron Friesz with the graphic for the EROS podcast "Eyes on Earth"
Stefanie Kagone, above, and Aaron Friesz

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Summary: Satellite imagery is everywhere. We see it on TV news and weather coverage, in our Twitter and Facebook feeds, and on our phones’ mapping apps. The data behind that imagery is nothing like a screenshot, though. It’s comprised of tiny packets of data, broken down from huge files and digitally manipulated to resemble the surface of the Earth, a swirling storm system or a map of urban growth. Cloud computing resources can make it easier to work with huge datasets that cover long periods of time, which is why many remote sensing scientists are using it for their analyses. On this episode of Eyes on Earth, we hear from a scientist who used the cloud for a 150-year water use modeling project, and from a data scientist working to help train others to use cloud resources.

Guests: Stefanie Kagone, contract remote sensing scientist, USGS EROS Center; Aaron Friesz, contract science coordination lead for NASA Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC).

Host: John Hult

Producer: John Hult

Release date: Sept. 7, 2021

More on satellites and cloud computing:

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