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Products (journal articles, reports, fact sheets) authored by current and past scientists are listed below. Please check the USGS Pubs Warehouse for other USGS publications.

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Resistivity imaging over porphyry copper systems in the Red Mountain district, southwest Colorado, USA

The Red Mountain district in southwestern Colorado produced base and precious metals hosted in breccia pipes and vein structures related to an extensive lithocap that overlies pervasive quartz-sericite-pyrite alteration. A helicopter-borne time-domain electromagnetic survey flown over the district yielded resistivity values that range from tens to thousand or more ohm-m, with lesser resistivity va

Eric D. Anderson, Maryla Deszcz-Pan, Douglas Yager, Kyle Eastman, Bennett Eugene Hoogenboom

Reconnaissance mineral and cathodoluminescence studies of gold occurrences in the Pogo-Black Mountain area, eastern interior Alaska, USA

The Pogo Au deposit is the largest of a number of gold occurrences in eastern interior Alaska, that occur along a broad trend from west of Pogo to Black Mountain. Some of these occurrences are hosted in amphibolite facies gneisses and others in mid-Cretaceous igneous rocks that intruded the older metamorphic rocks. All occurrences contain arsenopyrite and pyrite. Whole rock geochemical trends dist

Garth E. Graham, Erin E. Marsh, Heather A. Lowers, Ryan Taylor

Critical minerals: Germanium and cobalt in the Bornite deposit, southwestern Brooks Range, Alaska

Increasing demand for Ge and Co has led to a renewed interest and focus on advancing our understanding of the occurrence, distribution, and sequestration of these critical elements in known ore deposits. A workflow using a variety of analytical techniques and co-registered datasets has been developed and was applied to the carbonate hosted Bornite Cu-Co (Zn,-Ge) deposit in Alaska, where a new oreb

Katharina Pfaff, Garth E. Graham, Alex Jones, Karen D. Kelley

National- to continental-scale governmental geophysical efforts for critical mineral mapping, USA

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has established robust collaborations with domestic state and international geological surveys to provide geophysical and other types of earth science data that act to underpin critical mineral research efforts across the United States, Canada, and Australia. The Earth Mapping Resource Initiative (EMRI) is a national-scale collaborative effort with state geologic
Anne E. McCafferty, Chelsea Morgan Amaral, Garth E. Graham

The Mount Weld rare earth element deposit, Western Australia: A carbonatite-derived laterite

Carbonatite-hosted rare earth element (REE) deposits are the primary source of the world’s light REEs and have the potential to be a source of heavy REEs. The Mount Weld REE deposit in Western Australia is hosted in a lateritic sequence that reflects supergene enrichment of the underlying carbonatite complex. Similar to other carbonatite-related ore deposits, ore from Mount Weld displays extreme l

Philip Verplanck, Heather A. Lowers, Adam Boehlke, Jay Michael Thompson, Ganesh Bhat, Cameron Mark Mercer

Critical minerals in Climax-type magmatic-hydrothermal systems

Today’s global economy is challenged to meet the growing demand for commodities used in existing and emerging advanced technologies. Critical minerals are commodities found in a wide variety of ore deposits that are vital to the economic or national security of individual nations that are vulnerable to supply disruption. The U.S. Geological Survey is striving to advance understanding of critical m

Celestine N. Mercer, Mario A Guzman, Albert H. Hofstra, Joshua Mark Rosera

Stable isotope constraints on the source of ore fluids for the Hicks Dome REE+Y-HFSE-fluorspar deposit

Hicks Dome is comprised of coarse crystalline Mississippi Valley Type deposits at shallow levels and an enigmatic, fine-grained fluorite, rare earth elements, Y, high field strength elements, Be, and Ba rich deposit at deeper levels. Phyllosilicates from a lamprophyre dike and a breccia from two Hicks Dome drill cores were sampled to resolve the fluid history of the entire deposit using light stab
Julia A. McIntosh, Craig A. Johnson, Allen K. Andersen, Albert H. Hofstra

Can the mining industry meet global demand for critical minerals?

No abstract available.
Jeffrey L. Mauk, Jonathan Andrew Funk, Nick Karl

Local topography and streambed hydraulic conductivity influence riparian groundwater age and groundwater-surface water connection

The western U.S. is experiencing increasing rain to snow ratios due to climate change, and scientists are uncertain how changing recharge patterns will affect future groundwater-surface water connection. We examined how watershed topography and streambed hydraulic conductivity impact groundwater age and stream discharge at eight sites along a headwater stream within the Manitou Experimental Forest
Sara R. Warix, Alexis Navarre-Sitchler, Andrew H. Manning, Kamini Singha

Roles of regional structures and country-rock facies in defining mineral belts in central Idaho mineral province with detail for Yellow Pine and Thunder Mountain mining districts

The central Idaho metallogenic province hosts numerous mineral deposit types. These include Late Cretaceous precious-polymetallic vein deposits, amagmatic Paleocene–Eocene breccia-hosted gold-tungsten-antimony deposits, and Eocene mercury deposits in metasedimentary roof pendants and in Late Cretaceous granitoids. Hot-springs gold deposits in Eocene volcanic rocks are also included in the central
Karen Lund, John N. Aleinikoff, Christopher Holm-Denoma

Kesem-Kebena-Dulecha study area, Ethiopia

In 1988 and 1989, the Paleoanthropological Inventory of Ethiopia (PIE) field expedition discovered numerous localities of prehistoric significance across Ethiopia (WoldeGabriel et al., 1992). One of the regions surveyed by the Inventory team was the Dulecha administrative district (Gabi Rasu), Afar Zone (Fig. 1). The surveyed area (geographic reference: 9.407° N, 40.057° E) includes the watershed
W. Henry Gilbert, V.B. Doronichev, L.V. Golovanova, Leah E. Morgan, Luis Nunez, Laura Rodriguez, Nohemi Sala, D. Cusimano, I. de Gaspar, Paul Mazza, N. Garcia

Potassium-39-derived 36Ar production during fission-neutron irradiation and its effect on 40Ar/39Ar ages

Various interference reactions producing unwanted Ar isotopes from K, Ca, Cl and Ar require correction to satisfy the 40Ar/39Ar age equation. Using GEANT4, we design and build a model Cadmium Lined In Core Irradiation Tube (CLICIT) irradiation facility, as used in the Oregon State TRIGA Reactor (OSTR). We illustrate the complexity of the irradiation of geologic samples within this framework and de
Jack N. Carter, Paul R. Renne, Leah E. Morgan
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