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USGS Director visits Great Salt Lake.

USGS Director, David Applegate visits Great Salt Lake with Rocky Mt Region Director, Peter Griffiths, UT WSC Director, David O'Leary, UT WSC scientists, and many cooperators.

USGS Director, David Applegate visits Great Salt Lake with Rocky Mt Region Director, Peter Griffiths, UT WSC Director, David O'Leary, UT WSC scientists, and many cooperators.

a hovercraft sits atop a mudflat with mountains in the background
A hovercraft glides over the surface of Summer Lake, Oregon
A hovercraft glides over the surface of Summer Lake, Oregon
A river with visible white salt deposits at its edges runs through a red rock canyon landscape
Salt deposits outside Moab, UT
Salt deposits outside Moab, UT
Salt deposits outside Moab, UT

Salt deposits outside Moab, UT. USGS scientists are studying how salinity in the Upper Colorado Basin has changed over time and how factors like irrigation and climate influence salinity.

Salt deposits outside Moab, UT. USGS scientists are studying how salinity in the Upper Colorado Basin has changed over time and how factors like irrigation and climate influence salinity.

A green-brown river cuts through a red rock canyon, with scrubby desert vegetation along the river's edge
Dolores River, CO
Dolores River, CO
Dolores River, CO

The Dolores River, CO, a tributary of the Colorado River. USGS scientists are studying salinity in the Upper Colorado Basin.

The Dolores River, CO, a tributary of the Colorado River. USGS scientists are studying salinity in the Upper Colorado Basin.


Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) Transitioning to 3DHP Thumbnail Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) Transitioning to 3DHP
Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) Transitioning to 3DHP
Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) Transitioning to 3DHP

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) is a national hydrologic unit (HU) geospatial dataset that defines surface drainage areas for the United States. This dataset provides a foundation for local, regional, and national applications to manage, archive, exchange, and analyze data by HU.

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) is a national hydrologic unit (HU) geospatial dataset that defines surface drainage areas for the United States. This dataset provides a foundation for local, regional, and national applications to manage, archive, exchange, and analyze data by HU.

New Breach Allows Flow on the Great Salt Lake
New Breach Allows Flow on the Great Salt Lake
New Breach Allows Flow on the Great Salt Lake

The new Great Salt Lake breach was opened on Dec. 1 by the Union Pacific Railroad Company. This created a new opening between the north and the south arm of the lake, allowing water to flow between the two sides. This time-lapse video shows the breach opening, which took about two hours.

The new Great Salt Lake breach was opened on Dec. 1 by the Union Pacific Railroad Company. This created a new opening between the north and the south arm of the lake, allowing water to flow between the two sides. This time-lapse video shows the breach opening, which took about two hours.

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