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Here at the Western Ecological Research Center, we strive to provide the most current and exciting science. This is not possible without our dedicated scientists. WERC has a total of 21 research scientists whose study findings inform and support management decisions by other agencies. Click on each scientist's photo to learn more about their research and expertise.

Josh Ackerman

Josh Ackerman

Josh Adams

Josh Adams

Kristin Berry

Kristin Berry

Lizabeth Bowen

Lizabeth Bowen

Matthew Brooks

Matthew Brooks

Michael Casazza

Michael Casazza

Peter Coates

Peter Coates

Adrian Das

Adrian Das

Susan De La Cruz

Susan De La Cruz

Lesley DeFalco

Lesley DeFalco

Todd Esque

Todd Esque

Robert Fisher

Robert Fisher

Brian Halstead

Brian Halstead

Jon Keeley

Jon Keeley

Barbara Kus

Barbara Kus

Kevin Lafferty

Kevin Lafferty

Kathryn McEachern

Kathryn McEachern

Karen Thorne

Karen Thorne

Phillip van Mantgem

Phillip van Mantgem

Amy Vandergast

Amy Vandergast

Julie Yee

Julie Yee

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