StreamStats is a Web application that provides access to an assortment of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analytical tools that are useful for water-resources planning and management, and for engineering and design purposes.
Download Wyoming StreamStats User Guide
Access StreamStats Application
The map-based user interface can be used to delineate drainage areas for user-selected sites on streams, and then get basin characteristics and estimates of flow statistics for the selected sites anywhere this functionality is available. StreamStats users also can select the locations of U.S. Geological Survey data-collection stations, shown as triangles on the StreamStats map, and get flow statistics and other information for the stations. The types of flow statistics that are available vary from state to state. A variety of additional tools are available for discovering information about streams and the activities along them.
Montana StreamStats was developed in cooperation with the Montana Department of Environmental Quality, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, and Montana Department of Transportation.
Wyoming StreamStats was developed in cooperation with the Wyoming Water Development Office (WWDO).
Click on this link to obtain general information on the Montana or Wyoming application, as well as specific sources and computation methods for basin characteristics.
The StreamStats Batch Processing Tool allows users to process a single point-of-interest. For users who wish to process multiple points at once. The Batch Processing Tool will delineate a basin, compute basin characteristics, and solve regression equations for each point submitted by the user.
Below are the projects associated with this science.
Wyoming StreamStats
Montana StreamStats
Below are data associated with this science.
Fundamental Datasets for Wyoming StreamStats
Basin Characteristic Datasets for Wyoming StreamStats
Below are publications associated with this science.
Montana StreamStats
Montana StreamStats—A method for retrieving basin and streamflow characteristics in Montana: Chapter A in Montana StreamStats
Temporal trends and stationarity in annual peak flow and peak-flow timing for selected long-term streamflow-gaging stations in or near Montana through water year 2011: Chapter B in Montana StreamStats
Peak-flow frequency analyses and results based on data through water year 2011 for selected streamflow-gaging stations in or near Montana: Chapter C in Montana StreamStats
Adjusted peak-flow frequency estimates for selected streamflow-gaging stations in or near Montana based on data through water year 2011: Chapter D in Montana StreamStats
Streamflow characteristics based on data through water year 2009 for selected streamflow-gaging stations in or near Montana: Chapter E in Montana StreamStats
Methods for estimating peak-flow frequencies at ungaged sites in Montana based on data through water year 2011: Chapter F in Montana StreamStats
Methods for estimating streamflow characteristics at ungaged sites in western Montana based on data through water year 2009: Chapter G in Montana StreamStats
Below is the web application associated with this science.
StreamStats Application
StreamStats is a Web application that provides access to an assortment of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analytical tools that are useful for water-resources planning and management, and for engineering and design purposes.
Download Wyoming StreamStats User Guide
Access StreamStats Application
The map-based user interface can be used to delineate drainage areas for user-selected sites on streams, and then get basin characteristics and estimates of flow statistics for the selected sites anywhere this functionality is available. StreamStats users also can select the locations of U.S. Geological Survey data-collection stations, shown as triangles on the StreamStats map, and get flow statistics and other information for the stations. The types of flow statistics that are available vary from state to state. A variety of additional tools are available for discovering information about streams and the activities along them.
Montana StreamStats was developed in cooperation with the Montana Department of Environmental Quality, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, and Montana Department of Transportation.
Wyoming StreamStats was developed in cooperation with the Wyoming Water Development Office (WWDO).
Click on this link to obtain general information on the Montana or Wyoming application, as well as specific sources and computation methods for basin characteristics.
The StreamStats Batch Processing Tool allows users to process a single point-of-interest. For users who wish to process multiple points at once. The Batch Processing Tool will delineate a basin, compute basin characteristics, and solve regression equations for each point submitted by the user.
Below are the projects associated with this science.
Wyoming StreamStats
Montana StreamStats
Below are data associated with this science.
Fundamental Datasets for Wyoming StreamStats
Basin Characteristic Datasets for Wyoming StreamStats
Below are publications associated with this science.
Montana StreamStats
Montana StreamStats—A method for retrieving basin and streamflow characteristics in Montana: Chapter A in Montana StreamStats
Temporal trends and stationarity in annual peak flow and peak-flow timing for selected long-term streamflow-gaging stations in or near Montana through water year 2011: Chapter B in Montana StreamStats
Peak-flow frequency analyses and results based on data through water year 2011 for selected streamflow-gaging stations in or near Montana: Chapter C in Montana StreamStats
Adjusted peak-flow frequency estimates for selected streamflow-gaging stations in or near Montana based on data through water year 2011: Chapter D in Montana StreamStats
Streamflow characteristics based on data through water year 2009 for selected streamflow-gaging stations in or near Montana: Chapter E in Montana StreamStats
Methods for estimating peak-flow frequencies at ungaged sites in Montana based on data through water year 2011: Chapter F in Montana StreamStats
Methods for estimating streamflow characteristics at ungaged sites in western Montana based on data through water year 2009: Chapter G in Montana StreamStats
Below is the web application associated with this science.