Upper Midwest Water Science Center Products Published Summer 2024
Below are all products released by the Upper Midwest Water Science Center from June 1 through August 31, 2024.
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Multilayer perceptron classifier and shoreline extraction routine for Minnesota Point PlanetScope satellite imagery
Data for improved understanding of the susceptibility of Lake Superior to threats from groundwater contamination
Plain pocketbook (Lampsilis cardium) glochidia counts and transformation rates collected during laboratory exposures to agriculture and urban contaminant mixtures and measured contaminant concentrations, 2018
MODFLOW 6 models for simulating groundwater flow in the Mississippi Embayment with a focus on the Mississippi Delta
Mercury Methylation Assay Along a Salinity Gradient in Coastal Peat Soils in the Florida Everglades
Mercury Stable Isotope Assessment of Dragonflies and Fish Tissues across United States National Parks
Groundwater and soil gas data, methods, and quality assurance information for samples collected to determine ancient carbon distributions at Red Hill, Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, O‘ahu, Hawai‘i 2022-2023
Nutrient and sediment concentrations, loads, yields, and rainfall characteristics collected at a USGS subsurface-tile edge-of-field agricultural monitoring site in South Central Michigan within the Maumee River Basin, 2019-2023
Model Archive for an Impulse Response Emulator of Groundwater Contaminant Transport Models
Social vulnerability and water insecurity in the western US: A systematic review of framings, indicators, and uncertainty
Simulated sea level rise in coastal peat oils stimulates mercury methylation
Wildfires influence mercury transport, methylation, and bioaccumulation in headwater streams of the Pacific Northwest
A conceptual framework to assess post-wildfire water quality: State of the science and knowledge gaps
Connecting tributary mercury loads to nearshore and offshore sediments in Lake Superior
Quantitative microbial risk assessment with microbial source tracking for mixed fecal sources contaminating recreational river waters, Iowa, USA
Distribution of ancient carbon in groundwater and soil gas from degradation of petroleum near the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, O‘ahu, Hawai‘i
The groundwater below the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility (the facility) in Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi, contains fuel compounds from past spills. This study used carbon-14 analyses to distinguish fuel-derived carbon from background carbon, along with other biodegradation indicators, to address two goals: (1) determine the extent and migration direction of groundwater affected by residual fuel below the fa
Potential hazards of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Great Lakes tributaries using water column and porewater passive samplers and sediment wquilibrium partitioning
Balancing natural resource use and extraction of uranium and other elements in the Grand Canyon region
Related Content
Multilayer perceptron classifier and shoreline extraction routine for Minnesota Point PlanetScope satellite imagery
Data for improved understanding of the susceptibility of Lake Superior to threats from groundwater contamination
Plain pocketbook (Lampsilis cardium) glochidia counts and transformation rates collected during laboratory exposures to agriculture and urban contaminant mixtures and measured contaminant concentrations, 2018
MODFLOW 6 models for simulating groundwater flow in the Mississippi Embayment with a focus on the Mississippi Delta
Mercury Methylation Assay Along a Salinity Gradient in Coastal Peat Soils in the Florida Everglades
Mercury Stable Isotope Assessment of Dragonflies and Fish Tissues across United States National Parks
Groundwater and soil gas data, methods, and quality assurance information for samples collected to determine ancient carbon distributions at Red Hill, Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, O‘ahu, Hawai‘i 2022-2023
Nutrient and sediment concentrations, loads, yields, and rainfall characteristics collected at a USGS subsurface-tile edge-of-field agricultural monitoring site in South Central Michigan within the Maumee River Basin, 2019-2023
Model Archive for an Impulse Response Emulator of Groundwater Contaminant Transport Models
Social vulnerability and water insecurity in the western US: A systematic review of framings, indicators, and uncertainty
Simulated sea level rise in coastal peat oils stimulates mercury methylation
Wildfires influence mercury transport, methylation, and bioaccumulation in headwater streams of the Pacific Northwest
A conceptual framework to assess post-wildfire water quality: State of the science and knowledge gaps
Connecting tributary mercury loads to nearshore and offshore sediments in Lake Superior
Quantitative microbial risk assessment with microbial source tracking for mixed fecal sources contaminating recreational river waters, Iowa, USA
Distribution of ancient carbon in groundwater and soil gas from degradation of petroleum near the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, O‘ahu, Hawai‘i
The groundwater below the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility (the facility) in Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi, contains fuel compounds from past spills. This study used carbon-14 analyses to distinguish fuel-derived carbon from background carbon, along with other biodegradation indicators, to address two goals: (1) determine the extent and migration direction of groundwater affected by residual fuel below the fa
Potential hazards of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Great Lakes tributaries using water column and porewater passive samplers and sediment wquilibrium partitioning
Balancing natural resource use and extraction of uranium and other elements in the Grand Canyon region
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