Aquatic Ecosystems and Habitats
Featured Science | Stormwater Action Monitoring
Monitoring water quality and ecosystem health trends in the Puget Sound.
Featured Science | PAH concentrations in fish
Baseline assessment of PAH concentration in fish from the Stillaguamish River, WA.
Featured Science | Quillayute River Basin Temperature
Mapping water temperatures and cold-water refuges to guide restoration efforts.
We study aquatic ecosystems and habitats throughout the Pacific Northwest. This research focuses on how changes in land cover and water use affect surface and groundwater properties including temperature, nutrients, and sediment. We approach questions from a broad perspective, combining expertise across disciplines.
Our research helps water resource managers understand water and ecosystems so that they can plan and assess restoration projects. We also monitor physical and biological conditions before and after restoration to help determine the effectiveness of restoration processes.
Rivers move more than just water. Eroded soil from the surrounding landscape enters water. Rivers carry sediment suspended in their flow and along their beds. Our research involves quantifying how much sediment is traveling through rivers (sediment loads). We also investigate sediment transport processes and sediment dynamics in lakes, reservoirs, and nearshore marine.
A diversity of plants and animals live in or near water. We monitor and study the habitats that support these species. We also study the processes that create, maintain, degrade, or destroy the habitats. Our research helps land and resource managers make informed decisions.