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Ferdinand Oberle

Research Geologist with the USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center

Research Focus

2020-present: Geologist, USGS, Santa Cruz, CA, USA. I am currently involved in three fields of research: groundwater discharge through coastal aquifers; conceptualizing hydrologically and cryogenically driven permafrost erosion; and physicochemical drivers of coral reef health. I also created the Unmanned Aerial System Coastal Aquifer Project, which develops new drone-based technologies to investigate permafrost stability, wetlands, and aquifers. All projects have a strong interdisciplinary nature focusing on anthropogenic versus natural disturbances that rely on a multitude of oceanographic, marine geological, hydrogeological, and geochemical methods. As part of my older research interests I also continue to collaborate and advise on research focusing on the geological and geochemical consequences of bottom trawling.

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