The streets of Hallowell, Maine, were flooded following heavy rains that hit New England and most of the East Coast, December 18, 2023. USGS photo by Glenn Hodgkins
Glenn Hodgkins
Glenn Hodgkins is a Research Hydrologist with the New England Water Science Center.
Glenn's work in recent years has focused on statistical hydrology at the regional, national, and international scale, primarily on the analysis of change and variability of historical streamflow and groundwater, and also on probabilistic forecasting and model evaluation. Glenn is the lead author or co-author on 28 peer-reviewed articles in hydrology and climate journals and 31 USGS scientific reports.
Professional Experience
Research Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey, New England Water Science Center, 2014 to Present
Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey, New England Water Science Center, 1994 to 2014
Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Indiana Water Science Center, 1990 to 1994
Education and Certifications
M.S. Engineering, Purdue University, 1995
B.S. Civil Engineering, University of Maine, 1990
Science and Products
Environmental streamflows in the United States: historical patterns and predictions
Long-Term Data Collection Provides Insight to Changes in Water Resources in New England
The Influence of Climatic, Watershed, and Water-use Changes on Extreme Low Streamflows in the United States
The Influence of Climatic changes on Extreme Streamflows in the United States
Trend Reproduction
Hydrologic Climate Change Indicators
Webinar: Historical Trends in Summer Precipitation, Baseflows, and Stormflows in New England and Projections of Seasonal Streamflows for Coastal Streams in Maine
Impact of Changes in Streamflow and Temperature on Endangered Atlantic Salmon
Ten Largest Annual Instantaneous Floods and Seasonal Signal for Reference Streamgages in the United States, Water Years 1966-2015
Low-Flow Period Seasonality, Trends, and Climate Linkages Across the United States Data Release
U.S. Streamflow Drought During the Last Century: annual drought and low flow metrics, annual climate, and trends for the periods 1921-2020, 1951-2020 and 1981-2020
Modeled and observed trends in streamflows at managed basins in the conterminous U.S. from October 1, 1983 through September 30, 2016
Attributions for nonstationary peak streamflow records across the conterminous United States, 1941-2015 and 1966-2015
Modeled and observed trends at reference basins in the conterminous U.S. from October 1, 1983 through September 30, 2016
Peak-streamflow trends and change-points and basin characteristics for 2,683 U.S. Geological Survey streamgages in the conterminous U.S.
Data related to the degree of potential human influence near 2228 groundwater wells in the U.S. glacial aquifer system
Generalized linear models and input data for forecasting the probability of groundwater levels declining below specified low thresholds for the conterminous U.S.
Winter-spring streamflow volume and timing data for 75 Hydroclimatic Data Network-2009 basins in the conterminous United States 1920-2014
The streets of Hallowell, Maine, were flooded following heavy rains that hit New England and most of the East Coast, December 18, 2023. USGS photo by Glenn Hodgkins
Photo taken in Hallowell, Maine on December 19, 2023, following a powerful rainstorm.
Photo taken in Hallowell, Maine on December 19, 2023, following a powerful rainstorm.
The Kennebec River flooded in downtown Hallowell, Maine, after a heavy rainstorm. USGS streamgage 01049330 monitors the streamflow of this area.
The Kennebec River flooded in downtown Hallowell, Maine, after a heavy rainstorm. USGS streamgage 01049330 monitors the streamflow of this area.
Streamflow in the Ducktrap River, coastal Maine, showing typical winter low flow (March 2005) and typical spring high flow (April 2005). Pictures taken by Glenn Hodgkins, USGS.
Streamflow in the Ducktrap River, coastal Maine, showing typical winter low flow (March 2005) and typical spring high flow (April 2005). Pictures taken by Glenn Hodgkins, USGS.
Streamflow in the Ducktrap River, coastal Maine, showing typical spring high flow in April 2005.
Streamflow in the Ducktrap River, coastal Maine, showing typical spring high flow in April 2005.
Streamflow in the Ducktrap River, coastal Maine, showing typical winter low flow, March 2005.
Streamflow in the Ducktrap River, coastal Maine, showing typical winter low flow, March 2005.
Low-flow period seasonality, trends, and climate linkages across the United States
Climate driven trends in historical extreme low streamflows on four continents
The consequences of neglecting reservoir storage in national-scale hydrologic models: An appraisal of key streamflow statistics
Groundwater recharge in northern New England: Meteorological drivers and relations with low streamflow
A hydrologic perspective of major U.S. droughts
Going beyond low flows: Streamflow drought deficit and duration illuminate distinct spatiotemporal drought patterns and trends in the U.S. during the last century
The occurrence of large floods in the United States in the modern hydroclimate regime: Seasonality, trends, and large-scale climate associations
Introduction: Climate change in the mountains of Maine and the Northeast
Climate change indicators: Streamflow
Estimating flood magnitude and frequency on gaged and ungaged streams in Maine
Estimating flood magnitude and frequency on streams and rivers in Connecticut, based on data through water year 2015
Comparing trends in modeled and observed streamflows at minimally altered basins in the United States
Science and Products
Environmental streamflows in the United States: historical patterns and predictions
Long-Term Data Collection Provides Insight to Changes in Water Resources in New England
The Influence of Climatic, Watershed, and Water-use Changes on Extreme Low Streamflows in the United States
The Influence of Climatic changes on Extreme Streamflows in the United States
Trend Reproduction
Hydrologic Climate Change Indicators
Webinar: Historical Trends in Summer Precipitation, Baseflows, and Stormflows in New England and Projections of Seasonal Streamflows for Coastal Streams in Maine
Impact of Changes in Streamflow and Temperature on Endangered Atlantic Salmon
Ten Largest Annual Instantaneous Floods and Seasonal Signal for Reference Streamgages in the United States, Water Years 1966-2015
Low-Flow Period Seasonality, Trends, and Climate Linkages Across the United States Data Release
U.S. Streamflow Drought During the Last Century: annual drought and low flow metrics, annual climate, and trends for the periods 1921-2020, 1951-2020 and 1981-2020
Modeled and observed trends in streamflows at managed basins in the conterminous U.S. from October 1, 1983 through September 30, 2016
Attributions for nonstationary peak streamflow records across the conterminous United States, 1941-2015 and 1966-2015
Modeled and observed trends at reference basins in the conterminous U.S. from October 1, 1983 through September 30, 2016
Peak-streamflow trends and change-points and basin characteristics for 2,683 U.S. Geological Survey streamgages in the conterminous U.S.
Data related to the degree of potential human influence near 2228 groundwater wells in the U.S. glacial aquifer system
Generalized linear models and input data for forecasting the probability of groundwater levels declining below specified low thresholds for the conterminous U.S.
Winter-spring streamflow volume and timing data for 75 Hydroclimatic Data Network-2009 basins in the conterminous United States 1920-2014
The streets of Hallowell, Maine, were flooded following heavy rains that hit New England and most of the East Coast, December 18, 2023. USGS photo by Glenn Hodgkins
The streets of Hallowell, Maine, were flooded following heavy rains that hit New England and most of the East Coast, December 18, 2023. USGS photo by Glenn Hodgkins
Photo taken in Hallowell, Maine on December 19, 2023, following a powerful rainstorm.
Photo taken in Hallowell, Maine on December 19, 2023, following a powerful rainstorm.
The Kennebec River flooded in downtown Hallowell, Maine, after a heavy rainstorm. USGS streamgage 01049330 monitors the streamflow of this area.
The Kennebec River flooded in downtown Hallowell, Maine, after a heavy rainstorm. USGS streamgage 01049330 monitors the streamflow of this area.
Streamflow in the Ducktrap River, coastal Maine, showing typical winter low flow (March 2005) and typical spring high flow (April 2005). Pictures taken by Glenn Hodgkins, USGS.
Streamflow in the Ducktrap River, coastal Maine, showing typical winter low flow (March 2005) and typical spring high flow (April 2005). Pictures taken by Glenn Hodgkins, USGS.
Streamflow in the Ducktrap River, coastal Maine, showing typical spring high flow in April 2005.
Streamflow in the Ducktrap River, coastal Maine, showing typical spring high flow in April 2005.
Streamflow in the Ducktrap River, coastal Maine, showing typical winter low flow, March 2005.
Streamflow in the Ducktrap River, coastal Maine, showing typical winter low flow, March 2005.