Kathryn Kuivila (Former Employee)
Science and Products
Pesticides in the Prairie Pothole Region
Neonicotinoid Insecticides Documented in Midwestern U.S. Streams
Common Weed Killer is Widespread in the Environment
Current-use pesticides in tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) prey
Adult aquatic insect emergence, insect pesticide concentrations and water chemistry of wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region, North Dakota, USA, 2015-16
Pesticide concentrations in surface waters of the Sacramento Valley rice-growing regions, 2010
Fungicides in nectar and pollen collected by bumble bees in a cherry orchard
Absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination of seed-treatment pesticides following the dosing of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica)
Field assessment of Naled and its primary degradation product (dichlorvos) in aquatic ecosystems following aerial ultra-low volume application for mosquito control
Cross-ecosystem fluxes of pesticides from prairie wetlands mediated by aquatic insect emergence: Implications for terrestrial insectivores
Trends in agricultural triazole fungicide sse in the United States, 1992–2016 and possible implications for antifungal-resistant fungi in human disease
Field-level exposure of bumble bees to fungicides applied to a commercial cherry orchard
Uptake, metabolism, and elimination of fungicides from coated wheat seeds in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica)
Predictive analysis using chemical-gene interaction networks consistent with observed endocrine activity and mutagenicity of U.S. streams
Toxicokinetics of imidacloprid-coated wheat seeds in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) and an evaluation of hazard
Reconnaissance of mixed organic and inorganic chemicals in private and public supply tapwaters at selected residential and workplace sites in the United States
Safe drinking water at the point-of-use (tapwater, TW) is a United States public health priority. Multiple lines of evidence were used to evaluate potential human health concerns of 482 organics and 19 inorganics in TW from 13 (7 public supply, 6 private well self-supply) home and 12 (public supply) workplace locations in 11 states. Only uranium (61.9 μg L–1, private well) exceeded a National Prim
Leaching and sorption of neonicotinoid insecticides and fungicides from seed coatings
Expanded target-chemical analysis reveals extensive mixed-organic-contaminant exposure in USA streams
Methods used to characterize the chemical composition and biological activity of environmental waters throughout the United States, 2012-14
Chronic toxicity of azoxystrobin to freshwater amphipods, midges, cladocerans, and mussels in water-only exposures
Science and Products
Pesticides in the Prairie Pothole Region
Neonicotinoid Insecticides Documented in Midwestern U.S. Streams
Common Weed Killer is Widespread in the Environment
Current-use pesticides in tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) prey
Adult aquatic insect emergence, insect pesticide concentrations and water chemistry of wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region, North Dakota, USA, 2015-16
Pesticide concentrations in surface waters of the Sacramento Valley rice-growing regions, 2010
Fungicides in nectar and pollen collected by bumble bees in a cherry orchard
Absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination of seed-treatment pesticides following the dosing of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica)
Field assessment of Naled and its primary degradation product (dichlorvos) in aquatic ecosystems following aerial ultra-low volume application for mosquito control
Cross-ecosystem fluxes of pesticides from prairie wetlands mediated by aquatic insect emergence: Implications for terrestrial insectivores
Trends in agricultural triazole fungicide sse in the United States, 1992–2016 and possible implications for antifungal-resistant fungi in human disease
Field-level exposure of bumble bees to fungicides applied to a commercial cherry orchard
Uptake, metabolism, and elimination of fungicides from coated wheat seeds in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica)
Predictive analysis using chemical-gene interaction networks consistent with observed endocrine activity and mutagenicity of U.S. streams
Toxicokinetics of imidacloprid-coated wheat seeds in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) and an evaluation of hazard
Reconnaissance of mixed organic and inorganic chemicals in private and public supply tapwaters at selected residential and workplace sites in the United States
Safe drinking water at the point-of-use (tapwater, TW) is a United States public health priority. Multiple lines of evidence were used to evaluate potential human health concerns of 482 organics and 19 inorganics in TW from 13 (7 public supply, 6 private well self-supply) home and 12 (public supply) workplace locations in 11 states. Only uranium (61.9 μg L–1, private well) exceeded a National Prim