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The USGS Water Resources Mission Area provides water information that is fundamental to our economic well-being, protection of life and property, and effective management of our water resources. Listed below are discrete data releases and datasets produced during our science and research activities. To explore and interact with our data using online tools and products, view our web tools.

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Satellite video and field measurements of flow velocity acquired from the Tanana River in Alaska and used for particle image velocimetry (PIV)

This data release includes a video acquired from a satellite and field measurements of flow velocity from the Tanana River in Alaska that were used to derive remotely sensed estimates of surface flow velocities via particle image velocimetry (PIV). The field data were collected on July 24, 2019, in cooperation with the USGS Alaska Science Center, and the satellite video was obtained on July 14, 2

Hydraulic Property Data at the Santa Rosa Island Cloud Forest Restoration Site 2017-2019, Channel Islands National Park, California, USA

Santa Rosa Island, part of Channel Islands National Park off the coast of California, has a undergone a history of ecologic degradation due to introduced ungulate grazing for ranching (cattle and sheep) and hunting (deer and elk) purposes. Grazing in many parts of the island has resulted in widespread vegetation loss and subsequent erosion presumably causing changes in infiltration/runoff relation

Bivalve metrics in the North San Francisco Bay and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta

Phytoplankton is an important and limiting food source in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and San Francisco Bay; the decline of phytoplankton biomass is one possible factor in the pelagic organism decline and specifically in the decline of the protected delta smelt. The bivalves Corbicula fluminea and Potamocorbula amurensis (hereafter Corbicula and Potamocorbula, respectively) have been shown to

Exploring the exceptional performance of a deep learning stream temperature model and the value of streamflow data

This data release provides all data and code used in Rahmani et al. (2020) to model stream temperature and assess results. Briefly, we used a subset of the USGS GAGES-II dataset as a test case for temperature prediction using deep learning methods. The associated manuscript explores the value of including stream discharge as a predictor in the temperature models, including the value of predicted d

Measurement of seepage at Newtown Creek, NY, May-June 2015

Rates of flow across the sediment-water interface (seepage), measured every 5 seconds with an automated seepage meter and summarized every minute with a digital datalogger, are presented for 17 measurement locations at Newtown Creek, NY. Final values are presented in cm/day. An electromagnetic seepage meter, custom made for USGS by Quantum Engineering, was capable of measuring seepage averaged eac

Model parameters and output of net ecosystem carbon balance for the Great Dismal Swamp, Virginia and North Carolina, USA

In this study, we determined the carbon balance in the Great Dismal Swamp, a large forested peatland in the southeastern USA, which has been drained for over two hundred years and now is being restored through hydrologic management. We modeled future net ecosystem carbon balance over 100 years (2012 to 2112) using in situ field observations paired with simulations of water-table depth. The three s

Groundwater data, predictor variables, and rasters used for predicting redox conditions in the glacial aquifer, northern continental United States

This data release contains input data used in model development and TIF raster files used to predict the probability of low dissolved oxygen (DO) and high dissolved iron (Fe) in groundwater within the glacial aquifer system in the northern continental United States. Input data include measured DO and Fe concentrations at groundwater wells, and associated predictor variable data. The probability of

Data from USGS National Water Quality Laboratory methods used to calculate and compare detection limits estimated using single- and multi-concentration spike-based and blank-based procedures

This dataset provides the expected and determined concentrations of selected inorganic and organic analytes for spiked reagent-water samples (calibration standards and limit of quantitation standards) that were used to calculate detection limits by using the United States Environmental Protection Agency's (USEPA) Method Detection Limit (MDL) version 1.11 or 2.0 procedures, ASTM International's Wit

The Measurement of Water Column Methylmercury Production Potential Rates in Four Oxygenated Reservoirs of the San Francisco Bay Watershed

Valley Water (formerly Santa Clara Valley Water District) provides stream stewardship, wholesale water supply, and flood protection for Santa Clara County, California, in the southern San Francisco Bay Area. A number of the reservoirs owned by the agency sit in the eastern foothills of the Santa Cruz mountains above the city of San Jose and in the watershed below the former New Almaden Mining Dist

Seepage meter efficiency in highly permeable settings source data (2020)

Efficiency of seepage meters, long considered a fixed property associated with the meter design, is not constant in highly permeable sediments. Instead, results from this study indicate that efficiency varies substantially with seepage-bag fullness, duration of bag attachment, depth of meter insertion into the sediments, and seepage velocity. Efficiency also varies substantially in response to var

Geo-referenced orthophotographs of the Snow River, Alaska, acquired September 1, 2018

This data release consists of orthophotographs of the Snow River in Alaska acquired on September 1, 2018. The orthophotographs were produced from images obtained using a Hasselblad A6D-100C 100 megapixel digital mapping camera deployed within a pod mounted on the landing gear of a Robinson R44 helicopter. Images were acquired as the helicopter transited a series of flight lines designed to provid

Wetland Stream Water Quality Data for West Twin Creek, AK, Allequash Creek, WI, and Big Thompson River, CO, 2010-2020

This dataset includes discrete water quality and discharge data for three streams that flow through wetlands. There are two measurement and sampling locations on each stream: one immediately upstream from the wetland and one immediately downstream from the wetland. Measurements and sample collection occurred in 2010 and 2011 at West Twin Creek, AK; in 2019 and 2020 at Allequash Creek, WI; and in 2
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