Fire Island breach
Storm tide map
Damaged ocean-front homes on Fire Island
Satellite image of U.S. landfall
Damage along New Jersey Shore at Mantoloking
During and after Hurricane Sandy, the USGS monitored water levels, storm tide, wave height, and high-water marks at over 224 locations. This information helps the USGS and its partners track the storm and respond to the most-impacted areas.
The USGS Flood Event Viewer helps USGS and its partners to track of the storm and its impact on surface-water levels. A storm track field is included from NOAA's National Hurricane Center, and real-time USGS streamgage data and Rapid Deployment Gage data are linked through this map-based product.
Storm Surge Sensors are also shown that record fine-resolution storm tide and wave level data. This data became available on the viewer as soon as it was safe to retrieve the sensors and upload the data. In addition, imagery was provided from the National Geodetic Survey.
Following the event, high-water mark (HWM) data was added to the map by field crews soon after collection, including survey data and photos.
USGS Hurricane Sandy Activities in the News:
Search for the High Mark - Wall Street Journal article describing efforts of the USGS to track Sandy's flood levels.
Superstorm Snapshot - Discovery Channel-Canada discusses the causes of Hurricane Sandy
USGS Science Features, October 29, 2012: USGS Responds to Hurricane Sandy
USGS Science Features, October 29, 2012: USGS Issues Landslide Alert for Hurricane Sandy
Huffington Post, October 29, 2012: Hurricane Sandy Resources
Below are other science projects associated with Hurricane Sandy and USGS flood activities.
Historical Flooding
Hurricane Sandy
Hurricane Isaac
Flow Modeling at Dam Removal Sites Associated with Hurricane Sandy Resiliency Efforts
Hurricane Sandy - Forecast and Documentation of Coastal Change
Hurricane Sandy - New York
Assessment of Wetland Area Change and Shoreline Erosion Due to Hurricane Sandy
Below are data or web applications associated with Hurricane Sandy and USGS flood activities.
USGS SWaTH Network
USGS Flood Event Viewer - Sandy
Below are publications associated with with Hurricane Sandy.
Monitoring storm tide and flooding from Hurricane Sandy along the Atlantic coast of the United States, October 2012
Below are data or web applications associated with Hurricane Sandy and USGS flood activities.
USGS Flood Event Viewer
Below are news stories associated with Hurricane Sandy.
Below are partners associated with Hurricane Sandy and USGS flood activities.
During and after Hurricane Sandy, the USGS monitored water levels, storm tide, wave height, and high-water marks at over 224 locations. This information helps the USGS and its partners track the storm and respond to the most-impacted areas.
The USGS Flood Event Viewer helps USGS and its partners to track of the storm and its impact on surface-water levels. A storm track field is included from NOAA's National Hurricane Center, and real-time USGS streamgage data and Rapid Deployment Gage data are linked through this map-based product.
Storm Surge Sensors are also shown that record fine-resolution storm tide and wave level data. This data became available on the viewer as soon as it was safe to retrieve the sensors and upload the data. In addition, imagery was provided from the National Geodetic Survey.
Following the event, high-water mark (HWM) data was added to the map by field crews soon after collection, including survey data and photos.
USGS Hurricane Sandy Activities in the News:
Search for the High Mark - Wall Street Journal article describing efforts of the USGS to track Sandy's flood levels.
Superstorm Snapshot - Discovery Channel-Canada discusses the causes of Hurricane Sandy
USGS Science Features, October 29, 2012: USGS Responds to Hurricane Sandy
USGS Science Features, October 29, 2012: USGS Issues Landslide Alert for Hurricane Sandy
Huffington Post, October 29, 2012: Hurricane Sandy Resources
Below are other science projects associated with Hurricane Sandy and USGS flood activities.
Historical Flooding
Hurricane Sandy
Hurricane Isaac
Flow Modeling at Dam Removal Sites Associated with Hurricane Sandy Resiliency Efforts
Hurricane Sandy - Forecast and Documentation of Coastal Change
Hurricane Sandy - New York
Assessment of Wetland Area Change and Shoreline Erosion Due to Hurricane Sandy
Below are data or web applications associated with Hurricane Sandy and USGS flood activities.
USGS SWaTH Network
USGS Flood Event Viewer - Sandy
Below are publications associated with with Hurricane Sandy.
Monitoring storm tide and flooding from Hurricane Sandy along the Atlantic coast of the United States, October 2012
Below are data or web applications associated with Hurricane Sandy and USGS flood activities.
USGS Flood Event Viewer
Below are news stories associated with Hurricane Sandy.
Below are partners associated with Hurricane Sandy and USGS flood activities.