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An official USGS software project is code reviewed and approved at the bureau-level for distribution.

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altimDSWE and RSQcomp R Packages For Remote Sensing Discharge

Projects and apps to support computation of stream discharge using remotely-sensed satellite data. (RSQ, Remotely Sensed Discharge): altimDSWE: Shiny app tool to support development of relations between satellite altimetry and DSWE data RSQcomp: Shiny app tool for computing stream discharge using remotely sensed data

A comparison of statistical modeling approaches for hierarchical data: A simulation study and application to ecology data

The repository contains code to analyze the differences in model results when nested design structures differ. The code for this project assumes the reader is familiar with R, nested designs, and mixed effects linear modeling.

occStan: Occupancy models with RStan

occStan is an R package (R Core Team 2021) providing a collection of occpuancy Bayesian models written in the Stan language as called through RStan (Stan Development Team 2021). The package is a USGS software software release. The purpose of the package is to document these models for use in USGS projects and allow easy discrimination. The package assumes the user is familiar with R and occupancy

Seismic Network Detection Modeling

This DOI points to the code repository for codes used in David C. Wilson, Emily Wolin, William L. Yeck, Robert E. Anthony, Adam T. Ringler; Modeling Seismic Network Detection Thresholds Using Production Picking Algorithms. Seismological Research Letters 2021; 93 1: doi:

Peak Flow Frequency R Extensions Software Release

Siefken, S.A., McCarthy, P.M., 2021, Peak Flow Frequency R Extensions: U.S. Geological Survey Software Release, DOI:

STEPS: Slip Time Earthquake Path Simulations applied to the San Andreas and Toe Jam Hill faults to redefine geologic slip rate uncertainty (Matlab code)

Geologic slip rates are a time-averaged measurement of fault displacement calculated over 100s- to 1,000,000-year time scales and are a primary input for probabilistic seismic hazard analyses (PSHA), which forecast expected ground shaking in future earthquakes. Despite their utility for seismic hazard calculations, longer-term geologic slip rates represent a time-averaged measure of the tempo of s

Code to access the Central United States Velocity Model, v1.3

We have developed a new three-dimensional seismic velocity model of the central United States (CUSVM) that includes the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) and covers parts of Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, and Tennessee (Ramirez Guzman et al, 2012). The model represents a compilation of decades of crustal research consisting of seismic, aeromagnetic, and gravity profiles

Marfac Machine Vision Camera Interface

This project contains the C# software developed to control and acquire imagery from a FLIR GigE machine vision camera. It is built using the FLIR Spinnaker 64bit SDK version and requires the spinview application and associated dll's. This software was developed using Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 to control and acquire imagery from a GigE machine vision camera (Model: BFS-PGE-50S5C-C, t

climatchR: An implementation of Climatch in R

Matching climate envelopes of allows people to examine how potential invasive species may match habitats. The Australian government created Climatch to do allow for these comparisons. However, this webpage does not allow for readily scripting climate matching. Hence, the authors created climatchR, an R package (R Core Team 2020) implementing the climatch method in R. This was created to allow auto

Dam Removal Information Portal Dashboard Python Dash Software

The Dam Removal Information Portal (DRIP) contains information about the geographic locations of dam removals and any associated scientific studies evaluating outcomes to physical, biological, and water quality parameters. This application uses Python DASH to help distribute and visualize information from the Dam Removal Information Portal API (DRIP API).

Data analysis and figures for Differences in Rhizosphere Microbial Communities Between Native and Non-Native Phragmites australis May Depend on Stand Density

This repository holds the code to reproduce the data analyses and figures found in "Differences in Rhizosphere Microbial Communities Between Native and Non-Native Phragmites australis May Depend on Stand Density" published in Ecology and Evolution written by Wesley A. Bickford, Donald R. Zak, Kurt P. Kowalski, and Deborah E. Goldberg.

pydrip - Software to manage and update data for DRIP

This package handles retrieval and preparation of the source data for DRIP. Source data currently come from two sources. The Dam Removal Science Database is distributed by USGS in ScienceBase ( and a complete list of dam removals is distributed by American Rivers in Figshare. We provide these efforts as a package in order to support full transparency on what we a
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