An official USGS software project is code reviewed and approved at the bureau-level for distribution.
Filter Total Items: 748
wildcat 1.0.0
Wildcat is a software tool to assess and map post-wildfire debris-flow hazards. The package can be run from the command line or within Python. This 1.0.0 release includes the core routines to: * Preprocess input datasets, * Design stream segment networks, * Estimate debris-flow hazards and rainfall thresholds, and * Export results to common GIS formats (such as Shapefiles and GeoJSON)...
Custom Wildlife Report Example for Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge 1.0.0
The Custom Wildlife Report Example for Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge provides an approach for summarizing wildlife GPS data and creates tables, maps, and visualizations. Specifically, the Custom Wildlife Report Example for Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge, creates an interactive HTML report document that lets users interact with maps of waterfowl locations and filter and sort...
statsgo-cog 1.0.0
This release introduces the core statsgo-cog package. This package provides functions to convert soil data fields in the STATSGO archive from shapefiles to cloud optimized GeoTiffs (COGs). The package contains 3 main commands: * download: Downloads the STATSGO shapefile archive from ScienceBase * merge: Merges the shapefile archive into a single shapefile spanning all of the continental...
toxEval 4.1
The toxEval R-package includes a set of functions to analyze, visualize, and organize measured concentration data as it relates to or other user-selected chemical-biological interaction benchmark data such as water quality criteria. The intent of these analyses is to develop a better understanding of the potential biological...
Media Metadata Editor
This Python-based toolbox reads media (photo, audio, video) file locations, creates a metadata template CSV file, and uses the metadata template CSV file to embed metadata into the media files themselves. Created to function exclusively in ArcGIS Pro, the toolbox provides a GUI (graphical user interface) interface to complete functions without the need for Python coding or scripting...
EnergyStorageUQ R and JAGS code
The EnergyStorageUQ repository of R and JAGS code provides JAGS models and an R workflow for analyzing energy storage capacity of gas reservoirs using material balance methods embedded in statistical models. The code contains tools for a workflow that includes fitting models, making predictions with uncertainty through Monte Carlo simulation, and visualizing the resulting material...
Code to evaluate the effect of the 2021 Dixie Fire on the occurrence of foothill yellow-legged frogs (Rana boylii) in northeastern California in 2022
This repository contains code to fit a static occupancy model to time-to-detection data for foothill yellow-legged frogs (Rana boylii). This repository specifically contains code to reproduce analyses in: Halstead, B.J., Kleeman, P.M., and Rose, J.P., 2024, Using structural causal modeling to infer the effects of wildfire on foothill yellow-legged frog occurrence: Journal of Fish and...
mlms---Multilevel Monitoring System (MLMS) data storage and processing for the U.S. Geological Survey Idaho National Laboratory Project Office
Package used to store and process data from the Multilevel Monitoring System (MLMS) used in wells within the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) aquifer-monitoring network at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) in Idaho. Supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the USGS collected discrete measurements of hydraulic head at various depths from wells in the eastern Snake River Plain...
Supporting material for Challenges and opportunities for data integration to improve estimation of migratory connectivity
This is supporting code for the paper "Challenges and opportunities for data integration to improve estimation of migratory connectivity" by Jeffrey A. Hostetler, Emily B. Cohen, Christen M. Bossu, Amy L. Scarpignato, Kristen Ruegg, Andrea Contina, Clark S. Rushing, and Michael T. Hallworth in Methods in Ecology and Evolution. It allows the reader to run the simulations and case studies...
R scripts for the analysis of a predatory fish invasion on a riverine food web
Catfishes are opportunistic feeders that are among the world's worst invasive species. Flathead catfish Pylodictus olivaris -- a large predatory catfish -- were first detected in the Susquehanna River, Pennsylvania, USA in 2002. Since then, they established a viable and rapidly growing population that is expanding its range throughout the river system. Although the predatory effects of...
hyRefactor: Tools for Manipulating the NHDPlus Network in Preparation for Hydrologic Modeling
This software was used to make derivatives of the features in the NHDPlusV2 geospatial dataset for use in hydrologic model applications. It is not intended for users to deploy/use and may produce unexpected results outside the workflow and environment in which it was implemented. For users seeking to deploy a version of this software, please see The...