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An official USGS software project is code reviewed and approved at the bureau-level for distribution.

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North American Bat Monitoring Program: NABat Acoustic ML (version 2.0.0)

Bats play crucial ecological roles, and provide valuable ecosystem services, yet many populations face serious threats from various ecological disturbances. The North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) aims to assess status and trends of bat populations, while developing innovative and community-driven conservation solutions using its unique data and technology infrastructure. To support scal

Code to fit spatially explicit capture-recapture models to trapping data for western deer mice (Peromyscus sonoriensis) at Point Reyes National Seashore

This repository contains code to fit Spatially-Explicit Capture Recapture (SECR) Models to trapping data for Peromyscus sonoriensis (deer mice) at Point Reyes National Seashore and reproduce analyses in the following manuscript: Rose, J.P., Parsons, L.S., Kleeman, P.M., and Halstead, B.J. 2024. Effect of invasive plant removal on the density of Peromyscus sonoriensis (western deer mice) in Point

Aquaculture and Irrigation Water Use Model 2.0 Software

The Mississippi Alluvial Plain (MAP) is one of the most productive agricultural regions in the US and extracts more than 11 km3/year for irrigation activities. The heavy drivers of groundwater use are aquaculture and crops, which include rice, cotton, corn, and soybeans (Wilson, 2021). Consequently, groundwater-level declines in the MAP region (Clark and others, 2011) pose a substantial challenge

inldata---Collection of datasets for the U.S. Geological Survey-Idaho National Laboratory Aquifer Monitoring Networks, v1.1

The inldata package is a collection of analysis-ready datasets for the U.S. Geological Survey - Idaho National Laboratory (USGS-INL) groundwater and surface-water monitoring networks, administered by the USGS-INL Project Office in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy. The data collected from wells and surface-water stations at the Idaho National Laboratory and surrounding areas have been


ListingAnalyst is a program for viewing the main output file from MODFLOW-2005, MODFLOW-NWT, MODFLOW-LGR, MODFLOW-CFP, MODFLOW-OWHM, and MODFLOW 6.

Eelgrass Biomass Model

This code release contains R and JAGS code for estimating average eelgrass biomass at two lagoons (Izembek and Kinzarof) within the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, using data from point count surveys conducted by National Wildlife Refuge and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) personnel. Biomass is estimated using a gamma hurdle model which models the probability of occurrence and eelgrass abu

Scripts to Analyze Altitude Selection in Migrating Pacific Flyway Geese

This code repo contains three scripts used in the associated manuscript to run the analyses (01_model_prob_flight.r; 02_model_altitude_selection.r) and the simulation used to make predictions (03_simulate_prob_fly_per_altitude.r). The analysis serves to evaluate conditions that affect 1) whether geese are in flight vs. resting on the water, 2) what altitude is selected by flying geese, and 3) what

Software for Bayesian Mapping of Regionally Grouped, Sparse, Univariate Earth Science Data (Program BMRGSU)

BMRGSU is software developed by the U.S. Geological Survey for Bayesian mapping of regionally-grouped, sparse, univariate, Earth-science data. This software implements an algorithm that smooths the estimated property across regions so that the deleterious effects of sparse data are mitigated. The algorithm can account for measurements that are censored, it can process multiple datasets with differ

Low Flow Period Seasonality Trend and Climate Linkages Across the United States Software Release version 1.0.0

This is scientific code released to support the paper Low Flow Period Seasonality Trend And Climate Linkages Across The United States.

RESTORE/TCEQswqmisESTUSAL, Source code for manipulation of data stemming from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Surface Water Quality Monitoring Program with emphasis on salinity change statistics for Texas coastal segments

The RESTORE/TCEQswqmisESTUSAL repository contains R language source code that can be used for digesting data retrieved from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Surface Water Quality Monitoring Program through their Surface Water Quality Data Viewer. The workflow described concerns data manipulations, base data filtering, and computations towards documenting long-term salinity change (par

pfdf 1.0.0

pfdf: A Python library to facilitate post-wildfire debris-flow hazard assessments and research. This release provides the core functionality needed to implement operational hazard assessments. This includes tools to: * Analyze watersheds * Delineate and filter stream segment networks * Compute earth-system variables for stream segments in a network * Assess debris-flow probabilities using the mo

Rayleigh Step-Selection Functions

This project aimed to find connections between step-selection functions (SSFs) and partial differential equation models of animal movement and, in doing so, improve the flexibility of SSFs. Please see the associated manuscript cited above for further details.