An official USGS software project is code reviewed and approved at the bureau-level for distribution.
Filter Total Items: 750
R scripts for the analysis of a predatory fish invasion on a riverine food web
Catfishes are opportunistic feeders that are among the world's worst invasive species. Flathead catfish Pylodictus olivaris -- a large predatory catfish -- were first detected in the Susquehanna River, Pennsylvania, USA in 2002. Since then, they established a viable and rapidly growing population that is expanding its range throughout the river system. Although the predatory effects of...
hyRefactor: Tools for Manipulating the NHDPlus Network in Preparation for Hydrologic Modeling
This software was used to make derivatives of the features in the NHDPlusV2 geospatial dataset for use in hydrologic model applications. It is not intended for users to deploy/use and may produce unexpected results outside the workflow and environment in which it was implemented. For users seeking to deploy a version of this software, please see The...
Code release for simulated tag-return study for monitoring invasive fish removals
This repository is a code release to create and analyze simulated datasets to represent a tag-return study for the purposes of estimating annual removal rates of an invasive fish. The simulated scenarios cover ranges of parameters such as the number of fish tagged per year, magnitude of annual harvest rate, length of simulated study, probability of tag retention, probability of tag...
HyMED Hydrologic Model Evaluation for Drought
This package facilitates the analysis and evaluation of hydrologic model streamflow output during periods of drought. This package calculates the Cohen's Kappa, Spearman correlation coefficient, ratio of standard deviation, percent bias, normalized mean absolute error (NMAE) in the annual time series of drought duration, NMAE in the annual times series of the distance the minimum...
Code for Distance sampling accounting for density gradient and animal distribution
Code to estimate animal density from line transect surveys where auxiliary data are available to model the distribution of animals near the survey line and the distribution of animals across the study area.
occstanhm: Hierarchical occupancy models with correlated error structure
This repository contains a R package with 2-level and 3-level occupancy models. The package also contains a set of tutorials designed to help users understand how to use and code occupancy models in Stan. The models include a statistical hierarchy that allows for multi-species modeling and estimating correlations among species. The models may also be used as a more general "random-effect...
AMMonitor: Remote monitoring of biodiversity in an adaptive framework. Version 2.1
Amid climate change and rapidly shifting land uses, effective methods for monitoring wildlife are critical to support scientifically-informed resource management decisions. As such, monitoring is motivated by ecological hypotheses or natural resource management objectives. The practice of using Autonomous Monitoring Units (AMUs) such as trail cameras or audio recorders to monitor...
R code for identifying factors influencing the prevalence of hyperpigmented melanistic lesions in smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu in the Susquehanna River Basin, Pennsylvania
Hyperpigmented melanistic lesions (HPMLs) are a visual anomaly documented on the skin of smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu in the Susquehanna River Basin, Pennsylvania and in numerous other geographical locations. Currently, there is a lack of information on environmental and fish characteristics that may influence the prevalence of HPMLs associated with a recently described...
Code for long-term monitoring reveals management effects on Prairie Warbler colonization, local extinction, and detection in a Massachusetts Pine Barren
This repository contains all of the scripts to reproduce the analyses, figures, and tables associated with the manuscript Gordon et al. in prep. There is 1 R script that does the following: (1) format the data, (2) explores the data, and (3) goes through the analyses for each objective.
Analysis of occupancy surveys near Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) nest sites and random locations between 2018 and 2022 along the central Oregon coast, USA
These data were collected to test whether presence-absence surveys can aid in the identification of nesting sites for the Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus), a threatened seabird that nests in older-aged forests along the Pacific Coast. The code presented here utilizes four data tables (csv documents) which are formatted according to tidy data principles. Those files are also...
USDOT traffic data processing source code, v1.0.0
This code contains the data processing for research described in xxxx by Wood et al., 2024. U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) highway traffic data for each state and month is processed into a single CSV file containing the monthly total of vehicles passing each traffic station camera, the maximum hourly rate for each station and month, and the timestamp when the maximum occurred...
Alligator snapping turtle population simulation model developed in support of the Species Status Assessment
This software release contains six R scripts that comprise a population viability analysis for the alligator snapping turtle (Macrochelys temminckii). To predict numbers of M. temminckii in the future, we constructed a female-only, stage-structured matrix projection model. We incorporated multiple types of uncertainty into the simulation model, including parametric uncertainty and...