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Web Tools

Check out web tools that include alert and notification services, data access, data analysis, data visualizations, digital repositories, and interactive maps.



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Streamflow monitoring network analysis

US Geological Survey operates a streamflow monitoring network that extends across the United States and its territories. The network was analyzed systematically by Konrad and others (2022) for its coverage, resolution, and representation of a wide range of public interests in streamflow information The results can be used to identify priority areas for continued or expanded monitoring.

U.S. Register of Introduced and Invasive Species StoryMap

Comprehensive and Authoritative Lists of Non-Native Taxa Established in Alaska, Hawaii, and the Conterminous United States.

Groundwater Levels in New England

View recent monthly and daily groundwater levels in New England relative to long-term monthly statistics.

Volcano Notification Service (VNS)

The Volcano Notification Service (VNS) is a free service that sends you notification emails about volcanic activity happening at US monitored volcanoes. You can customize the VNS to only deliver notifications for certain volcanoes, or a range of volcanoes, as well as choose the separate notification types you want to receive.

Earthquake Notifications, Feeds, and Web Services

Know about earthquakes just after they happen in real-time via txt message, email, or social media. Plus, get everything you might need to add these earthquake alerts into your own web applications.

Did You Feel It?

Did You Feel It? (DYFI) collects information from people who felt an earthquake and creates a shaking intensity map. Visit the Web Tool to report your experience with an earthquake or to see the shaking intensity map created by the felt reports.

Search Earthquake Catalog

Find past earthquakes and earthquake lists from specific locations and time windows. Results available in a variety of formats.

Geonarrative: Nontidal Network Mapper

The Nontidal Network Mapper geonarrative is a data-driven, interactive narrative that shares the short-term water-year nutrient and suspended-sediment load and trend results for the Chesapeake Bay Program’s non-tidal network (NTN). The mapper provides the primary findings for nitrogen, phosphorus and suspended-sediment trends, and gives the user tools to further examine results.

Lake Tahoe Hydro Mapper

The Lake Tahoe Hydro Mapper is web-based application that provides access to real-time and historical data for Lake Tahoe and surrounding areas.

Hurricane Florence Numerical Modeling

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has partnered with North Carolina State University (NCSU), Louisiana State University (LSU) and University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) to investigate hurricane-induced compound flooding and sediment dispersal using coupled hydrology and ocean models.

A Century of Change in Grand Bay, Mississippi and Alabama

The Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR) in southern Mississippi was established to provide recreational and educational opportunities along with facilitating science-based coastal management; therefore, Grand Bay is the subject of numerous short and long-term environmental studies. The reserve is an important location for research and conservation.

Los Cambios Costeros en Puerto Rico

El Servicio Geológico de los Estados Unidos (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés) ha desarrollado una geonarrativa en español e inglés sobre los cambios en la costa de Puerto Rico que explica las tendencias históricas de la línea costera de la isla, los impactos de los huracanes en la costa y las posibles soluciones para proteger a las comunidades y mitigar los peligros costeros.
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