Web Tools
Check out web tools that include alert and notification services, data access, data analysis, data visualizations, digital repositories, and interactive maps.
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All Web Tools
EXPRESS Data Viewer
Expanding Pacific Research and Exploration of Submerged Systems (EXPRESS) is an inter-agency federal and nonfederal collaborative research effort aimed at gathering new data of the deep ocean, continental shelf and slope offshore of California, Oregon and Washington. This expansive partnership includes three federal agencies and additional principle investigators from leading research institutes.
Water-Quality Data Collection Sites in the Merrimack River Basin and its Major Tributaries
This interactive map displays the location of water-quality data-collection sites, the drainage area for the Merrimack River, and selected streams in the Merrimack River Basin.
Landsat Science Products Overview
Explore an overview of the Landsat Science Products.
Landsat Satellites Collection
Over the course of fifty years, eight Landsat satellites have observed the Earth's surface. This storymap collection allows users to view each satellite's heritage from Landsat 1 through Landsat 9 (Landsat 6 did not achieve orbit). See first light images, significant events, and unique science for each satellite.
Unified Hazard Tool
Use this web application to obtain earthquake hazards data from the U.S. Hazard Model.
Landsat Virtual Booth
Explore the basics of Landsat with this interactive storymap. Storymaps combine images, maps, videos, and weblinks to create an immersive learning experience for users.
Landsat 7 Overview
Landsat 7 launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California on April 15, 1999, on a Delta II rocket. The satellite carries the Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) sensor. The ETM+ provided useful scientific information about the world’s landmasses for 23 years. Landsat 7 completed its science mission on April 6, 2022.
Landsat 5 Overview
Landsat 5 remains the only Earth-observing satellite with a Guinness World Record , holding the title for "Longest Operating Earth Observation Satellite" after servicing our planet for nearly 29 years. Launched in 1984 and retired in 2013, Landsat 5 recorded many important events, including scientific discoveries, world events, and major disasters.
Watershed-based Midwest Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Tool
Climate change has and is projected to continue to alter historic regimes of temperature, precipitation, and hydrology.
Climate Change and Freshwater Fish
Lakes in Wisconsin are getting warmer, and fish communities are changing as a result. Understanding recent trends and anticipating future changes can help decision-makers protect resilient populations, adapt to new conditions, and effectively communicate realistic expectations.
Global Vs30 Mosaic Map Viewer
Global Vs30 Mosaic Map Viewer based on topographic slope, with custom embedded maps for Vs30 (the time-averaged shear-wave velocity to 30 m depth) models and data.
Landsat Archive Dashboard
The Landsat Archive Dashboard provides interactive map views of Landsat Collection 2 products per WRS-1 or WRS-2 by Path/Row. There are three Landsat archive maps: Landsat 4 – 9 daytime, Landsat 4 – 9 nighttime, and Landsat 1 – 3. A product summary statistics page is also provided for Landsat 1 – 9. Maps and the statistics page can be filtered on multiple categories.