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Kate Campbell

Kate Campbell is a research biogeochemist specializing in microbial and abiotic metal redox cycling, mineralogy, and modeling in natural and mine-influenced waters.

Kate Campbell started her career with the USGS with the volunteer for science program as a high school student interested in the water quality of Boulder Creek, CO.  After majoring in chemistry in college, she pursued a Ph.D. at Catech studying the biogeochemistry of arsenic redox transformations in reservoir sediments.  She returned to the USGS as a National Research Council postdoctoral fellow in 2007 in Menlo Park, CA, researching uranium bioremediation in shallow contaminated aquifers.  Currently, she is a research chemist in Denver, CO. Her research projects include understanding the biogeochemistry and mineralogy of metals and metalloids in mine-impacted waters, particularly in acid rock drainage and uranium-contaminated water.  She also studies microbial kinetics of iron, arsenic, and antimony oxidation in acid mine drainage, and how to incorporate microbial kinetics in reactive transport models for field-scale application as a tool for site managers.  

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