Richard Erickson, PhD
Folks call me Richie. My research focuses on applying quantitative ecology to invasive species. Currently, I am developing population models to inform Invasive carp management and developing methods for applying occupancy models to environmental DNA (eDNA).
Broadly, I am a research ecologist who studies the interactions between people and their environment. Specifically, I have studied:
- Terrestrial invasive plant species (undergraduate jobs and internships);
- Mosquito/dengue disease dynamics (my MS research);
- Population-level and interspecific effects of pesticides (my PhD research);
- The spatial impacts of wind energy and white-nose syndrome on bat population dynamics (my post-doc project); and
- The distribution and dynamics of aquatic invasive species and the application of this knowledge to their control (my current position).
Or, as a friend once said, "you model things dying".
Along the way, I have picked up skills in ecological, mathematical ecology, computation biology, and high-throughput computing. Although my skill set and research interests may appear to be broad, they have an underlying theme of studying population-level effects and distribution and then applying these finding to resource management.
Professional Experience
Adjunct graduate faculty at University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, Texas Tech, and South Dakota State
EPA Star Graduate Fellow 2010-2013
USGS contractor 2013-2014
Education and Certifications
Texas Tech University (Env. Tox., Math minor), PhD 2013
Texas Tech University (Env. Tox.), MS 2009
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (Wildlife and Biology, Chem. minor), BS 2007
Science and Products
occStan: Occupancy models with RStan
Detecting seasonal movements and spawning of bigheaded carp using environmental DNA (eDNA)
Sampling design for landscape level environmental DNA monitoring programs
R package creation supports cutting edge science
Climate matching with the climatchR R package
Multiscale occupancy modeling of environmental DNA using the R package EDNAOCCUPANCY
Modeling to inform bighead and silver carp management
Modeling Overview at UMESC
Using Jupyter Notebooks to tell data stories and create reproducible workflows
Whole Wildlife Toxicology Catalog
Flocks of a feather dock together: Using Docker and HTCondor to link high-throughput computing across the USGS
Hunting Invasive Species with HTCondor: High Throughput Computing for Big Data and Next Generation Sequencing
Brodifacoum isomer formulation study
BioLake bioclimatic variables based on ERA5-Land lake temperature estimates 1991-2020
Dataset from the Upper Mississippi River Restoration Program (1993-2019) to reconstruct missing data by comparing interpolation techniques
Data Release for Validation of portable eDNA detection kit for Asian carps
Bat demographic look up tables for BatTool R package
Field observation of current velocities (2019) along the Chincoteague Living Shoreline, Virginia
Use of an artificial stream to monitor avoidancebehavior of larval sea lamprey in response to TFM and Niclosamide
Summary of 2019 Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry articles: Data and Code
Assessment of carbon dioxide piscicide treatments: Data
Ethanol and sodium acetate as a preservation method to delay degradation of environmental DNA: Data
Indiana Bat Project data
Brodifacoum isomer formulations with potentially lower risk to non-target wildlife
Implications of spatial variation of eDNA detections across an invasion gradient for invasive species monitoring programs
Community for Data Integration 2020 project report
A reproducible manuscript workflow with a Quarto template
The where and why of large wood occurrence in the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers
Applying local and global sensitivity analysis to inform bigheaded carp management
Multi-scale effects of behavioral movement deterrents on invasive carp metapopulations
Comparing maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods for fitting hidden Markov models to multi-state capture-recapture data of invasive carp in the Illinois River
Using a coupled integral projection model to investigate interspecific competition during an invasion: An application to silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum)
Bridging the gap between mathematical biology and undergraduate education using applicable natural resource modeling
Assessing the suitability of YY males and ZZ females as an invasive species population control method across life histories
Efficacy of hydrogen peroxide to reduce Gyrodactylus species infestation density on four fish species
The BatTool R package provides functions implementing a demographic matrix model with associated Shiny graphical user interface.
occstanhm: Hierarchical occupancy models with correlated error structure
occupancy model of eDNA gradient in Illinois River
multistater: A MULTI-STATistical approach to fitting MULTI-STATE models with R
Analysis of data for Effects of formaldehyde (Parasite-S) on biofilter nitrification from a cold- and a warm freshwater RAS
Quarto template for the Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management
Example application of MetaIPM to the Illinois River v2.0
MetaIPM: A Meta-population Integral Projection Model v 2.0
Comparing maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods for fitting Hidden Markov Models to multi-state capture recapture data of invasive Silver Carp in the Illinois River
Monosex control within integrated pest management
Simulations for assessing the suitability of YY-males as a control method across life histories
Science and Products
occStan: Occupancy models with RStan
Detecting seasonal movements and spawning of bigheaded carp using environmental DNA (eDNA)
Sampling design for landscape level environmental DNA monitoring programs
R package creation supports cutting edge science
Climate matching with the climatchR R package
Multiscale occupancy modeling of environmental DNA using the R package EDNAOCCUPANCY
Modeling to inform bighead and silver carp management
Modeling Overview at UMESC
Using Jupyter Notebooks to tell data stories and create reproducible workflows
Whole Wildlife Toxicology Catalog
Flocks of a feather dock together: Using Docker and HTCondor to link high-throughput computing across the USGS
Hunting Invasive Species with HTCondor: High Throughput Computing for Big Data and Next Generation Sequencing
Brodifacoum isomer formulation study
BioLake bioclimatic variables based on ERA5-Land lake temperature estimates 1991-2020
Dataset from the Upper Mississippi River Restoration Program (1993-2019) to reconstruct missing data by comparing interpolation techniques
Data Release for Validation of portable eDNA detection kit for Asian carps
Bat demographic look up tables for BatTool R package
Field observation of current velocities (2019) along the Chincoteague Living Shoreline, Virginia
Use of an artificial stream to monitor avoidancebehavior of larval sea lamprey in response to TFM and Niclosamide
Summary of 2019 Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry articles: Data and Code
Assessment of carbon dioxide piscicide treatments: Data
Ethanol and sodium acetate as a preservation method to delay degradation of environmental DNA: Data
Indiana Bat Project data
Brodifacoum isomer formulations with potentially lower risk to non-target wildlife
Implications of spatial variation of eDNA detections across an invasion gradient for invasive species monitoring programs
Community for Data Integration 2020 project report
A reproducible manuscript workflow with a Quarto template
The where and why of large wood occurrence in the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers
Applying local and global sensitivity analysis to inform bigheaded carp management
Multi-scale effects of behavioral movement deterrents on invasive carp metapopulations
Comparing maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods for fitting hidden Markov models to multi-state capture-recapture data of invasive carp in the Illinois River
Using a coupled integral projection model to investigate interspecific competition during an invasion: An application to silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum)
Bridging the gap between mathematical biology and undergraduate education using applicable natural resource modeling
Assessing the suitability of YY males and ZZ females as an invasive species population control method across life histories
Efficacy of hydrogen peroxide to reduce Gyrodactylus species infestation density on four fish species
The BatTool R package provides functions implementing a demographic matrix model with associated Shiny graphical user interface.