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USGS Distance Learning (DL) Program

The Distance Learning (DL) Program was developed in early 2004 to assist USGS subject-matter experts (SME), course developers, and course coordinators to redevelop existing science and technical classroom courses, or create new courses, for blended-learning or self-paced distance delivery. 

Distance Learning Products

Listing of Available Virtual Learning Opportunities

Megan Poff photo from video
Still photo of Megan Poff, Supervisory Hydrologist, NV WSC, from the Hydrotube video How to Survey a Slope Conveyance Indirect Measurement Using a Conventional Optical or Digital Level.

An integrated, focused, and engaging distance learning program helps establish the environment where an employee can embrace their role within the organization and how they can help achieve the vision and mission. We serve as the first point-of-contact for dynamic USGS distance learning delivery development.


Key Objectives of the DL Program

  • Deploy highly effective, accessible, and interactive training in all scientific and technical areas through distance-learning or blended-learning delivery methods.
  • Get relevant training to more students.
  • Lower travel and training costs.
  • Ensure highly effective transfer of information.
  • Increase learning of critical skills across the bureau.
  • Execute a yearly (if funding is available) “Request for Proposals for Learning & Development (L&D) Products,” where OED will fund half of the subject-matter expert’s (SME) time to develop the content. These L&D products can include the short instructional videos, branching scenarios, an effective job aid for a procedure, micro-learning lessons, a series of real-world practice activities, and more.
  • Offer Instructional Systems Design (ISD) consulting to classroom instructors as well as distance learning instructors to ensure an effective, highly interactive, learning experience is created.


Essential Duties of the DL Program Team (DLPT)

The DLPT can assist USGS instructors with:

  • Identifying the performance problem that the L&D product will correct and assisting the SME with developing a just-in-time and just what is needed learning solution.
  • The instructional integrity of their L&D product.
  • Managing and scheduling of L&D products.
  • Recommending effective and creative uses of technology to create new L&D products.
  • Coaching and training to effectively facilitate L&D products (collaboration tools, forums, among others)
  • Ensuring all L&D products are Section 508 compliant and accessible for all employees.
  • Importing L&D products into the DOI Learning Management System for deployment and tracking.


Where to go From Here


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