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Browse here for some of our available imagery. We may get permission to use some non-USGS images and these should be marked and are subject to copyright laws. USGS Astrogeology images can be freely downloaded.

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Oblique view of Curiosity rover's traverse, with inset images showing where outliers were identified in ChemCam data
Using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to Find Outliers in Curiosity Rover's ChemCam Data
Using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to Find Outliers in Curiosity Rover's ChemCam Data
Using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to Find Outliers in Curiosity Rover's ChemCam Data

Oblique view of Gale crater, Mars, annotated with the Curiosity rover's traverse. Inset images show targets identified as outliers in ChemCam data using a machine learning algorithm developed by REU student Liberty Mallison.

Oblique view of Gale crater, Mars, annotated with the Curiosity rover's traverse. Inset images show targets identified as outliers in ChemCam data using a machine learning algorithm developed by REU student Liberty Mallison.

Image of the Mars surface from NASA's Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 4251
Mars Curiosity Rover image on sol 4251
Mars Curiosity Rover image on sol 4251
Mars Curiosity Rover image on sol 4251

This image was taken by the NASA Mars curiosity rover on sol 4251 by the front hazcam.

This image was taken by the NASA Mars curiosity rover on sol 4251 by the front hazcam.

A comparison of the Apollo 11 and Apollo 17 traverses. The Apollo 17 traverse covers a notably larger area.
Comparison of Apollo 11 and Apollo 17 traverses
Comparison of Apollo 11 and Apollo 17 traverses
Comparison of Apollo 11 and Apollo 17 traverses

The Apollo 11 Traverses (left) did not travel more than ~1/10th of a mile from the LEM. The Apollo 17 Traverses (base image), on the other hand, traveled 22.2 miles in Grover. This map illustrates the difference in scale between the two missions. Photo Credit: NASA/GFSC/ASU, USGS Astrogeology

The Apollo 11 Traverses (left) did not travel more than ~1/10th of a mile from the LEM. The Apollo 17 Traverses (base image), on the other hand, traveled 22.2 miles in Grover. This map illustrates the difference in scale between the two missions. Photo Credit: NASA/GFSC/ASU, USGS Astrogeology

Example of nested map scales using USGS IMAP 800
Example of nested mapping scales at the Apollo 17 landing site
Example of nested mapping scales at the Apollo 17 landing site
Example of nested mapping scales at the Apollo 17 landing site

The nested quality of USGS IMAP 800 is exemplified in this image. The inset of the 1:50K (smaller area, larger scale) landing site map is outlined on the 1:250K (larger area, smaller scale) map of the Taurus Littrow area. Photo Credit: USGS Astrogeology

The nested quality of USGS IMAP 800 is exemplified in this image. The inset of the 1:50K (smaller area, larger scale) landing site map is outlined on the 1:250K (larger area, smaller scale) map of the Taurus Littrow area. Photo Credit: USGS Astrogeology

Grayscale image of the Gruithuisen domes features on the Moon
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera Mosaic of Gruithuisen Domes
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera Mosaic of Gruithuisen Domes
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera Mosaic of Gruithuisen Domes

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) mosaic of the Gruithuisen (pronounced “groot-high-sen”) domes on the Moon. These unusual high-silica volcanic features are the target of the NASA Lunar Vulkan Imaging Spectroscopy Explorer (Lunar-VISE) mission. USGS scientist Kristen Bennett is a member of the Lunar-VISE science team.

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) mosaic of the Gruithuisen (pronounced “groot-high-sen”) domes on the Moon. These unusual high-silica volcanic features are the target of the NASA Lunar Vulkan Imaging Spectroscopy Explorer (Lunar-VISE) mission. USGS scientist Kristen Bennett is a member of the Lunar-VISE science team.

Satellite view of the explosive eruption of Hunga Tonga volcano
Hunga Tonga Volcano Ash Plume
Hunga Tonga Volcano Ash Plume
Hunga Tonga Volcano Ash Plume

GOES-West image of the explosive eruption of the Hunga Tonga volcano in 2022. The explosion atmospheric pressure waves that traveled around the world. Read more here.

GOES-West image of the explosive eruption of the Hunga Tonga volcano in 2022. The explosion atmospheric pressure waves that traveled around the world. Read more here.

Photograph showing a group of people hiking over rocks and boulders into the interior of Meteor Crater.
Asteroid Impact Modeling Working Group Hikes into Meteor Crater
Asteroid Impact Modeling Working Group Hikes into Meteor Crater
Asteroid Impact Modeling Working Group Hikes into Meteor Crater

This photograph shows members of the Asteroid Impact Modeling Working Group workshop participants descending into Meteor Crater in northern Arizona. Meteor Crater is the best-preserved asteroid impact crater on Earth. It has been used to study the effects of impact, and as a site to train astronauts.

This photograph shows members of the Asteroid Impact Modeling Working Group workshop participants descending into Meteor Crater in northern Arizona. Meteor Crater is the best-preserved asteroid impact crater on Earth. It has been used to study the effects of impact, and as a site to train astronauts.

Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Logo
Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Logo
Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Logo
Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Logo

This a version of the logo for the Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT). It is intended for use in info boxes on the USGS website. The spectrum in the graphic is a laser induced breakdown spectroscopy spectrum, plotted on a logarithmic y axis to emphasize weaker emission peaks.

This a version of the logo for the Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT). It is intended for use in info boxes on the USGS website. The spectrum in the graphic is a laser induced breakdown spectroscopy spectrum, plotted on a logarithmic y axis to emphasize weaker emission peaks.

screenshot of an example data table in PyHAT format
Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Data Format Example
Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Data Format Example
Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Data Format Example

Screenshot showing the simple data format used by the Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT). Spectra are stored in rows of the table, along with their associated metadata and compositional information.

Screenshot showing the simple data format used by the Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT). Spectra are stored in rows of the table, along with their associated metadata and compositional information.

Image of the Mars surface from NASA's Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 4158
MSL image of the Martian Surface on sol 4158
MSL image of the Martian Surface on sol 4158
MSL image of the Martian Surface on sol 4158

This image was taken of the Martian surface by the NASA MSL rover on sol 4158, showing an assortment of clasts.

This image was taken of the Martian surface by the NASA MSL rover on sol 4158, showing an assortment of clasts.

Image showing the PyHAT logo, screenshot of the GUI, and several plots
Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Banner Image
Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Banner Image
Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Banner Image

This image is intended as a summary/promotional image for the Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) software.

This image is intended as a summary/promotional image for the Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) software.

CRISM mineral map image, with Red = Olivine, Green = High-Ca Pyroxene, and Blue = Low-Ca pyroxene
Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Mineral Parameter Map Example - Jezero Crater, Mars
Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Mineral Parameter Map Example - Jezero Crater, Mars
Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Mineral Parameter Map Example - Jezero Crater, Mars

This figure shows an example mineral parameter map image generated using PyHAT. The area in this Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) image is Jezero crater, the landing site of NASA's Mars Perseverance rover.

This figure shows an example mineral parameter map image generated using PyHAT. The area in this Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) image is Jezero crater, the landing site of NASA's Mars Perseverance rover.

Image of some poorly sorted clasts on Mars.

Image shows a poorly sorted collection of clasts, taken by the NASA Mars Curiosity rover on sol 4139. 

Image shows a poorly sorted collection of clasts, taken by the NASA Mars Curiosity rover on sol 4139. 

Scatter plot showing PCA scores as points. Several points are marked in red as outliers.
Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Outlier Identification Example
Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Outlier Identification Example
Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Outlier Identification Example

This figure shows an example of outlier identification using PyHAT. The input data were laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) spectra. PyHAT was used to apply a baseline correction and normalization to the total intensity for each spectrum. Dimensionality was then reduced using principal components analysis (PCA).

This figure shows an example of outlier identification using PyHAT. The input data were laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) spectra. PyHAT was used to apply a baseline correction and normalization to the total intensity for each spectrum. Dimensionality was then reduced using principal components analysis (PCA).

Plot showing the LIBS spectrum of basalt, with colored lines approximating the baseline using different algorithms.
Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Baseline Removal Plot Example
Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Baseline Removal Plot Example
Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Baseline Removal Plot Example

This figure shows an example spectrum plot generated using PyHAT. The black line is a laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) spectrum of a basalt sample. The colored lines show the baseline estimated using several different algorithms. 

This figure shows an example spectrum plot generated using PyHAT. The black line is a laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) spectrum of a basalt sample. The colored lines show the baseline estimated using several different algorithms. 

Plot showing the training set and cross validation error vs number of components for a PLS model predicting CaO
Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Partial Least Squares Cross Validation Example
Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Partial Least Squares Cross Validation Example
Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Partial Least Squares Cross Validation Example

This figure shows the results of cross-validating a Partial Least Squares (PLS) model to predict the abundance of CaO in geologic targets using PyHAT. Cross validation is necessary to optimize the parameters of a regression algorithm to avoid overfitting.

This figure shows the results of cross-validating a Partial Least Squares (PLS) model to predict the abundance of CaO in geologic targets using PyHAT. Cross validation is necessary to optimize the parameters of a regression algorithm to avoid overfitting.

Scatter plot comparing predicted vs actual CaO content for a set of spectra of geologic targets using two regression models
Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Regression Example
Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Regression Example
Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Regression Example

This figure compares the results of two regression models to predict the abundance of CaO in geologic standards based on their laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) spectra using PyHAT. The horizontal axis is the independently measured CaO abundance, the vertical axis is the abundance predicted by the models.

This figure compares the results of two regression models to predict the abundance of CaO in geologic standards based on their laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) spectra using PyHAT. The horizontal axis is the independently measured CaO abundance, the vertical axis is the abundance predicted by the models.

Graph of PCA scores, color coded by Fe2O3T content, and the loading vectors used to calculate the scores.
Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Plot Example
Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Plot Example
Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Plot Example

This figure shows an example PCA plot generated using PyHAT. The input data were laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) spectra. PyHAT was used to apply a baseline correction and normalization to the total intensity for each spectrum.

This figure shows an example PCA plot generated using PyHAT. The input data were laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) spectra. PyHAT was used to apply a baseline correction and normalization to the total intensity for each spectrum.

Plot of PCA scores and loadings. The points in the scores plot are color coded based on the cluster assigned by k-means
Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Principal Component Analysis K-Means Clustering Example
Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Principal Component Analysis K-Means Clustering Example
Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT) Principal Component Analysis K-Means Clustering Example

This figure shows an example PCA plot generated using PyHAT. The input data were laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) spectra. PyHAT was used to apply a baseline correction and normalization to the total intensity for each spectrum.

This figure shows an example PCA plot generated using PyHAT. The input data were laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) spectra. PyHAT was used to apply a baseline correction and normalization to the total intensity for each spectrum.

Thumbnail graphic for the PyHAT software package
PyHAT Thumbnail
PyHAT Thumbnail
PyHAT Thumbnail

This is the small logo for the Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT). It is intended for use as a thumbnail. The spectrum in the graphic is a laser induced breakdown spectroscopy spectrum, plotted on a logarithmic y axis to emphasize weaker emission peaks.

This is the small logo for the Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool (PyHAT). It is intended for use as a thumbnail. The spectrum in the graphic is a laser induced breakdown spectroscopy spectrum, plotted on a logarithmic y axis to emphasize weaker emission peaks.

Coloring page of Grover, the Geologic Rover.
Grover Coloring Page
Grover Coloring Page
Grover Coloring Page

A coloring page and information about Grover, the USGS's geologic rover that went to the moon during the Apollo missions.

A coloring page and information about Grover, the USGS's geologic rover that went to the moon during the Apollo missions.

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