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Below is a list of the most recent EROS peer-reviewed scientific papers, reports, fact sheets, and other publications. You can search all our publication holdings by type, topic, year, and order.

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Filter Total Items: 2484

Applications of the U.S. Geological Survey's global land cover product

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in partnership with several international agencies and universities, has produced a global land cover characteristics database. The land cover data were created using multitemporal analysis of advanced very high resolution radiometer satellite images in conjunction with other existing geographic data. A translation table permits the conversion of the land cover c
B. Reed

Distribution and stability of eelgrass beds at Izembek Lagoon, Alaska

Spatial change in eelgrass meadows, Zostera marina L., was assessed between 1978 and 1987 and between 1987 and 1995 at Izembek Lagoon, Alaska. Change in total extent was evaluated through a map to map comparison of data interpreted from a 1978 Landsat multi-spectral scanner image and 1987 black and white aerial photographs. A ground survey in 1995 was used to assess spatial change from 1987. Eelgr
David H. Ward, Carl J. Markon, David C. Douglas

The availability of Landsat data: Past, present, and future

It has long been recognized that the success of the Landsat program would depend on an effective distribution of its data to a wide variety of users, worldwide, in a timely manner. Since 1972, nearly $250 million worth of data have been distributed by a network of ground stations around the world. The policies of the U.S. Government affecting the distribution, availability, and pricing of Landsat
W. C. Draeger, T. M. Holm, D. T. Lauer, R.J. Thompson

Case study modeling of turbulent and mesoscale fluxes over the BOREAS region

Results from aircraft and surface observations provided evidence for the existence of mesoscale circulations over the Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (BOREAS) domain. Using an integrated approach that included the use of analytical modeling, numerical modeling, and data analysis, we have found that there are substantial contributions to the total budgets of heat over the BOREAS domain generated
P.L. Vidale, R.A. Pielke, L. T. Steyaert, A. Barr

Land cover mapping, fire regeneration, and scaling studies in the Canadian boreal forest with 1 km AVHRR and Landsat TM data

A multitemporal 1 km advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR) land cover analysis approach was used as the basis for regional land cover mapping, fire disturbance-regeneration, and multiresolution land cover scaling studies in the boreal forest ecosystem of central Canada. The land cover classification was developed by using regional field observations from ground and low-level aircraft tr
L. T. Steyaert, F.G. Hall, Thomas R. Loveland

The Landsat program: Its origins, evolution, and impacts

Landsat 1 began an era of space-based resource data collection that changed the way science, industry, governments, and the general public view the Earth. For the last 25 years, the Landsat program - despite being hampered by institutional problems and budget uncertainties - has successfully provided a continuous supply of synoptic, repetitive, multi-spectral data of the Earth's land areas. These
D. T. Lauer, S.A. Morain, V.V. Salomonson

Estimating millet production for famine early warning: An application of crop simulation modelling using satellite and ground-based data in Burkina Faso

Early warning of impending poor crop harvests in highly variable environments can allow policy makers the time they need to take appropriate action to ameliorate the effects of regional food shortages on vulnerable rural and urban populations. Crop production estimates for the current season can be obtained using crop simulation models and remotely sensed estimates of rainfall in real time, embedd
P. K. Thornton, W. T. Bowen, A. C. Ravelo, P. W. Wilkens, G. Farmer, J. Brock, J. E. Brink

The IGBP-DIS global 1km land cover data set, DISCover: First results

The International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme Data and Information System (IGBP-DIS) is co-ordinating the development of global land data sets from Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data. The first is a 1 km spatial resolution land cover product 'DISCover', based on monthly Normalized Difference Vegetation Index composites from 1992 and 1993. DISCover is a 17 class land cover data
Thomas R. Loveland, A.S. Belward

Landsat-7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus radiometric calibration

Landsat-7 is currently being built and tested for launch in 1998. The Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) sensor for Landsat-7, a derivative of the highly successful Thematic Mapper (TM) sensors on Landsats 4 and 5, and the Landsat-7 ground system are being built to provide enhanced radiometric calibration performance. In addition, regular vicarious calibration campaigns are being planned to prov
B. L. Markham, Wayne C. Boncyk, D. L. Helder, J. L. Barker

Landsat TM memory effect characterization and correction

Before radiometric calibration of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data can be done accurately, it is necessary to minimize the effects of artifacts present in the data that originate in the instrument's signal processing path. These artifacts have been observed in downlinked image data since shortly after launch of Landsat 4 and 5. However, no comprehensive work has been done to characterize all the
D. Helder, W. Boncyk, R. Morfitt

Seasonal vegetation characteristics of the United States

The U.S. Geological Survey's EROS Data Center has created a prototype 1‐km resolution data base of vegetation seasonal characteristics. The characteristics are derived from time‐series NDVI data collected by the AVHRR satellite sensor. Information covering the 5 years 1989–1993 is included in the data base. Although quantitative validation of the seasonal characteristics cannot be made until sever
Bradley C. Reed, Limin Yang
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