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The USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center created posters about each of these completed research projects. Here, the posters are presented along with additional information.

This poster shows an illustration of a lake bed looking from a side-angle, with text that talks about how the map was made.
Mapping Crater Lake, Oregon
This poster shows information about the greater San Francisco Bay area, with text that talks about our research in the area.
Oceanography Beyond the Golden Gate
Poster with illustrations of the underwater part of a bay, with text about the work done in the area.
Mapping Shipping Hazards in San Francisco Bay
Poster with illustrations of the underwater part of the ocean, with text about the work done in the area.
Tsunami Hazards in the Santa Barbara Channel
Poster laid out with photos, images, and text.
Big Sur Coastal Landslides
Poster composed of photographs and text.
“Flying Eyeball” Measures Grand Canyon Sand
Poster laid out with photos, images, and text.
Island-hopping Coral Larvae in Hawaiʻi
Poster laid out with photos, images, and text.
Mud Damages Hawaiian Coral Reefs
Poster laid out with photos, images, and text.
Should Englebright Dam Be Removed?
Poster laid out with photos, images, and text.
Giant Hawaiian Underwater Landslides






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