Streamflow Statistics
Including annual, high (flood), and low (drought) flows at user-selected points on streams
StreamStats is a national web-based application that provides selected water-resource information for Pennsylvania. Users can easily obtain descriptive information, basin characteristics, and streamflow statistics for USGS streamgages and ungaged stream locations throughout the Commonwealth.
StreamStats is a web application that provides access to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analytical tools that are useful for water-resources planning and management, and for engineering and design purposes. The map-based user interface can delineate drainage areas for user-selected sites on streams and provide basin characteristics and estimates of flow statistics for the selected sites. StreamStats users also can select the locations of USGS data-collection stations, shown as triangles on the StreamStats map, and get flow statistics and other information for the stations. Additional tools are available for discovering information about streams and the activities along them.
Pennsylvania StreamStats incorporates regression equations for estimating streamflow statistics, for example 100-year recurrence interval floods and 7-day, 10-year low flows. Equations also are provided for estimating bankfull discharge and channel geometry. Water use data is also available in Pennsylvania and can be retrieved after a basin delineation is completed by clicking the "Check For Water Use" button.
Reports document the regression equations available in StreamStats for Pennsylvania, the methods used to develop the equations and to measure the basin characteristics used in the equations, references for GIS data layers used in the analysis, and the errors associated with the estimates obtained from the equations. Users should familiarize themselves with these reports before using StreamStats to obtain estimates of streamflow statistics for ungaged sites in Pennsylvania. Also see USGS StreamStats Support Pennsylvania and Delaware River Basin StreamStats.

Data in support of Pennsylvania StreamStats upgrade to the basin delineation database
Basin Characteristics Rasters for Pennsylvania StreamStats 2020
Elevation and Pebble Count Data for 5 New Sites in Glaciated Setting of Pennsylvania and Southern New York, 2016
Estimated Use of Water by Subbasin (HUC8 and HUC12) in the Delaware River Basin, 2010
Pennsylvania StreamStats: A web-based application for obtaining water-resource-related information
Development of regression equations for the estimation of flood flows at ungaged streams in Pennsylvania
Comparison of regression relations of bankfull discharge and channel geometry for the glaciated and nonglaciated settings of Pennsylvania and southern New York
StreamStats, version 4
Estimated use of water in the Delaware River Basin in Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, 2010
Estimation of daily mean streamflow for ungaged stream locations in the Delaware River Basin, water years 1960–2010
User’s guide for the Delaware River Basin Streamflow Estimator Tool (DRB-SET)
Pennsylvania StreamStats: A web-based application for obtaining water-resource-related information
Regression Equations for Estimating Flood Flows at Selected Recurrence Intervals for Ungaged Streams in Pennsylvania
Low-flow, base-flow, and mean-flow regression equations for Pennsylvania streams
StreamStats Application
StreamStats is a national web-based application that provides selected water-resource information for Pennsylvania. Users can easily obtain descriptive information, basin characteristics, and streamflow statistics for USGS streamgages and ungaged stream locations throughout the Commonwealth.
StreamStats is a web application that provides access to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analytical tools that are useful for water-resources planning and management, and for engineering and design purposes. The map-based user interface can delineate drainage areas for user-selected sites on streams and provide basin characteristics and estimates of flow statistics for the selected sites. StreamStats users also can select the locations of USGS data-collection stations, shown as triangles on the StreamStats map, and get flow statistics and other information for the stations. Additional tools are available for discovering information about streams and the activities along them.
Pennsylvania StreamStats incorporates regression equations for estimating streamflow statistics, for example 100-year recurrence interval floods and 7-day, 10-year low flows. Equations also are provided for estimating bankfull discharge and channel geometry. Water use data is also available in Pennsylvania and can be retrieved after a basin delineation is completed by clicking the "Check For Water Use" button.
Reports document the regression equations available in StreamStats for Pennsylvania, the methods used to develop the equations and to measure the basin characteristics used in the equations, references for GIS data layers used in the analysis, and the errors associated with the estimates obtained from the equations. Users should familiarize themselves with these reports before using StreamStats to obtain estimates of streamflow statistics for ungaged sites in Pennsylvania. Also see USGS StreamStats Support Pennsylvania and Delaware River Basin StreamStats.