Real-Time Storm Response
Coastal change forecasts and pre- and post-storm photos documenting coastal change for landfalling storms. Currently responding to Hurricane Dorian.
To better understand storm impacts on the coast, the USGS National Assessment of Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards group will often respond to landfalling events. A response is triggered by a number of factors including events where landfall has a high likelihood of causing significant coastal change, where there are expected to be significant societal or ecosystem impacts, or where there are overlaps with ongoing research or applied efforts.
Response activities include:
- Documenting pre-storm morphology using lidar topography, oblique aerial photography, and ground GPS surveys to determine the state of the beach before storm impact.
- Forecasting the probability of coastal change by comparing modeled elevations of storm-induced water levels to known elevations of coastal topography.
- Measuring post-storm morphology using lidar topography, oblique aerial photography, and ground GPS surveys to determine the state of the beach after storm impact.
- Quantifying storm-induced coastal change including dune elevation change, shoreline change, and volume change by comparing pre- and post-storm morphology.
- Evaluating and improving accuracy of pre-storm forecast of coastal change.
- Updating scenario-based coastal change forecasts using post-storm beach morphology.
To view probabilities of coastal change for the entire U.S. coast during generalized storm conditions, see the USGS Coastal Change Hazards Portal.
Storm Forecasts and Documenation of Coastal Change
Below are other science projects associated with this project.
Hurricane Dorian - Forecast and Documentation of Coastal Change
Hurricane Isaac - Forecast and Documentation of Coastal Change
Hurricane Joaquin - Forecast and Documentation of Coastal Change
Hurricane Matthew - Forecast and Documentation of Coastal Change
Hurricane Harvey - Forecast and Documentation of Coastal Change
Hurricane Irma - Forecast and Documentation of Coastal Change
Hurricane Nate - Forecast and Documentation of Coastal Change
Forecasting Coastal Change
National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards
Below are data or web applications associated with this project.
Total Water Level and Coastal Change Forecast Viewer
Below are publications associated with this project.
Testing model parameters for wave‐induced dune erosion using observations from Hurricane Sandy
Scaling coastal dune elevation changes across storm-impact regimes
Evaluation of wave runup predictions from numerical and parametric models
Forecasting hurricane impact on coastal topography: Hurricane Ike
Extraction of lidar-based dune-crest elevations for use in examining the vulnerability of beaches to inundation during hurricanes
Below are news stories associated with this project.
Coastal change forecasts and pre- and post-storm photos documenting coastal change for landfalling storms. Currently responding to Hurricane Dorian.
To better understand storm impacts on the coast, the USGS National Assessment of Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards group will often respond to landfalling events. A response is triggered by a number of factors including events where landfall has a high likelihood of causing significant coastal change, where there are expected to be significant societal or ecosystem impacts, or where there are overlaps with ongoing research or applied efforts.
Response activities include:
- Documenting pre-storm morphology using lidar topography, oblique aerial photography, and ground GPS surveys to determine the state of the beach before storm impact.
- Forecasting the probability of coastal change by comparing modeled elevations of storm-induced water levels to known elevations of coastal topography.
- Measuring post-storm morphology using lidar topography, oblique aerial photography, and ground GPS surveys to determine the state of the beach after storm impact.
- Quantifying storm-induced coastal change including dune elevation change, shoreline change, and volume change by comparing pre- and post-storm morphology.
- Evaluating and improving accuracy of pre-storm forecast of coastal change.
- Updating scenario-based coastal change forecasts using post-storm beach morphology.
To view probabilities of coastal change for the entire U.S. coast during generalized storm conditions, see the USGS Coastal Change Hazards Portal.
Storm Forecasts and Documenation of Coastal Change
Below are other science projects associated with this project.
Hurricane Dorian - Forecast and Documentation of Coastal Change
Hurricane Isaac - Forecast and Documentation of Coastal Change
Hurricane Joaquin - Forecast and Documentation of Coastal Change
Hurricane Matthew - Forecast and Documentation of Coastal Change
Hurricane Harvey - Forecast and Documentation of Coastal Change
Hurricane Irma - Forecast and Documentation of Coastal Change
Hurricane Nate - Forecast and Documentation of Coastal Change
Forecasting Coastal Change
National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards
Below are data or web applications associated with this project.
Total Water Level and Coastal Change Forecast Viewer
Below are publications associated with this project.
Testing model parameters for wave‐induced dune erosion using observations from Hurricane Sandy
Scaling coastal dune elevation changes across storm-impact regimes
Evaluation of wave runup predictions from numerical and parametric models
Forecasting hurricane impact on coastal topography: Hurricane Ike
Extraction of lidar-based dune-crest elevations for use in examining the vulnerability of beaches to inundation during hurricanes
Below are news stories associated with this project.