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Web Tools

Check out web tools that include alert and notification services, data access, data analysis, data visualizations, digital repositories, and interactive maps.



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Filter Total Items: 593

Fairfax Water Quality Dashboard

The Fairfax Water Quality Dashboard provides access to water quality data from 6 intensive monitoring stations and 15 trend monitoring stations in Fairfax County.

Hampton Roads Water Quality Dashboard

The Hampton Roads Water Quality Dashboard displays data from 12 water-quality monitoring stations across the cities of Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Virginia Beach. This application provides access to current conditions at each monitoring station and visualize timeseries plots for continuously monitored parameters collected at each monitoring stations.

USGS-DOE Cooperative Studies and Groundwater Monitoring in Nevada web application

The USGS-DOE Cooperative Studies and Groundwater Monitoring in Nevada web application provides an interactive and easy-to-use interface to access groundwater levels, groundwater withdrawal, and water-temperature data for wells on and adjacent to the NNSS.

Legacy Mercury Contamination from Historical Gold Mining

To understand the contamination caused by historic mining in California, researchers sampled sediment, water, and biota (animals) during the years 1999–2004 and 2011–2012. From the data collected, a set of interactive maps were produced. The maps, along with the data release and introductory video, explain the results of the research.

Landsat Reprocessing Events Search Application

The Landsat Reprocessing Application allows you to discover scene and tile products that have been changed by reprocessing.

Estimated Depth to Groundwater in the Portland, Oregon Area

This application provides access to estimates of depth-to-water and the water-table elevation for the Portland, Oregon, metropolitan area.

U.S. Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility Map

A web-based interactive map that combines the national landslide inventory compilation with the national landslide susceptibility map. This searchable map integrates contributions from various local, state, and federal agencies and offers links to the original digital inventory files for more detailed information.

Prioritizing restoration of coastal wetlands on Molokaʻi

Hawaiian coastal wetlands provide important habitat for endangered waterbirds and socio-cultural resources for Native Hawaiians. Currently, they are degraded by development, sedimentation, and invasive species and, thus, require restoration. Site prioritization represents both an actionable plan for coastal wetland restoration and an alternative protocol for restoration decision-making.

Recreational Inland Fisheries as Food

Inland recreational fishing is often conceived as primarily a leisure-driven activity in freshwaters, yet it can contribute substantially to food systems. This tool explores nutrition, economic value, and climate vulnerability of inland recreational consumption by country.

ECCOE Landsat Quarterly Calibration and Validation Reports

The USGS EROS Cal/Val Center of Excellence (ECCOE) Landsat Cal/Val Team, along with their NASA counterparts, maintains primary responsibility for radiometric and geometric characterization and the calibration and validation of the Landsat instruments and spacecrafts. This work includes both the ongoing operations of active Landsat missions, as well as the retired Landsat missions.

New Jersey Groundwater Level and Trends

New Jersey Groundwater Level and Trends provides access to groundwater level data from continuous groundwater wells across New Jersey. Recent water-level measurements for all wells considered are compared to long-term monthly statistics and are classified and visualized according to water-level conditions relative to those statistics.
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